Dominik, I want you to
Understand why your mom
Feels so light and free.
I believe I have flown
Through life.
I remember flying from
The sheltered wings
Of my family as I flew
To Saskatoon Saskatchewan
Thinking I would be a
Free bird out from under
Glaring eyes and uncomfortable
Comments parents seem to
Smother you with.
As reality sunk in that
Holding an apartment,
Job, and car did not mix
Well with having a social life
I was once again in flight frenzy.
With head in the clouds I sailed
Back to Ontario were I
Lasted a few years until
Once again my wings needed
Airing and I took a ride
On the wind a little
Westward bound for nowhere
Getting nowhere.
Days were happy and that’s
Where I was engaged,
The first time.
After three years I
Literally flew, this time
Over the ocean to Europe
Where I met the love of my life.
Now although my wings were
Itching for the clean air above
The clouds and I wanted
To fly this coop on several
Occasions, I soon had
Two little birds that needed
Tweeting and so I only flew
On occasion but always
Returned to my main
Breeding area.
On the day I became a widow
I started planning my next flight
Which took you and I over the ocean
To the land I love.
Now here I sit on my sofa
Writing poetry and reminiscing
All my flights of the past and
Hoping with all my heart to
Become a Snowbird.
I want you to know
No matter where I fly
You are now always in my heart.
Contest: Free Verse Poem
Regina Riddle
Copyright © Brenda Meier-Hans | Year Posted 2014
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