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Coach Dad--Collaboration With Tim Smith

Coach Dad It is a magic time when a child ventures Into the world, spreading wings, Beginning the oft painful process of moving from the nest to the sky. And it is a fragile time, where first experiences Weigh heavily on shaping the direction In which young life begins to move And often whether it moves at all It is a trying time, of fear and nervousness One little step out on their own The start of something bold and beautiful The molding of a young child's eye Much is made of parents and peers, Oft unaddressed is the role of others Teachers and coaches, a collective entity Not dissimilar from fathers and mothers The torch of responsibility being passed If only for a brief moment No more clinging to the safety and comfort of what is already a norm and known Encouragement or unkind words So often a matter of chance and moods Have mighty impacts on growing hearts Precious opportunities to help a growing life Young minds and hearts right on the surface We remember our coaches, good and bad Caring or not, patience or none, The struggles, thin times and thick A team of seven year olds Is not unlike a litter of unruly puppies How will they ever pay attention? Give them a ball, a glove, and a game! Pride, courage, athleticism, self-confidence All showcased for the world to see Taking turns and building bonds Grasping much more than a newfound skill If you can stand to be measured, and fail by that measure, even repeatedly But come back from it, you'll forever have One more vital skill in life’s toolbox One youngster will not win the game alone But the team can, and its joy Is multiplied many times over. All these things and more can be taught. Whether it be on the field or off Teamwork, respect and camaraderie Will forever be entrenched in the mind Of a well instructed boy or girl 5/4/16 © Tom Quigley and Tim Smith

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 5/8/2016 5:07:00 PM
this is very lovely , the thoughts of teamwork and guiding children to be better people. Is that you in the picture, Tom? My hubbie was baseball coach for our son when he was around 8 years old. Wow, how time has flown since then. I loved those summers and watching our son's games.
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Tom Quigley
Date: 5/9/2016 10:55:00 AM
Middle photo, on right. With more facial hair. :-) And time sure flies...:-/
Date: 5/8/2016 5:07:00 PM
and wow, I see it's also POTD. BIG congrats. I should go visit Tim and see if he posted it too.
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Tom Quigley
Date: 5/9/2016 10:55:00 AM
A nice honor for us!!
Date: 5/7/2016 4:56:00 PM
Wonderful selection for being honored as Poem Of The Day. Great collab, Tom, and Tim! Sandra
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Tom Quigley
Date: 5/9/2016 10:56:00 AM
Thanks, Sandra!
Date: 5/7/2016 5:05:00 AM
Be part of my team, don't let me fall please.
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Tom Quigley
Date: 5/9/2016 10:56:00 AM
:-) Thanks, Jolene!
Date: 5/6/2016 2:51:00 PM
Teachers sometimes don't realize what impact of their harsh words will carry that will stay with a child into old age. This is a wonderful collaboration. Congrats to you both on POTD! # 7 ; )
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Tom Quigley
Date: 5/6/2016 8:26:00 PM
Thanks, Connie!
Date: 5/6/2016 2:09:00 PM
Sorry, just saw poem of the day as well, congrats!! Well deserved!
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Tom Quigley
Date: 5/6/2016 8:28:00 PM
Thanks again!
Date: 5/6/2016 2:08:00 PM
Love the poem and the photos! Great Collab guys!
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Tom Quigley
Date: 5/6/2016 8:27:00 PM
Thanks, ARthur!
Date: 5/6/2016 1:40:00 PM
Congrats, you two! Way to go...
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Tom Quigley
Date: 5/6/2016 8:27:00 PM
Thank you, Eileen!
Date: 5/6/2016 9:54:00 AM
go team tom and tim excellant a love of sport is what I take away from this poem
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Tom Quigley
Date: 5/6/2016 12:49:00 PM
Thank you, Stephen!
Date: 5/6/2016 9:25:00 AM
This is awesome! I find this really inspirational, being in 7th grade 'n all. But i think this is a really great poem! I can't wait for your guys next collab!
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Tom Quigley
Date: 5/6/2016 12:50:00 PM
Thank you, Noah!
Date: 5/6/2016 7:58:00 AM
- Congratulations a amazing co - poems from both of you, Tom/Tim :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
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Tom Quigley
Date: 5/6/2016 12:50:00 PM
Thanks, Anne-Lise!
Date: 5/6/2016 6:16:00 AM
Way to go guys, congratulations on POTD...
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Tom Quigley
Date: 5/6/2016 12:51:00 PM
Thank you, Charlie!
Date: 5/5/2016 2:00:00 PM
Nice collab. Sure, kids need mentors. I'm glad you mentioned teachers. Great going, you two.
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Tom Quigley
Date: 5/5/2016 11:09:00 PM
Thanks, Eileen!
Date: 5/5/2016 11:16:00 AM
Exceptional collab.. I really love it.. I do believe sports and other hobbies will build a strong character, and keep our kids on the right track. Well deserved thanks.goes to each teacher and Coach.
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Tom Quigley
Date: 5/5/2016 11:10:00 PM
Thanks, Charmaine! One of the best, most enjoyable things I've done as a parent.
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Tim Smith
Date: 5/5/2016 11:38:00 AM
Thanks Charmu...maybe when Chri gets older you can help coach her in whatever interests she pursues . It is very rewarding. It is great to see a child progress from the beginning of a season to the end. As you say a very good character builder.
Date: 5/5/2016 2:26:00 AM
I have one word for you two... ""AMAZING"" **SKAT**
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Tim Smith
Date: 5/5/2016 11:34:00 AM
Thanks Skat for the AMAZING
Quigley Avatar
Tom Quigley
Date: 5/5/2016 7:11:00 AM
Date: 5/4/2016 7:52:00 PM
Oh wow guys this is awesome - great teamwork Tom and Tim - the joy you bring to these youngsters will be with them for the rest of their lives:-) hugs Jan xx
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Tim Smith
Date: 5/5/2016 11:34:00 AM
Thanks Jan...I sure hope the teamwork comment
Quigley Avatar
Tom Quigley
Date: 5/4/2016 9:38:00 PM
Thank you, Jan! One of the best things I've done as a parent.
Date: 5/4/2016 7:50:00 PM
Well done gentlemen. I can see you're excellent dads and roll models for the children in your care and keeping...your own and those you coach. Love the comparison to puppies, but by 7 you don't have to worry about training them to do their business in the proper place. Great dual verses and adorable pictures.
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Tim Smith
Date: 5/5/2016 11:33:00 AM
Thanks very much Lin
Quigley Avatar
Tom Quigley
Date: 5/4/2016 9:39:00 PM
Thank you, Lin!
Date: 5/4/2016 7:46:00 PM
This turned out great Tom. I love the pictures you have added.
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Tom Quigley
Date: 5/4/2016 9:39:00 PM
Agreed! I enjoyed the project. Thanks!

Book: Reflection on the Important Things