Fairy Toad
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I once met a toad who thought he was man
Now that fairy tale I can understand
I heard of a man who thought he was toad
Now really, such high sights he might implode
Man or Toad, his brain is fuzzy
He doesn’t grasp metaphoric or funny
He trolls and thinks he’s something else
Sure, most think he’s a prancing elf
With his book of grammar and holy words
Off he goes to his unpublished world
As some of you have seen, I seem to have a cyber bully/troll whatever you call them, after me. It’s both sad and serves no purpose, however he seems bent on telling deceptions and lies, and whether this is lack of education or knowledge, or he lacks the subtle nuances of the English language it matters not. I actually don’t mind but his actions however they are repeated many times on others. That a grown man over fifty acts this way is both amusing and somewhat sad. Actually very very sad.
The utmost irony is when you see a master troll writing poems about himself. I would hope one day he focuses more on his own self improvement. That anyone hitches their wagon to his sad tail is also truly sad, there is simply too much positive in this world to bother with Trumpites like him
Copyright © Arthur Vaso | Year Posted 2017
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