Dog Gone , Bone Search
Dog Gone , Bone Search
Seeking, this yard, looking for a bone
not a cool drink, just not for me
A bone, a bone, master still on the phone
but, there, there is my favorite tree!
Sweet release, now back to my hard task
cat races away, why I have no clue
If only there was somebody here to ask
and where hides a big bone they knew!
Over there, fresh dirt shows a treasure
buried beneath must be a large bone
When I dig it up I can then just measure
while master stays busy on the phone.
Mine at last, the great prize I so graved
so tasty, this delicious treat
Should I keep it and have it engraved
or yield to hunger and just eat?
Great quest it was, certainly no lark
a bone, a bone found was this food
Time to scratch and let out a loud bark
this delicious bone sets that mood!
Master races out with same bowl of crap
bone now gone, I ate it so quick
Time to ignore him, pretending a nap
I may be only a dog but I am still slick!
R.J. Lindley
Jan, 22nd 1971
Note - Old poem, light verse and bored, goofing
around one night.
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2015
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