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Awaken, My Soul

Awaken, my soul, to the rhythm of love, Let the breeze kiss you with the song it plays, Hearken to its sighs of susurration, Let the flower of kindness bloom afresh, Shaken when you are, hold fast to firm faith, Let the music of hope enliven you, Darken not your thoughts with negative gloom, Let passion for goodness rule inside you, Broken trust, revive with forgiving mind, Let the whispers of the wind arouse you, Stricken with affection, be Nature's friend, Let the sun shine on you with rays of grace, Unspoken words cannot hurt you or heal, Let the feeling of peace wash over you, Quicken, my soul, to the sound of zephyr, Let it caress and cleanse you from within. Form: Free verse
AWAKEN, MY SOUL Awaken, my soul, to the rhythm of love, Let the breeze kiss you with its song thereof, Hearken to its sighs of susurration, Let kindness blossom its inspiration, Shaken when you are, hold fast to faith true, Let the music of hope enliven you, Darken not your thoughts with negative gloom, Let passion for goodness inside you bloom, Broken trust, revive with forgiving mind, Let the whispers of the wind new ways find, Stricken with affection, be Nature's friend, Let the sun shine on you with grace to tend, Unspoken words cannot hurt you or heal, Let peace wash over you, change how you feel, Quicken, my soul, to the sound of zephyr, Let it caress, cleanse you for the better.
Form: Couplet Theme: Kindness

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 7/5/2024 9:10:00 PM
Hi Joanna, you have done a beautiful job of changing your poem from free verse to rhyming couplets. Congratulations on your remarkable first place win dear friend.
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Date: 7/5/2024 8:49:00 AM
Joanna, it’s marvellous how you wrote the Free Verse, then did it in rhyming couplet form, using the same first lines alternately. Congratulations on your win in Crystol’s contest… Beryl
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Date: 7/5/2024 7:28:00 AM
Hi Joanna! I don't believe we've met yet... it's a pleasure! Congratulations on a 1st place win!! Your poem is lovely to read, and to hear. I read this aloud and it was like a song, flow was perfect. "Let the music of hope enliven you". Your message is uplifting! Wonderful couplet and you kept the message of the poem intact! Ty for entering! I'll be back to read more of your work soon! Xo
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Date: 6/28/2024 1:24:00 AM
You have converted a rhyme couplet poem into free verse as required by the contest. You did a wonderful write. Best for a win. Thanks for visiting my last poem.
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Date: 6/27/2024 3:22:00 PM
impassioned message from both writes, Joanna...these two forms did lend superb images for your theme!
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Date: 6/27/2024 8:38:00 AM
An "awakening to the rhythm of love" Wonderful write Jo
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Date: 6/26/2024 12:12:00 AM
A lovely poem. Well done.
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry