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Engaging Thoughts

i don't care to see morning wink from beneath the gray film that leaves the day undeveloped, it's easier to pretend that night has yet to end. night's black is the only veil yet to cover my eyes and i'm tired of playing wife to the unworthy, tired of hiding behind the thickness of gray moods. it's raining again scribbling night's color upon my cheeks, kissing my lips with day's aftertaste, yet i pretend to smile when love looks my way. in all reality i'm too old to care, too old to dream of... today, night still holds me in the negatives, this day's still undeveloped yet my mind isn't anymore, and my last thought before anything can blush is to be walked slowly down the isle in satin and bows pretending to be the bride i never was as you lift the veil of white and kiss me one last time and pretend to miss me.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 5/9/2014 12:46:00 AM
Wow, what a beautiful write. Very...very, engaging! Pretend to miss me...very nice. You write so well; why not more? Hey, thanks for visiting my page and reading my stuff. It means a lot to an insecure poet like
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Date: 5/7/2014 3:21:00 AM
I tend to find writers do well when they write composing part of themselves, you wrote well I hope this is not true to life.
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Date: 5/1/2014 12:52:00 PM
Powerful self analysis. I enjoy your sadness, something sweet and hopeful to it Sandra. I also love how comfortable you are with the Night. Fine write. J.A.B.
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Date: 4/26/2014 7:42:00 PM
Dear Sandra, I have been away for a while and I was so happy to see this one. A spectacular write. We all deserve to be the bride every day. Time to hit the pavement and let that deserving love come your way. Brilliant poetry :)
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Date: 4/23/2014 1:35:00 AM
This ennui you describe so effectively is something I have experienced. Now in my older years it pays more frequent visits. Poetry helps add a tinge of color.
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Date: 4/21/2014 12:36:00 AM
Sad, but very graceful and sincere, great write Sandra!
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Date: 4/20/2014 8:31:00 PM
Love your ending great work, love the part about lifting the veil of white, it's lines take me to this sad soul and i feel for her this happens between so many couples it's not funny. I want to reach out and say it's alright and this is the true mastery of this work, to make the reader feel what the poet is wishing to express the sorrow of the women that are writing about bravo lady. You should feel very proud of this work. cheri
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Date: 4/20/2014 6:25:00 PM
Oh my Sandra, You do have a way with words don't you? Especially your sad ones...I read this several times and could not find a single flaw...Going to my favs - Tim
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Date: 4/20/2014 3:00:00 PM
- Feeling a little sadness .... but still so beautiful, Sandra! - Happy Easter! - oxox // Anne-Lise :)
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Date: 4/20/2014 11:19:00 AM
Hi Sandra.....I like your use of grays to set the mood...very nicely penned...
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Date: 4/20/2014 5:39:00 AM
extremely very beautifully crafted piece happy easter in our lords light love and peace
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Date: 4/20/2014 4:44:00 AM
Somewhat sad write. You are not getting your due lady....night's gifts.....where have they gone? Are you being taken too much for granted? No, you are not too old to reality you still hope of clinging on to your dream. Why not? :) // paul
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Date: 4/19/2014 11:38:00 PM
I loved this, the poem that is, even is sad you have captured the reader with this!!!
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Date: 4/19/2014 9:34:00 PM
Awesome romantic write Sandra rich with imagery and yearning..Nicely done!
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Date: 4/19/2014 8:56:00 PM
OH MY, you have done it. You have written another amazing poem, Sandy. And it is so full of that emotion which I know is real. I sometimes feel this way too. Life does that to us and circumstances. I hope the sun comes out and your next poem will be a happy one, but I like this dark one MUCHO
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