Faith Is a Powerful Thing
From a very young age I have been inculcated
And indoctrinated with the belief in god.
I used to have the waking frights in the nights,
Terrific deep fears of “Satan” everywhere and
Horrible nightmares and in those moments
I would call on God to protect me from “Satan”.
Such is the story evolved over thousands of years.
A phobia; promising a carrot and menacing with a stick.
Powerful faith defies all logic as truth is subjective
Old equations and potions never appeal to my mind
Wrong and right my heart of hearts knows well.
Even though I know HE is everywhere
Residing in each being, even in an atom.
Faith is like a mustard seed small in size
Until it grows into the largest ever pasture
Leaving us in awe with His glory and power.
The time when happy, I say, ‘It’s god’s grace’
However when in troubles, I seek Him
Invariably to know where he is.
Never knowing that I’m like a small ant in a basement of
GREAT, vast and unfathomable structured edifice.
January 12, 2015
First Place win
Copyright © Dr.Ram Mehta | Year Posted 2015
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