Come Let's Play
Come, come my friends, let's have some fun,
Take your jump ropes and to the backyard run;
Who has the longest rope, you or me?
No, her's is the longest, can't you just see?
One end of this rope, you hold my friend,
And I'll stand holding the other end;
Let her jump high high, as we swing the rope,
And next will be your turn, then mine I hope;
The white goose seems to watch us jump and play,
Hey! want to join us? Oh yes, you may..
The other side, the rooster and the hen,
In a chit-chat, every now and then;
Come, come my friends, let's have some fun,
Take your jump ropes and to the backyard run!
Date: 10/02/2021
Rhyme Me Rhyme Me A Poem Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Eve Roper
Number of the photo: 1
Copyright © Anitha Jayasankar | Year Posted 2021
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