Fire-flies sparkle in the late June night
The show they put on is quite a sight
Both old and young do delight
As darkness fills with their display so bright
They bring to life many childhood dreams
The world around you becomes magical it seems
The evening air becomes trickling streams
Of flashing lights with no set routines
It's a favorite game children play
I guess it's always been that way
Get a jar, dash about and sashay
But, not long in one place will a fire-fly stay
When they do capture a treasured one inside
It's shown to everyone with such pride
But after a few moments often decide
The magic to the jar they should not confide
So, off comes the lid so it will go
To join the others in the wonderful show
And as they grow older, I hope they know
To pass on this game, learned long ago
©Donna Jones
Copyright © Donna Jones | Year Posted 2013
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