A Short Break
In a City full of travellers, I decided to
stay awhile,
This visiting visitor was venturing,
The streets were colourfully decorated,
crowded and bustling,
People were dressed in sparkly costumes,
sang and danced, all offering a friendly
The eyes were all-conquering,
A new language the ears struggled but
tuned to listening,
The smell from food stalls filled the air,
the nose couldn’t help but take a whiff,
Fragrant aromas made the mouth and
taste buds water, signalling a need to
stop and take a taste.
Feelings of relief and joy had slowly
crept into my soul,
In truth, I felt refreshed and energised
enough to take an evening stroll,
My last Sunset brought a touch of sorrow,
For I was leaving at dawn on the morrow.
by Zyrool
Copyright © Zyrool Gifford | Year Posted 2024
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