Country Fun
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At the Y in Belize, we did arts and craft and went there three evenings each week, after school.
The "Busy Bees" danced
The "Nightingales" sang
All day long we practiced
To make a difference with
Our acts and words for the visitors.
They would see full flow of energy
A mix of teamwork and play and loving
And on opening night in the auditorium
Up at "Central Farm" outside the City of Belize
We shared the love
As love was shared with us
We were from rich and poor families
In Belize, British Honduras, but...
A week of free summer fun gave
Sweet memories of butterflies, and breeze
And the order in which we enjoyed three meals
And in between snacks, and comfort sleep
With sound of wilds, and waterfall.
Memories of that day Miss Wilshire from the Y
parked her car, and walked into our yard
And spoke in silence with Granny
And when she departed
Granny summoned me from playing
Beneath our house; I felt scared
Hadn't done anything wrong. She said,
"You and your sisters got summer treat"
That was sweet music to my ear, I can still hear.
Copyright © Iris E. S-Lewis | Year Posted 2016
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