Dark Angel
How intricate your mind. How it can vex!
A labyrinth that offers no escape,
its walls are glazed with patterns that perplex.
I glimpse inside. At times I stop and gape
at murals which reveal an iridescence.
But shallow are the joys you sometimes feel.
I turn to find I’m facing evanescence.
Intense emotions swell; become surreal.
They swirl with thought; descending, they exude
through dark partitions winding through your head.
The maze becomes a spiral to seclude
you from the world and me. I feel your dread.
Dark angel, trapped in strange and endless gloom,
to stay with you would mean to share your doom.
For Nathan's ......."INSANITY or DEATH"......Poetry Contest
Theme: Insanity to Darkness
Copyright © Andrea Dietrich | Year Posted 2012
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