Egg-Stant History 4
Owl..' Owl..? Dumpty had just turned back to resume speaking, yet when he looked the
bird was not to be seen Now where did that Owl go?? Then Dumpty looked down..!
there full stretch and upon its back lay the poor Owl..! What could he do..?? as he was
thinking just that thought he ran 3 times round the fallen Owls form in sheer panic..!
then out of the corner of his eye; he saw the dish..! Water he thought! and grabbed the dish..' then just to be on the safe side he picked up the spoon,! he rushed over to an old
wooden pail and dipped the dish under the water. he ran back and threw it onto the Owl it
took seven attempts before the Owl suddenly shook its head and staggered onto its feet
steady on dear Owl said Dumpty as it swayed on the spot..' Oh said the Owl how awful..'
( a square word ) Its no good at all, Excuse me but would you mind if I help you to sit
on that low branch over there,,' Dumpty said He guided the owl across and it sat down
ruffling its feathers.! Do you mind dear Owl if I make so bold in asking, what Egg-sactly
is a (square word?) It is a most uncouth array of words, that humans use to denigrate others
said the Owl..' Its not a thing nursery rhyme characters should even know of; they cheapen
peoples understanding of each other Dumpty, Oh what a terrible pass we have come to..!
( square words ) Oh how much damage they can cause..! And what a wrong thing to do to
link it to the sweet brave cat...' why he even travelled to London to see the Queen and they
still know him by that name there now, as a matter of fact I'll bet they still have a chair with
his name on it..' this will not do I shall fight to have his name recognised as it always has been
and he is certainly not a has been..! It is his by former precedent; as in (pussesion) is 9 tenths
of the law..!
Copyright Joe Maverick Poetry 2014
Copyright © Joe Maverick | Year Posted 2014
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