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ideals to inspire soldiers when 9/11 spewing black clouds meant a complicated revenge defeat terrorists, take out bin Laden remake a country in democratic vestments golden good intentions that lose their way in an undertow of violence the bones of wartime, bullets of combat carnage Taliban insurgents hide and seek in Pakistan militants wait to impose their laws as a regime falls, unhinged by corruption unwilling to fire a shot swift capitulation like jaws snapping shut US departure, flawed dangles like severed wires refugees stampede flee the bondage of remaining evacuation - a spreading blood stain, chaotic Afghanistan intervention, no sound preconditions for success in an end game that had no ending? just more of the same? achievements of 20 years seep through outstretched hands like heated wars storms of desert sand that fixate on what cannot be changed Poem composed September 5/21 For Afghanistan Poetry Contest Sponsor: Kai Michael Neumann

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 1/2/2022 12:41:00 PM
comprehensive list of political mistakes (hubris). shalom shalom Brian
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Brian Sambourne
Date: 1/2/2022 3:59:00 PM
My appreciation for your drop by + comment Anil. I hope the year ahead is a good one for you. Sincerely, Brian
Date: 9/26/2021 12:20:00 PM
Congratulations on your win, Brian. When I first read your poem, I thought it was particularly well-written, and it certainly merited a high place in this contest!
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Brian Sambourne
Date: 9/26/2021 12:51:00 PM
Hi Milton. Your initial comment certainly encouraged me to leave the piece as is. You were the right voice at the right time. With much appreciation, Brian
Date: 9/26/2021 4:54:00 AM
Very true and totally agree! well done!! congrats on your win!
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Brian Sambourne
Date: 9/26/2021 6:10:00 AM
Thank you Krish, for your supportive comments. Best wishes, Brian
Date: 9/26/2021 4:09:00 AM
Real understanding of the crisis. Detailed writing. Congratulations!
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Brian Sambourne
Date: 9/26/2021 6:11:00 AM
Greetings Christuraj, I appreciate your congratulatory note. Hope that you are well + writing. Cheers Brian
Date: 9/20/2021 2:04:00 AM
I really like this poem, especially the closing line. I think you capture very well what most Americans feel about the endless war. Take Care!
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Brian Sambourne
Date: 9/26/2021 6:14:00 AM
Hello Thomas, Kind of you to comment on my overview of Afghanistan. I wish Afghanistan could find internal peace, safety + respect for all. Take care. Brian
Date: 9/18/2021 2:51:00 AM
I think you have a good understanding of the situation so I am glad that I chose this one to read today. We have no idea what the outcome will be but I don't think it will be a good one. Thanks for your visit to my page. I appreciate the time spent there. I am getting better but it is still one day I feel like it is over then the next day I feel like it is back again. Sara
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Brian Sambourne
Date: 9/18/2021 7:46:00 AM
Thanks very much, Sara, for your read of my submission. May your recovery be thorough, which each day a covid residue ending. Brian
Date: 9/13/2021 6:44:00 AM
So true Brian, I believe Pakistan is to Afghanistan what China is to nth Korea, they hold the strings that control these puppets, I think in the end the US done all it could, these withdrawals are always chaotic and upsetting for the friendlies, wonderful honest poem cheers David
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Brian Sambourne
Date: 9/13/2021 8:27:00 AM
Greetings David, Most appreciative of your supportive comment. An exceptionally difficult subject to tackle in 27 lines. Best wishes, Brian
Date: 9/8/2021 4:43:00 PM
Behind that dark curtain that is the Taliban I have a sneaky feeling that Pakistan helped them a lot behind the scenes although they deny it. Well written and Informative piece Brian. Tom
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Brian Sambourne
Date: 9/8/2021 4:53:00 PM
Hi Tom, You're quite right. The Taliban received ample cover + support from Pakistan. (A lifeline really). Thank you for your stop by + affirmative note. Be well. Brian
Date: 9/6/2021 6:58:00 AM
You ably summerize the Afghanistan situation, Brian. Politics is a complicated game in which strategies and end results are not quite what we wish for. ~ Best regards // paul
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Brian Sambourne
Date: 9/6/2021 7:04:00 AM
Greetings Paul, I appreciate your stop by + comment on my poem. The topic is complex in its tragic turmoil. Best wishes, Brian
Date: 9/5/2021 9:06:00 PM
Marvelous review of the recent situation in Afghanistan. Nicely done, Brian. Best wishes in the contest.
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Hankins Avatar
L Milton Hankins
Date: 9/6/2021 10:14:00 AM
Thanks, Brian. I thought it was quite well-written.
Sambourne Avatar
Brian Sambourne
Date: 9/5/2021 9:31:00 PM
Thanks very much Milton. I may revise the poem as it was given short shrift in composition. Your note is most thoughtful, however. Hope that you are well. Cheers, Brian

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