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A Letter From a Mother To Her Daughter

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August. 28.2023
Letter to My Children or to My Unborn Poetry Contest
Sponsor- Anoucheka Gangabissoon


The sound of wedding bells, I hear My daughter’s maiden flight, so near Festive celebrations, in full gear And nuptial gaiety, so much in the air This letter I write to my daughter dear To consider seriously and not to sneer She is entering a turning point in life Getting ready to be a young man’s wife * * * * “Oh, Love! Under our sheltering wings Guarded you were, from tumultuous swings Now that you are going away To live under another man’s sway, Bear in mind this counsel thrown By a mother who through age has wiser grown That’ll make your life blissful as you wish And keep it aglow without blemish Make a home of the house you go Give love to all in weal and woe On your face, a pleasing smile you wear Cover in cheer, your furrowed brow of care Give the man all that you can share And show him that you really do care Condone him, though frailties abound And correct him in private, not raising sound As years glide and glamour fades As grimy truths emerge from shades Life may not appear all that fair As once it seemed to the soulful pair Yet, believe, your life is clad in glory Dispel all nagging thoughts that leave you sorry Know, the stumbling blocks that seem so gory Will finally lead to brighter paths of glory Conquer hearts through your innate charisma Never surrender to anyone but to your anima Feel proud that you are a woman. Gifted perhaps more than men with acumen Do not ever demean yourself or forget your identity Even in trying situations, never lose your serenity Hold your head up and never look timid. And venture into a life with dreams vivid!”

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 9/6/2023 4:19:00 PM
Beautiful wisdom and knowledge of life to be gained from your writings, I love the way you bring one into finding the treasures of life, hope fully the daughter could find a husband that values her as she does him
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Date: 9/2/2023 3:31:00 AM
"As years glide and glamour fades As grimy truths emerge from shades Life may not appear all that fair As once it seemed to the soulful pair" -- life teaches us what is truly of value, youthful love at the top of my list. Before being cooled by wisdom and reality. A hopeless romantic I admit. Great advice for anyone, give to circumstances but never belittle the self. Know who you are...and be proud of it. God made us each a treasured individual, never using the exact same pattern twice.
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Date: 8/29/2023 6:20:00 PM
Change "Hide" to shades and make it perfect. the rhyming , perfect , the subject perfect. I need to fave it so that if i need to recomend it to a mother this will be it.
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George Avatar
Valsa George
Date: 8/29/2023 7:06:00 PM
Thank you so much dear friend for your kind suggestion. I have made the change you suggested!
Date: 8/29/2023 7:06:00 AM
I sense the presence of your maternal essence, a testament to your exquisite motherhood. Such sentiments are profoundly touching and adorned with a tapestry of nurturing imagery, a sanctuary of tender shelter and safeguarding. Your words, a beacon of inspiration for both daughters and sons alike, resonate with an authentic and heartfelt sincerity.
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Date: 8/29/2023 3:16:00 AM
Some good advice to a daughter, but so sad that they have to learn on their own most of what has to be learned. We learn from our parents, friends, and other women, but mostly the hardest lessons are learned through experience. Thanks for sharing this one with us and for dropping by my page. I appreciate the nice review of my work. Sara
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Date: 8/28/2023 2:49:00 PM
This poem is so touching and meaningful. I will love you to write letters to my kids who have nearly forgotten me.
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Date: 8/28/2023 9:59:00 AM
Excellent and lovely heartfelt advice. Do you have just one daughter?
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Date: 8/28/2023 3:00:00 AM
This is so heartfelt and so beautiful... I can feel your maternal instincts here, you must be a wonderful mother.. there is so much imagery of shelter and protection and up lifting motivational words for a child to read, be it a daughter or a son... I can feel the sincerity in your words and as a father of two daughters, I can relate to your poem.. a wonderful entry for this contest..
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Date: 8/28/2023 12:32:00 AM
As a mother i can truly feel and understand the depth of this letter. How thoughtful and beautifully you’ve expressed, such wise advice for your daughter. To give love and kindness and make a home wherever she goes especially as she moves on in life with another: this must be very emotional to pen. Your sincere love and thoughts so well depicted, I love the flow of this letter . I must also highlight those opening rhymes! Truly stunning with such descriptive imagery. Love this
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Date: 8/27/2023 11:29:00 PM
Valsa that is a lovely message to your daughter. I don't see too much women's liberation in there, but I am sure she will add lil buts to the mix where she sees fit. Any daughter would be proud to receive such valuable advice to create a happy home. Beautifully written
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