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crescent moon

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Image result for pictures of barnyard owls at daybreak adorable

In many cultures, the hoot of an owl is believed to be an omen of impending doom. It is said that if you hear an owl hooting near your home, it signifies the imminent death of someone in the household. This superstition has its roots in the belief that owls are messengers of the underworld or even the spirits of the deceased themselves.

The song of a Whip-poor-will, when heard by a home, outside a window, or on a doorstep, meant death. An 1892 article in the Journal of American Folklore documents this superstition in Maine. If a whippoorwill sings night after night near a door or under a window it is a sure sign of approaching death in the house.

"When both birds call simultaneously, it might simply be a coincidence of nature, but it can also be interpreted through the lens of folklore as a moment filled with spiritual significance or a sign of impending change."
crescent moon's sliver lies upon a small gray cloud.... while whip-poor-will sings barnyard owl replies answer as daybreaks 'pon horizon

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 9/11/2024 7:37:00 AM
I think owls are super cute but they will gulp down a chick in a huff, This is a nice poem Sara
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 9/11/2024 2:17:00 PM
Yes, they say that owls and hawks do eat a lot of baby chicks as do snakes. Definitely a person who had them would want to protect their animals from being harmed from them. Thanks for dropping by. Sara K
Date: 9/10/2024 9:09:00 AM
Beauteous nocturnal tanka, Sara. Birds have always fascinated me. If this is for a contest it's a strong entry. A pleasant Tuesday to you. xx
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 9/10/2024 1:42:00 PM
Thank you, Regina. No, it is not for a contest. I appreciate the nice review of my work. Sara K
Date: 9/5/2024 11:11:00 AM
There is such a sense of hope in the new dawn as the calls of these two legendary agents of change fade into a new morning with all of its opportunities! Love the contrast. Well done. Best wishes for the contest. Blessings and prayer hugs!
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 9/5/2024 3:03:00 PM
Thank you, Sam, for the nice comments and also the blessings and prayers. I don't think I entered it in a contest. LOL, but maybe I did. Sara K
Date: 9/5/2024 10:07:00 AM
What a beautiful write about owls. I enjoyed reading this one, as I learned something new. Have a blessed day writing away................
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 9/5/2024 10:12:00 AM
Thank you, Paula. They are a beautiful bird with a kind of scary hoot. I appreciate the visit. I had something one morning early before sunup and I wondered for a couple of days what it was then I went out even earlier and I heard the sound again, but it was more continuous. I realized then it was an owl. So the writing came out of the early morning owl hoots. Sara K
Date: 9/2/2024 1:29:00 PM
A brilliant precedent, as well as, tanka, Sara, and the latter is one of my favorite living labels. Living in town, hoots seldoms exiting taverns. Aloha, William
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 9/2/2024 1:52:00 PM
Thank you for stopping by William. I haven't seen an owl around here in about 30 years, so I am wondering at its appearance. I hope this is a nice day for you. Sara K
Date: 9/2/2024 9:45:00 AM
Interesting folklore background Sara, and atmosphere "crescent moon's sliver lies upon a small gray cloud". I wonder what it portends? An owls hooting does seem a little mournful or a little spooky. I can see how that might have got started.
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 9/2/2024 12:50:00 PM
Yes, in folk lore and Indian beliefs there had to be a start to it in some happening. Thanks for the visit and nice review of my work. Sara K
Date: 9/1/2024 8:13:00 PM
A delightful poem, Sara. Gorgeous imagery!
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 9/2/2024 3:11:00 AM
Thank you, Evelyn. Sara K
Date: 9/1/2024 9:33:00 AM
Very beautiful- I didn't know these things about the owl...<3
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 9/1/2024 2:47:00 PM
I read the book, "I Heard The Owl Call My Name" a very long time ago so I researched it since I have heard an owl in my yard 3 times here lately. Thanks for the visit. Sara K
Date: 9/1/2024 9:22:00 AM
Fascinating info and tanka, Sara
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 9/1/2024 2:45:00 PM
Thank you, Andrea. I appreciate the visit. Sara K
Date: 9/1/2024 5:52:00 AM
So adorable and sweet tanka my dearest poet friend Sara. i love it a lot, so creative. Thanks a lot for sharing. God bless you always and your writings. Happy September! Hugs
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 9/1/2024 6:36:00 AM
Why, thank you, Len. I appreciate the compliments and high praise. Yes, today is the first day of September and actually the first day of fall in meteorologist terms but the actual date is not until the 21st. We need fall don't we. Sara K

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