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For My Muse

Poet's Notes

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My computer was hacked into, poetry and animations taken.

The gryphon guards Scythian gold The phoenix guards with riddled clues But the powerful love and light of God Will protect us from the likes of you. Carpe Diem

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 6/29/2017 4:58:00 AM
Dear muse, I am ready to write two new poems: The Pickpocket and Finalmente as recollection from Venise and Vatican.
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Mac Donald Avatar
Michelle Mac Donald
Date: 7/1/2017 10:52:00 AM
I look forward to reading these poems, Ovidiu! :))
Date: 12/26/2016 2:20:00 PM
Enjoy the wonderful holidays of the season. Both you and the other poets of the powerful love and light . Good News in every blessed night~
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Date: 8/6/2016 12:39:00 PM
Love makes the world go round, and it does infinitely more than that, eh, Mikki? Poetry can really be so simple. You have the knack of showing this charm. Great long poems are not my style. I haven't the vocabulary or the skill. Giving one big simple hug, daver
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Mac Donald Avatar
Michelle Mac Donald
Date: 7/1/2017 10:58:00 AM
True love, Daver, is what makes the world spin on its axis. The opposite feels like one is chased and kicked like a football...duh
Date: 7/2/2016 12:00:00 PM
Hello Mikki, This Canzone is indeed most excellent for sure. The powerful love and light of God is a force of divine omnipotence absolutely. Cogently written and metaphorically superb. In my book of "FAVS"!! Cheers and Best, Gary
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Date: 6/2/2016 8:36:00 PM
OH WOW< I found this succinct and cool little poem right here close to the top . Very nice, Michelle. (just went way down to comment from Jan and realized this poem's meaning!!)
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Mac Donald Avatar
Michelle Mac Donald
Date: 6/3/2016 11:10:00 AM
Thank you for your kind comment. With the last line, stuff happens? :( It's cheap, it's dirty, it's vile, and it's horribly creepy. Andrea, I can still be happy for I still have what's most important; my children, my family and my friends.:)
Date: 5/26/2016 11:56:00 AM
This is excellent, concise and straight to the heart. Yes, He will always protect us all.
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Mac Donald Avatar
Michelle Mac Donald
Date: 7/1/2017 10:55:00 AM
Think often, Funom, of your kind & righteous wisdom.
Date: 5/9/2016 10:40:00 AM
Interesting, Carpe Diem as deep meditation especially of 5 strong strange metaphors covering a world entire in the dialectical spirit. The muse is playing with wonderful grace telling much more we could catch in words, about your talent, sense and sensibility.
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Mac Donald Avatar
Michelle Mac Donald
Date: 5/9/2016 2:53:00 PM
Thank you Ovidiu :) I had dreamed of my muse. She had wept, prompting me to stop feeling sorry for myself and recover what had been taken.
Date: 4/23/2016 6:25:00 AM
Dearest poetess even in adversity your words resonate with strength and power. Your poetry shall rise as does Selene anew each eve. Your muse speaks to you from Olympus and cannot be banished by creatures drawn from Erebus. Write again! Love your friend Shane xxx
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Mac Donald Avatar
Michelle Mac Donald
Date: 4/23/2016 7:25:00 AM
my Easter animation. Keep well dear friend, love, Mikki
Mac Donald Avatar
Michelle Mac Donald
Date: 4/23/2016 7:23:00 AM
Ah, you will turn his envious face a darker shade of green; like frankCONstein, with the nuts intact in his head, but a few screws missing. Or perhaps the Easter Grinch with a green pistachio pudding face, that had entered my 'puter during Lent...stayed 40+ days. To top it off he'd taken amongst many things. thanx Shane!
Date: 4/21/2016 2:42:00 PM
Take that you dirty rat! Jimmy Cagney would love this poem, Mikki. If the hackers are reading, this must spoil their fun.Hug, daver
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Mac Donald Avatar
Michelle Mac Donald
Date: 4/23/2016 7:28:00 AM
Honestly Daver, I don't think it spoils their fun at all; it's probably what they're expecting. Any attention is better than none at all in their books. Keep well,,, bear hugs to you! love, Mikki
Date: 4/20/2016 7:00:00 AM
A very powerful poem - so sorry to hear that you have been a victim of hackers Michelle:-( hugs Jan xx
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Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 4/20/2016 6:16:00 PM
That makes it even more sad that you knew them Michelle:-( hugs jan xx
Mac Donald Avatar
Michelle Mac Donald
Date: 4/20/2016 10:18:00 AM
The hacker was someone I'd known on the Soup. There were others, it had been a networking scam. Thank you, Jan.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things