Dasher and Dancer's Christmas Eve Call Offs
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Miranda Hawley's Christmas Tizzy Contest ~ December 12, 2024

It was Christmas Eve night and Santa was in a pickle
when Dasher was caught giving Blitzen a quick tickle
He and Dancer had been seriously dating for a year
but his flirtatious ways had her crying tear after tear.
Worried, Rudolph told Santa she refused to fly tonight
if Dasher was going to be harnessed next to her in flight.
"Oh, dear," said Santa. Now, what am I supposed to do?"
Rudolph's nose was blinking as he said, "I haven't a clue."
The sled was already loaded down with presents and toys
waiting to be delivered to all the good little girls and boys.
Santa had a new reindeer waiting at his first stop in Britain,
a handsome one who winked at Dancer, and she was smitten.
Copyright © Lin Lane | Year Posted 2024
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