Ding Dong
It was such a lovely day in Spring,
I woke up when I heard the clock start to ring,
Took a shower, dressed, and put on my wedding ring,
Then I heard the doorbell "Ding",
Went downstairs to find a telegram that he had to sing.
When he finished the number and doing his thing,
I had to see how much of a tip I could swing.
Not enough for him to have a fling,
But, I gave him all I had without thinking.
Got in the car which was finally working,
Stopped at the station for a pack of "Filter King",
Grabbed some chocolate cake rolls while remembering,
As the cash register went 'Cha Ching',
"I don't have any money...I'm such a Ding-a-Ling".
Copyright © Daniel Cwiak | Year Posted 2010
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