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Conspiracy Tabloids

Dragon found a conspiracy tabloid in the Grocery store the other day. Now. He believed every crazy thing that rag, had to state and to say. So I told him those things were made up to sell papers, and ‘not real news’. And he should research every thing, before deciding, what is really true. First, he went onto the internet, where he said, everything is absolutely true. Where I told him anyone could write anything, that is absolutely, totally askew. Next he went to the newspaper, where I told him it’s all politically flawed. Even my CNN, though not all of it, at least, not the parts, I like most of all. This slowly became: Believe none of what you hear, and only half of what you see. So he showed me the tabloid, and I was amazed at what I truly, did see, to be! Yep, we were on the front page “Where the World meets Dragons and Trolls”. That, I couldn't explain away, especially, since it, suddenly, froze my little brain. They had gone and given me, my dreamed upon, 5 minutes of illustrious Fame. So I read the article carefully, then laughed, until I finally had to come up for air. It said we had a WWII submarine in Troll Lake, manned by turtles with green hair. It said our turtles are under cover agents, ready, to attack as terrorists, from our lair. Suddenly, a periscope came out of the water, and then it turned directly at me! UGH! Lord of mercy! Is all I could say? I was speechless, as Dragon looked so smug. I believe in Dragons... but not turtles with green hair, or a little conspiracy tabloid? He got me there! As the turtles came ashore, in perfect formation, I became annoyed. Did the government really think we were terrorists, and up to no good? I did say! Well, the turtles said no, and by the way, they’d bought the submarine on Ebay. They’d seen an article on us, and it just looked like a fun place to come stay. They're from up Australia way, and the green is algae used as camouflage, there. About the time I think it’s weird enough, already, here… Along comes something else… So I can only guess… What’s coming soon…so perhaps I should say? Instead of what’s going on here, with us…What’s new with you, today? Oh, and have a stress free day.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 10/18/2013 5:58:00 PM
Great poem here Carol. We have seventy percent ownership of the media by the super rich we get constant propaganda .....get rid of the carbon tax etc {cos it means the greedy have to pay a bit more for what they take from the ground here in Australia}
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Date: 8/6/2013 9:43:00 AM
a wonderful win Carol :-) Congrats... love ~SKAT~
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Date: 8/5/2013 7:57:00 PM
Congratulations on your win. A fun poem. Love, Joyce
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Date: 8/5/2013 7:46:00 PM
Carol, Congratulations, In DG's "Dream On" contest... have yourself a nice day... xox~ Linda
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Date: 8/5/2013 6:30:00 PM
Very interesting Prose poetry or Flash fiction, Congrad's on your win. Light & Love
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Date: 7/31/2013 11:20:00 AM
Interesting winning work...Congrats on you place of glory.Sara
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Date: 7/27/2013 5:44:00 PM
Carol ty for the smiles congrats on fine win Shadow x smiles
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Date: 7/27/2013 1:54:00 PM
Carol, congratulations with your surprising winning poem in 'Giorgio Veneto' contest. always~ LINDA
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Date: 7/24/2013 3:22:00 PM
I enjoyed reading this one, Carol. I have seen similar stories actually in those tabloids as I stood reading them in the grocery store line. clever lady you are!
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