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Aurora's Magic

Aurora's Magic The midnight wind splashes magic Across a canvas of velvet ebony When Aurora twirls in a winter dream. Sparks of fantasy light up a fandango dream Dancing neon waves spin with celestial magic Electric rivers, purple-green, flow through stellar ebony. Firestorms of enchantment play upon ebony Showers of splendor sparkle in rosy dreams Rippling prisms casts spells of dappled magic. Dappled magic enchants ebony midnights with Aurora's dream.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 11/15/2023 9:16:00 AM
Congratulations on your win. A lovely write with magic. Too bad everyone cannot see the Aurora Borealis lights from where they live. That would be true magic. I did find writing this style was very hard for me but I learned something new. That is a good thing... Have a blessed day writing away...........
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Sam Kauffman
Date: 11/20/2023 12:28:00 PM
Thank you so much, Paula! Like you I wish everyone, at one time in their lives, could experience this mystical magic! Thank you for your note of congratulations. I, too, found inherent challenges in this style! It wasn't easy! Sending you my gratitude and blessings for a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Date: 11/10/2023 8:31:00 AM
My Dearest Rhyme Time friend, where do I begin to exalt the cosmic beauty of your verse?! The electric colorful aurora borealis splashes across the dark horizon of the poetic page and the night skies of my imagination in spectacular dancing pageantry. "fandango dream" -Wow! Your golden pen is filled with poetic magic to bring such a majestic showy display to life in this masterful use of the Tritina form. You've captured one of Nature's grandest shows with creative finesse.. I'm in awe of your talent, my sweet poetry sis. Warmest wishes sent on the magic of the midnight wind.. ~Susan
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Sam Kauffman
Date: 11/10/2023 11:11:00 AM
My Dearest Rhyme Time Friend, your beautiful and eloquent message dances in my heart like a brilliant Aurora. It is like a sparkling treasure to be enjoyed over and over! Thank you! I agree, the Aurora Borealis is "one of Nature's grandest shows." Have seen the Aurora once and, like its name meaning dawn, it captured my heart like the beauty of a sunrise and continues to shine in my memory! I am deeply honored by your beautiful words of compliment! So grateful to you for this beautiful message and even more grateful that we get to share in poetic wonder, sweet poetry sis! Sending you blessings that splash across your heart with joy and your golden pen that never seems to run out of ink!!
Date: 11/2/2023 1:05:00 PM
wow, that is gorgeous! So hard to do something like this with tritina. Mine looks so simple next to your elegant one.
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Sam Kauffman
Date: 11/10/2023 10:42:00 AM
Dearest Andrea! Thank you. I've only seen the Aurora Borealis once but it left an indelible mark in my memory! When Dilly asked for three of our favorite words Aurora flashed across my mind like the Aurora itself! Everything seemed to fall into place after that! And, I agree with you. This form looks so simple, yet there are intricate challenges of expression. So grateful for your precious feedback! Sending you blessings and best wishes for your entry in the contest. You have such a wonderful ability to make the simplicity of life into poetic elegance!
Date: 11/1/2023 12:08:00 PM
Tritinas can be tricky to pull off well, but this flows with pure grace and rhythm, I love the enchating colors like 'neon waves' and 'rippling prisms' - this is indeed magical, hope it's a winner for you!
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Sam Kauffman
Date: 11/2/2023 10:33:00 AM
Michelle, you are so right! I discovered that fact very quickly - tritinas are intricate and "tricky." You have made my day with your wonderful feedback! Thank you, my friend. I, too, hope it does well. It was such fun to get lost in the images and beauty of the Aurora Borealis which I have seen just once! It left quite an impression on me with its flowing, majestic beauty!! Take care! Blessings to you and a hug!
Date: 10/31/2023 5:18:00 PM
I would love to see Aurora’s magic too, it would be a dream come true. A lovely Tritina form poem Sam. Blessings, Belle
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Sam Kauffman
Date: 11/1/2023 10:33:00 AM
Hi Belle! I do hope you get to see this marvel of nature at least once! It is an amazing experience. One I will never forget. That one time remains vivid in my memory and has been a source of inspiration ever since! When offered the opportunity to write on a favorite word, The Aurora Borealis jumped up! Thank you for your lovely feedback. Blessings of dancing light to you!
Date: 10/30/2023 6:33:00 PM
This was written beautifully. An amazing rhyming scheme here...
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Sam Kauffman
Date: 11/1/2023 10:29:00 AM
Hi Paige! Thank you so very much! This is an interesting form . Had fun rearranging the end words so they made sense. I have seen the Aurora Borealis once. Have never forgotten it! Sending you blessings!
Date: 10/30/2023 12:08:00 PM
my dream is to see the aurora borealis for real one day, what a gorgeous descriptive poem Sam:-) hugs Jan xx
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Sam Kauffman
Date: 10/30/2023 2:50:00 PM
Hi Jan! Thank you so much! Have seen the northern lights just once but they left their indelible signature of awe in my memory. I hope you, too, get to experience this mystical magic one day. Let me know if you do! Blessings and hugs!

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