Be Gone , Do Not Look Me In the Eyes
Be gone..
Do not look me in the eyes
We were not belongers
who happened to trespass
into each other's lives
We were no Romeo and Juliette
But, Pretenders
Like moon rocks believing they are the ones
who light up the infinite sky
Be Gone..
Do not look me in the eyes
Let not my lips go there
to that young and serene night
When we danced barefoot on the sand
with arms against the sadness of lost time
Your decision has been made
The last petal of an untouched margarita
withered in dust and rain
And you never asked Why
Be Gone..
Do not look me in the eyes
Do not remember me
Do not think of me
Forget my foreign whisper
like I 'll forget the wrinkle in your smile
There was never a better place
Nor will there be another time
The empty pages have been filled
Our unfinished book - Not anymore
I am a nobody ~ an echo in your hourglass fading in the sand
an empty barrel without the sweetened wine
Do not miss me - Do not think of me - Do not need me
Who am I
I' m just your rehearsed dream . a metaphoric lie
Be Gone
Do not look me in the eyes and say goodbye
I was never yours You were never mine.
I was You were
Were you ? Was I ?
This poem isn't about me or my life, but inspired
by someone else's life.
Copyright © Charmaine Chircop | Year Posted 2016
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