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Em Bracing the Joy

All those High School years, she stared at smiles and would envy those, lined up in rows shoulder to shoulder, enjoying the carefree days. They with porcelain jewels, of sparkling white she would have given her life to have such shine, but was much too shy, to seek their eyes At fifteen years old...she averted her eyes while beneath her nose, no winning smile would grace her face. So, to avoid disgrace, she declined to shine or laugh with the kids in the algebra rows. How often she'd long to star in the play and dazzle her whites "Be patient," they'd tell her...."You'll be a beauty, one day" And while she waited impatiently for that far away day keeping chin down, this ugly duckling, with lowered eyes It may seem extreme, but a few kids, with straight and white, called her "Metal Mouth", which dampened her spirit and also her smile. Barely could she eat the mushy fruits, passing the rows of cripsy foods, ate mostly mashed and white, pining for a crisp apple to shine She talked with a lisp, while awkward wires shined and wore horrid bands. Then on those "Ortho" days after school, while in uncomfortable chairs lined up in rows, he'd greet, "How are you, Missy?" ..with his bespectacled eyes. "Open wide"....(and with pliers that looked like her Dad's, but could fix a smile) as, with all of his might, he adjusted and tightened....correcting her whites Branded with bands across the whites Correcting the gaps, the lapse, the crooked shine A few like her with awkward smiles Would count the hours and count the days Longed for smiles to please the eye And be so blessed with perfect rows Finally one day, while sitting in rows Snip-snip!, at last, he cried..."Let's free these whites"!! With excitement, the life came back to her eyes "I'll grant your wish, with a brand new shine!" She was the happiest girl on the planet today and she left his office with a brand new smile! While sitting in school rows, she beams her white teeth, merrily joining the fun Her eyes always shine now, she stands tall and proud, singing out loud in the sun And during each school day, she smiles all the time, finally her life has begun! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Debbie's Joy contest (Sestina)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 12/13/2010 11:09:00 AM
Congratulations on your win Carrie in Deborah Guzzi's contest. Love, Carol
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Date: 12/11/2010 4:20:00 PM
This is so fun to read. And the title, HOW clever, Carrie. A big congratulations on your winning sestina. Luv, Andrea
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Date: 12/9/2010 2:55:00 PM
Congratulations on your win..Sara
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Date: 12/9/2010 4:08:00 AM
Congratulations on this well deserved win in the contest of Deb, Carrie
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Date: 12/8/2010 8:17:00 PM
Such a beautiful transformation from an ugly duckling to a swan. many congratulations for this win.
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Date: 12/8/2010 6:16:00 PM
exaltations for this charming piece that placed so well in the contest.. and thatks for your cheers as well, carrie; relish your award! .. hugggs, nette
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Date: 12/8/2010 6:04:00 PM
Congrats Carrie on your big win in Debbie's contest Joy to the World with this perfect entry my friend.. enjoy your top ten spot on the winners list tonight with luv..
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Date: 12/8/2010 3:45:00 PM
A very unusual ran with it and produced another winner. Congrats. BG
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Date: 12/8/2010 2:16:00 PM
Congrad's on your win with this uplifting write, oh naughty one ;) at least you DID get it RIGHT! I love your sense of fun! You were and are quite a gal! Light & Love
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Date: 12/6/2010 5:13:00 PM
Honey bun you never fixed this the end words are still off...grrr...sigh..pout! 1,2,3,4,5,6/ 6,1,5,2,4,3/ 3,6,4,1,2,5/ 5,3,2,6,1,4/ 4,5,1,3,6,2/ 2,4,6,5,3,1/ 2,4/ 6,5/ 3,1
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Date: 11/19/2010 8:32:00 PM
Very nice, indeed. Such elation that little girl felt when the braces were removed. Kids can be cruel with their "metal mouth" jabs, but she finally had her moment. Good luck in Deb's contest, Carrie. And, yes, I still have the ruby ring Perry Como gave my aunt. My uncle wouldn't let her keep it and it was my birthstone too. Apparently Perry was quite smitten with Aunt Jean; she was very pretty and petite. Love, Carolyn
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Date: 11/18/2010 1:43:00 PM
gosh you are as clever as a small white fox, carrie. How I admire your ability to meet all these challenges! Bravo!
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Date: 11/17/2010 4:20:00 PM
Hmmmm I don't see it fixed? Maybe you didn't change it yet?
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Date: 11/17/2010 2:18:00 PM
Wonderful sestina on embracing the joy, carrie. Good luck
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Date: 11/17/2010 11:30:00 AM
UTOH! You have the end words all mixieuped? Soup mail!
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Date: 11/16/2010 11:38:00 PM
oh, those were the teenage days when we felt awkward.. enjoyed this fine, sparkling gem today, carrie... you have my yes in the contest.. good luck! warmest, nette
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Date: 11/16/2010 10:52:00 PM
Wonderful dear Carrie. .hope you are doing fine.
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Date: 11/16/2010 5:38:00 PM
Great capture of life around braces coupled with the problematic emotions of teen years and the final victory day! Wonderful, Carrie
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry