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Epidemic Not Endemic

EPIDEMIC NOT ENDEMIC More and more people worldwide, Are becoming aware of what could, Become an international crisis, As a virus seems to be spreading, Many have sadly died, What are we to do or rather should Do, our freedom will fearfully be minus, The lifestyle we knew, will be changing, Countries are somewhat more allied Taking heed of safety regulations for the good Of their own kind and ultimately mankind. Borders are closing slightly more rapidly Than a month ago, airports strictly Monitoring the comings and goings Of passengers and if suspect are tested People wearing masks, Almost every country affected, coronavirus Is causing a worldwide Hysteria as more showings Appear daily, fever, coughing congested Chest, doctors and nursing Staff dressed in protective clothing. Even with a friend, suggest no hand shaking, No kissing, Or even touching The period of incubation Is between 1 and 14 days All this is so quick, a blaze Which has caused a craze! The Virus has become very contagious Some doctor said something outrageous, That this corona virus scare is just a big fuss How can a medical man say thus, Build up your immunity dear friends, God Bless, on Him all depends.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 3/21/2020 3:12:00 PM
Hi Jennifer, another wonderful write on such a serious subject. It is something that affects us all. We all have to watch now. For many people, they will find it hard to be shut up in their homes, myself, I spend more time in the house than anywhere, I am not troubled that much. I have so much I can do. I am self-isolating, due to my own health issues. All one can do is follow the information given and drop some words with the man upstairs. Hugs....Mike. XX
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Jennifer Proxenos
Date: 3/27/2020 7:14:00 AM
Hi Mike, you always have something lovely to say in your comments my friend - hubby and I also don't mind staying in, we find lots to do - in lock down from 12 midnight yesterday. stay safe my friend and be careful. Blessings, Jennifer.
Date: 3/20/2020 8:58:00 PM
good one, jennifer! I revised my virus poem because all the closures of things made my poem lose its meaning!!
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Jennifer Proxenos
Date: 3/21/2020 10:52:00 AM
Now you have two answers, thought i'd lost it and this one makes three!
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Jennifer Proxenos
Date: 3/21/2020 10:51:00 AM
Hi Andrea, it was different, not gloomy but happy you feel happier having changed it - I fully understand. Thank you for a lovely comment, Blessings dear friend and be safe. Jennifer.
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Jennifer Proxenos
Date: 3/21/2020 10:41:00 AM
It was different - not so much doom and gloom - will check your new one out. Thanks for a lovely comment Andrea, best wishes and good health. Blessings, Jennifer.
Date: 3/17/2020 4:10:00 PM
Does anyone find it ironic, that the country whose people wear more masks than any other and have for years, was the mother of this virus? Good write Jennifer...
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Jennifer Proxenos
Date: 3/19/2020 12:26:00 PM
It is a dreadful thought - could this be true, could this reality really have taken place Charlie, are people such monsters? If so, it is totally unbelievable, my brain cannot even conceive this ungodly act! Blessings my friend, Jennifer.
Date: 3/17/2020 3:34:00 PM
this virus is scary and many think not serious...I know it is serious when the spread in my area started with a dr, and he infected a police officer, an emt and many others, now another dr is responsible for spreading it further, when my drs set up video visits because they don't want you in the office you know it is serious... they fear it as well... prayers it stops soon... faith hopefully brings us through... hugs and blessings my friend!
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Jennifer Proxenos
Date: 3/19/2020 12:20:00 PM
Hi Sandy, I enjoyed your informative and warm comment, where are we heading is quite unknown. Daily the virus is spreading - if this a a lab experiment and implemented to rid the world of its over-population, it is shameful and karma will be due to those in the plot. Sandy do take care my dear friend I feel for all of you as if we are brothers and sisters. Blessings, Jenny.
Date: 3/16/2020 8:30:00 PM
Bingo! You are spot on with that one, Jennifer!
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Jennifer Proxenos
Date: 3/19/2020 12:13:00 PM
Hi MLK - are you going into lockdown at home? I don't know what is to become of us - take care dear friend and be cautious. Blessings, Jennifer
Date: 3/16/2020 6:23:00 PM
Entire countries and cities on lockdown, all precautions need to be taken..
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Jennifer Proxenos
Date: 3/19/2020 12:07:00 PM
Hi Joseph we are in partial lock down at home but had to go to the pharmacy to stock up and a grocery store, and went to cut my hair so i can Manage it myself, but from now will try to be by 90% in lock down, I hope the other 10% is not going to prove to be dangerous. Blessings Joseph and TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY! Jennifer.
Date: 3/16/2020 4:11:00 PM
Hi Jennifer: Ultimately as time goes by and everything seems fruitless, you have to rely on a supreme being. Great message, my dear.
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Jennifer Proxenos
Date: 3/19/2020 12:00:00 PM
More and more Corona infected people recorded daily - has the black plague come to find us - so scary - must keep to ourselves and our homes and pray for humanity! Blessings my friend, Jennifer.
Date: 3/14/2020 8:27:00 AM
Indeed it does depend on God. It also depends on all of us being vigilant without panicking.
