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California Dreamin'

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Google AI says burying power transmission lines typically costs between $2 million and $6 million per mile. Many said the price to bury these lines near LA makes it not worth the expense. Do they still maintain that view? California subsidizes red states by sending billions of dollars to DC. Can't some of its own money go for disaster prevention near LA? 

Climate change, Santa Ana winds, fuel condition on the ground, and fire are not financial considerations for utilitites. They consider the recent fires as a balance sheet externality that everyone should pay for. Those thinking about what just happened may note that this wildfire allegorically represents a growing and dangerous economic reality. They should mention it to everyone in the family including their Mamas and their Papas. 

Transmission lines found underground Ain't cheap wires that cause fires when downed Zounds! For these we'd pay And kneeling we pray LA's not a gray buried mound

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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Date: 2/2/2025 9:49:00 AM
I heard they didn't even have enough water in hydrants and that the firemen teams had been previously defunded. Also a few months prior, fire insurance was dropped on some or many. If that stuff is true, I find it highly suspicious. I lived there in the 80s and it was not a good place to raise kids. I can only imagine the Bay area today as well as LA. Terrible waste of resources and bad politics. A few of my friends left during covid and feel so much safer in the Midwest.
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Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 2/18/2025 5:37:00 PM
Paradise you say? Hmmm we left that godforsaken state in the late 80s when our 10 year old son began acting like a gangsta. Haha
Beaufort Avatar
Duke Beaufort
Date: 2/2/2025 11:17:00 AM
Hi Andrea, the system works well for small fires. The mains that supply water can meet the demand until fire fighters open a large number of hydrants. The ones at higher elevations will run dry first. Electric pumps can boost the pressure, but with overhead feeds down or turned off as a precaution, the system fails. The winds were too high to permit aerial water and retardant drops, which are the primary means to fight large fires. This was a situation waiting to happen, and the community at large has been unwilling to deal with the engineering and construction costs needed to establish a safe environment (including both political parties). It's a question of money and who pays. The insurance companies saw the risk and decided it was too much since they also need to protect themselves from mammoth losses. "Paradise" can have a down side. Cheers and glad you were not there!
Date: 1/31/2025 7:51:00 AM
Hi Duke, Why is America facing such extreme climate change, the world needs to be united, not divided, withdrawal from The Paris Agreement on Climate change, shortsightedness, uncontrollable fires, these poor people need financial aid, will they get it, although the State of California was also shortsighted in their preventative measures, as you mention above, and should have put some of their own money into a greater disaster fund.
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Duke Beaufort
Date: 1/31/2025 5:06:00 PM
Thanks Jennifer. I agree with you...we need to attack these problems in a united fashion based upon science and reality. There are some interests that prefer to maximize their profits without any consideration of the long-term effects. Smiles!!
Date: 1/31/2025 7:49:00 AM
You have cyclones, floods and snow storms and ooh and why so many school shootings, perhaps a big Evil Eye should be hung on the statue of Liberty, but then you now have Donald Trump, I forgot, what could possibly go wrong, like things did during the last four years! My heart goes out to the people of Los Angeles. Clever Limerick Duke, as always, Blessings, Jennifer
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Duke Beaufort
Date: 1/31/2025 5:05:00 PM
Jennifer, good observation on your part. We are certainly going to have more sad events since we buckle under to financial interests of the very rich. It's all about money.
Date: 1/22/2025 12:43:00 PM
My friend Duke, this limerick poem accurately illustrates fears about the safety and security of Los Angeles' underground power cables. It implies that such infrastructure aspects are critical to the city's operation and safety, and it expresses hope that the city will not succumb to neglect or calamity. It also demonstrates your abilities in this subject; you are quite intelligent to use such terms. Phrases like "ain't cheap wires" provide it a conversational tone. "Zounds!" communicates astonishment and immediacy, whereas "kneeling we pray" implies despair and hope.
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Duke Beaufort
Date: 1/31/2025 1:53:00 PM
