Epidemic Not Endemic
More and more people worldwide,
Are becoming aware of what could,
Become an international crisis,
As a virus seems to be spreading,
Many have sadly died,
What are we to do or rather should
Do, our freedom will fearfully be minus,
The lifestyle we knew, will be changing,
Countries are somewhat more allied
Taking heed of safety regulations for the good
Of their own kind and ultimately mankind.
Borders are closing slightly more rapidly
Than a month ago, airports strictly
Monitoring the comings and goings
Of passengers and if suspect are tested
People wearing masks,
Almost every country affected, coronavirus
Is causing a worldwide
Hysteria as more showings
Appear daily, fever, coughing congested
Chest, doctors and nursing
Staff dressed in protective clothing.
Even with a friend, suggest no hand shaking,
No kissing,
Or even touching
The period of incubation
Is between 1 and 14 days
All this is so quick, a blaze
Which has caused a craze!
The Virus has become very contagious
Some doctor said something outrageous,
That this corona virus scare is just a big fuss
How can a medical man say thus,
Build up your immunity dear friends,
God Bless, on Him all depends.
Copyright © Jennifer Proxenos | Year Posted 2020
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