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Jennifer Proxenos
Date: 3/14/2020 1:03:00 PM
Absolutely to both sentences Rick - take care of yourself and your lovely family. Blessings, Jennifer
Date: 3/13/2020 3:39:00 PM
At first Coronavirus was scoffed at, but it soon spread and is now classed as an epidemic. Even our small Mediterranean island is feeling its effects. As you say, it's best to be cautious and act sensibly. ~ Warm regards & Hugs // paul
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Jennifer Proxenos
Date: 3/14/2020 12:47:00 PM
Hi Paul, But one still has to go to the Supermarket, see close friends, maybe even the doctor. Life is living and we can't not do certain things. Hands are important to be washed as often as we remember and of course not to be as stupid as I was yesterday after I posted my poem and emphasized some things! See my reply below to Caren Krutsinger's comment! Warm regards and hugs Jennifer
Date: 3/12/2020 7:42:00 PM
Fellow asked his minister to pray for him that he not contract the virus. Minister said, "OK. I pray that you consult a competent physician immediately!" Smiles, Gershon
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Jennifer Proxenos
Date: 3/14/2020 12:40:00 PM
What a clever Minister! Take care my friend. Blessings, Jennifer
Date: 3/12/2020 6:47:00 PM
My husband and I are in the group most at risk. Your poem emphasizes the dangers so ardently. Well done Jennifer! xxoo
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Jennifer Proxenos
Date: 3/14/2020 12:27:00 PM
Oh Wow Connie, you and your lovely family take great care. Thank-you Connie - I wrote about the virus because it is all that people talk about, a kind of hysteria has broken out! Blessings, Jennifer
Date: 3/12/2020 4:17:00 PM
A great piece Jenny excellently penned. It's really concerning as most countries now affected by it in some way. Take care, my friend, blessings, Gordon
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Jennifer Proxenos
Date: 3/14/2020 12:23:00 PM
You too Gordon, you and your wife take care - it is now pandemic the WHO declared! Hope for a vaccine, pray and be cautious! Blessings, Jennifer
Date: 3/12/2020 9:25:00 AM
Hi Jennifer: Alas, the things we take for granted until a new virus is discovered ala the spanish flu in 1918. i recall pneumonia and I will be very cautious. Great poe
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Jennifer Proxenos
Date: 3/14/2020 12:17:00 PM
Thank you Ralph yes, you must be cautious, this has now become serious, not one or two countries but the world infected. Blessings, Jennifer.
Date: 3/12/2020 8:52:00 AM
A very serious affair...if not contained...and getting worse everyday...I could feel the fear...A conscious write of the times
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Jennifer Proxenos
Date: 3/14/2020 12:03:00 PM
Very serious indeed but we must hope and pray that a vaccine will soon be available! Thank you for a great comment Arturo. Blessings, Jennifer.
Date: 3/11/2020 3:16:00 PM
- A scary virus, dear Jenny ... but, no need to panic ... normally healthy people survive ... normal relationship with hygiene is important every day of the year ... many are vulnerable to viruses and infections :) - A great poem :) - Take care, my friend :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
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Jennifer Proxenos
Date: 3/14/2020 11:59:00 AM
Hi Anne-Lise, my wonderful friend, I can't help thinking of the film INfERNO where a bomb was set to detonate and let off a virus which would kill 50% of the world's population, so that the other 50% could live because the world was over populated! A lovely comment my friend, Blessings, Jennifer
Date: 3/10/2020 11:41:00 PM
Hello Jennifer ... with the control of traditional infections, we appear to be fighting with more deadly infections that medicines available are unable to deal with at this time. Hopefully this will be remedied in the short term - catch you soon Jennifer - Lindsay
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Jennifer Proxenos
Date: 3/14/2020 11:47:00 AM
That is my hope as well Lindsay - surely the world should then celebrate - I should imagine they are working 24/7 to come up with a vaccine for this horrible virus. Stay well and look after yourselves - remember Vitamin B injections for immunity. Blessings Lindsay, Jennifer.
Date: 3/10/2020 10:48:00 PM
Serious times, making people panic.
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Jennifer Proxenos
Date: 3/14/2020 11:41:00 AM
It is getting worse in some areas and better in others - I try not to panic - have vitamin B injections. Blessings my friend, Jennifer.
Date: 3/10/2020 4:28:00 PM
You highlight a serious problem, Jennifer--it's getting worse by the day. Kudos for your insights and observations--indeed a great write.
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Jennifer Proxenos
Date: 3/14/2020 11:38:00 AM
Thank-you Vijay, a very complimentary comment. A scary period of our life, we (our generation) have never gone through a pandemic situation. we must be vigilant. But I made such a stupid mistake yesterday - see my reply to Caren Krutsingers comment. Blessings my dear friend, Jennifer.
Date: 3/9/2020 3:48:00 PM
Worrying times, there should have been a total travel ban when it first surfaced, every country will pay a big price now. Tom
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Jennifer Proxenos
Date: 3/14/2020 11:30:00 AM
Hopefully, it will die a a quick death, for the good of mankind. This virus makes me think of the trilogy film made with Tom Hanks - The Da Vincci Code - the 3rd film, when a virus in a bomb was to be let off to kill millions of people, to thin out Planet Earths population, which of course Holywood stopped in the nick of time. Thanks for a great comment Tom,do you think that maybe someone started this virus on purpose? Blessings Jennifer
Date: 3/9/2020 3:29:00 PM
We all know that washing our hands is so very important, and yet, we forget and bam. Look at the outcome! thanks you for the reminder.
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Jennifer Proxenos
Date: 3/14/2020 11:11:00 AM
Hi Caren, I bumped into a good friend of mine i hadn't seen for a while and what do we do, give each other a hug and a kiss. I could have kicked myself and after writing this poem, but it has always been such a natural thing, when we see a friend. I cut the conversation short, and went to the ladies and washed my face and hands with antiseptic gel, well please God all will be OK. Thanks for the comment my friend. Jennifer
Date: 3/9/2020 2:49:00 PM
Some ares are more infected, and then there’s the cruise ships. Mostly we need to was our hands. Great write up.
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Jennifer Proxenos
Date: 3/14/2020 11:04:00 AM
Hi Kim, washing our hands often is imperative. We have tried to buy masks but there is not one in any pharmacy, hospital or store. Cruise ships are a dangerous source from where a virus might be caught. Thanks for a great comment Kim. Look after yourself, Love Jenny.

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