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An Ego To Brag About

He razzed Iran’s chieftain emir Cotton's had his writing premiere The paparazzi Might call him a Nazi But he's just a smart profiteer Author's note: This young senator reminds me of someone who might have attended a Hitler youth camp. Fear is his opportunity. While he is strangely self-assured, he is on the same side of the nuclear negotiations as the Iranian hardliners. He doesn't go back and talk about the time the USA overthrew the democratically elected government of Iran and installed the brutal Shah. (Even if that information is critical to the relationship we now have with the Iranians.) If talks fail we know there will be a short term benefit to certain groups. Are you affiliated with them, Senator? Follow the $$$.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 10/10/2015 10:25:00 AM
enjoying this one again. I keep clicking on limericks and can't seem to find one I have not already commented to. Let me try just one more!
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Date: 7/25/2015 4:15:00 PM
Are we talking about that bi- racial guy who likes to sing to impress. ;) As you say there is a transition from life to death, sorry to hear about your mother- in- law.
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Date: 7/15/2015 4:06:00 PM
enjoyed your limerick, Luv p.d.
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Beaufort Avatar
Duke Beaufort
Date: 7/15/2015 6:07:00 PM
There is a lot of hatred in the air. I was thinking about it this morning while in a carpool to work. Many of the leaders we have don't understand how to let go of their bad feelings. We need to flood the political scene with psychiatrists!! You, however, are always appreciated.
Date: 6/30/2015 1:18:00 PM
you called him out on what he really was. What a despicable man.
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Date: 5/23/2015 11:05:00 PM
Your political limericks are always so interesting, spot on, and fantastically written, leaving one contemplating deeply. Thanks Duke.. keep writing these brilliant poems! I must say, Duke, I am speechless! Thank you for the sweet comments on my work - you surprised me with praise I feel is not deserved, though you've flattered me and touched my heart. Lots of love to you Duke! Always, Laura
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Date: 5/23/2015 7:43:00 AM
Much to ponder.
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Date: 3/15/2015 9:34:00 PM
Sharp, witty. Nice one. I wouldn't buy a used car from him. Regards, Viv
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Duke Beaufort
Date: 3/27/2015 8:37:00 AM
You are an observant and talented poet! I enjoyed looking at some of your work today. We will change the world one stanza at a time!

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