SP, thanks for this comment. You are very kind as well as analytical. It's certainly less expensive in the short run to use poles and overhead wiring. However, the power has to be cut in high winds to prevent downed wires from sparking a fire. Plus turning the power off stops the pumps that maintain water pressure in some locations. So, burying the cables pays off in the long term. We have a problem with short-term thinking that pervades our culture. Hope you are well!!!
Date: 1/17/2025 2:09:00 AM
- I think the future will bring many such devastating fires, Duke - Scary to think about - hugs
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Duke Beaufort
Date: 1/21/2025 1:26:00 PM
Anne-Lise, I think you are correct! We've not lived in harmony with nature for a long time and the bill collector is headed this way. Hard to understand why so many people seem oblivious to this reality. Meanwhile, we try to celebrate what we have and protect it to the best of our ability.
Date: 1/16/2025 1:59:00 PM
Dear duke, its been so traumatising and disturbing to even see and read about the wildfires, it looks so bad this time, and it seems LA endures this every year during the warmer seasons? Thats what i was told by my friends livinb there, so its surprising that this time this happened even worse and was so hard to control the fire etc and the cause of it all left as a mystery. Well written and delivered . Praying for cali and also everyone there. Sending you light always
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Duke Beaufort
Date: 1/21/2025 12:43:00 PM
Hi there IE....In California, wildfire season normally starts in June and continues through October, while the weather is hot and dry. Weather conditions usually change toward the end of the year, bringing rainfall to much of the state. This didn't happen this year and created conditions for the Santa Ana winds to spread the fire. As you note: very painful for all the people involved in that area. Any ignition source during this time creates a real hazard. So they need to fix anything that can start a fire and remove things near homes that burn. Hope you are well!!!
Date: 1/16/2025 6:40:00 AM
Hello Duke, so well expressed and I totally agree with your thoughts and your poem. California really needs to take a stark look at all the billions of dollars it is going to cost to rebuild where they could have made an investment to ensure a safer future. I have a number of family members who live in the LA area and I pray for their and the people in general safety and a return to normalcy. Excellent read this morning! Winter Blessings, My Friend, Daniel
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Duke Beaufort
Date: 1/16/2025 9:30:00 AM
Daniel, you are most kind. I hope your relatives are all safe and well taken care of in all of this. I remember reading a story about a primitive beach community where all the openings were pointed away from the water. They didn't want to know when a tsunami would come and wipe the place out. In any case, the few survivors of a disaster decide to face the sea in the future. I hope we learn some important lessons from this unfortunate situation.
Date: 1/16/2025 12:31:00 AM
I like how you put this together. It’s so sad for the people who don’t have resources to rebuild. Your poem brings awareness. Kudos
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Duke Beaufort
Date: 1/16/2025 9:10:00 AM
Thanks Karen. It's sad for those affected and who can't afford to rebuild. They've lost quite a bit and notably access to a community of friends and associates. This has been a risk for a long time. There are many other impending disasters in other parts of the country and globe as well. We just find it cheaper to ignore what can happen. That type of thinking tends to implode at some it did in LA. I hope I am wrong, of course! However, I see more of this type of thing in the future.
Date: 1/15/2025 8:05:00 PM
Gotta know the laws and read fine print. Fema involved. It ain't cheap living in the dreamland. I'm a climate change believer, seen things with my own eyes. Those who have nothing left, hopeless homeless, a challenge or nightmare? California Dreaming , beforwarned of the dangers. This is very well-done Duke. <3
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Duke Beaufort
Date: 1/16/2025 9:04:00 AM
Hi Anaya, I hope you are well...this is scary stuff. You're absolutely right that this is complex. There are many factors that led to what we've been seeing. Sad to see, but not unexpected for those who know what to look for. We're used to not paying full fare in that we don't account for our interactions with nature and what it would cost if we did. Life for the long term is actually much more expensive than most people realize. Living it right (in harmony with nature) costs more at first, but it's also much cheaper in the long run! It's also tough to accommodate a large population. That tends to affect nature much more seriously. Smiles!

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