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Best Poems Written by John Fleming

Below are the all-time best John Fleming poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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One Brief Moment

Look...See how long nights are drawing in.
Dreary birdsong gradually abates -
Opaque dusk grows dim;
And just outside the creaky little garden
Stood opposite the empty wood
Where the vacant threshold silently awaits,
I pause, when, resonating quietly back...
I now hear...
Far distant echoes of my glorious childhood 
Tugging like a Siren upon my ear.

With a heartfelt pang I turn to move,
Before my staring should offend some 
Old friends ghost
To manifest in vengeful affright,
Towards the comforting sanctuary proffered
By the warm kitchens weak neon light...
That sneaks out from behind the half-shut
But held - Transfixed! 
Brought from wither-not-where to this one
Small place - Staid...
As if caught in a state of heavenly grace,
Conversing to the soft wind in harmonious 
Angelic rapport:-
Thus soothes like enchantments waves...
Rolling gently up to repeatedly break upon 
Magical banks girdling Nivians lakeshore.

For what be this odd muse 
That upon my aging senses does so readily
And to my inner soul so inextricably
Ahhh...But this much I may be allowed to 
Before darkly gathering skies extinguish 
Over weak flames of the last spluttering
Perhaps it is our inner voice
That seeks out the solitudes of 
Tranquilities choice -
To witness and record and dutifully store...
Those rare and fleeting moments 
We all too briefly adore.

Copyright © John Fleming | Year Posted 2016

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Hidden Beauty

Hidden beauty resides not in the grace like charms
Of coy smiles 
Painted across a gentle Madonnas face.
Nor is she vested within the chastened vows
Of saintly knights; encased Great-Helm:
Thus maketh the pale maidens meek pulse
To so fervently race!

She neither dwells in fair Michelangelos alabaster statues,
Or famed masterpieces hung upon hushed galleries
Hallowed walls.
Never does she proudly boast from-on-high
In lofty ivory towers,
Or brazenly shout across yawning grandiose marble halls!

For she will not be found in royal palaces,
Or sprawling estates of greatly lauded piles;
She is not to be found in ancient cathedrals -
Or exalted from their most sacred holy aisles!

She will not be found in hidden empires in brave new worlds
Frontiered by far flung foam washed shores;
Nor found prowling echoing dusty bank vaults -
If all the worlds bankers
Were to throw open all of their bolted cold steel doors!

For hidden beauty knows all the crafts and wisdoms
Of learned mens most subtle and tricky arts:
And cares not a jot, or gives a damn,
For all the poets and their foolish sentimental hearts!


Perhaps she shyly glowers inside a sun struck morn -
Her stealing lips simmering upon the dew kissed dawn;

Perhaps she wantonly flirts alongside a babbling brook -
Where sweet Virgil, Her, for a Muse mistook;

Perhaps she frequents the flowery paths of verdant pasture -
With all their lush, vibrant, unassuming rapture;

Perhaps you may find her in the dappled shades -
In and amongst the streaming glades;

Perhaps she traipses idly through heavens lights -
Of beached harvest moons and star tilted nights.


Perhaps she briefly flickers across sizzling lightening strikes -
Accompanying thunderous cannonades of symphonic rolling might;

Perhaps she sometimes ignites the drifting tallgrass plains -
Glistening within fleeting rainbows blazing an arc over sparkling rains;

Perhaps she is in the gulf filled roar of stormy headlands -
Whose pounding seas smash and grind the sheering cliffs to sands;

Perhaps she burns across diamond ice in glacial mountains high -
Where frozen snows reach sharply upwards to rip open the azured sky;

Perhaps she slumbers in impenetrable greening forests deep -
Lain down with the hunted grey at last in contented sleep!


I am the glint rippling upon the gleam -
The tumbling cryptic flashing only partly seen;

I am the eternal flame that crackles in the grate -
The enigmatic, indecipherable, most profound innate;

I am the paradox within the intrigue -
That does so contrive but does not deceive;

I am the quantum within the curled up string -
The grain of truth from which all half-truths spring.

I am all these indefinable moments and much, much more...
which all of your befuddled senses are resigned to grapple with - 
Whereupon to set such store!


Content yourself and make not the mistake
To assuredly set me aside to thus debate.
For i am beyond the conjectures of a mere mortal mind,
As by accidental-consequential reaction...i cannot be denied!

                            For "Hidden Beauty".....

Once freed from Pandoras box upon this spinning coil:
To fire and play upon your enchanted thoughts - and forever foil!!

Copyright © John Fleming | Year Posted 2015

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The View From a Window

A view of the ragged woodland from
The window:-
Slender branched trees that shed
From high above to low below;
The faint, mauven peaks
Smattered with barely visible
Scatterings of drifted snow;
Across the matted undergrowth
A bronzed carpet of copper coloured
Whose rusting hue, 
Momentarily ignited by stray 
Sunbeams weakly smouldering,
Briefly refurbished -
Deceives with all the colours of a
From vibrant red through to shy
Hints of indigo;
Those vague outlines indicating 
Receding hills;
Here, arising, long ago, every waking 
The creaking structures
Of groaning and imposing mills;
Soon a slow thawing that quickly 
Into the trickling replenishments 
Of many gushing and silvery little 

Enchantment gripped me!
And I found myself wistfully 
Maybe, perhaps, maybe, somewhere,
Just behind where the great 
Flattening Orb
Is now rapidly shrinking,
That I might, by perchance, find, 
If I did so hope to bravely dare,
To happen upon a hidden and 
Sedentary way of life up there?
That, forgotten, has turned its 
Back on the social conflicts 
Plagued by the curses of ingrained
Encumbering a soul with its petty 
Imposing upon with demands and
When placing unnecessary burdens 
On a honest bodies daily call
Of grinding toil and wearisome 

And still stood, 
With hands outstretched upon the
Painted sill,
At the waist half-bent,
Now troubled by quiet mutterings
In an inexplicable sorts
Of self-imposed discontent,
My staid consciousness almost 
As, momentarily distracted,
I hesitated, and, unseeing, 
Inattentively stared...
A ragged chapter of cawing Daws,
Loudly jabbering overhead,
Suddenly wheeled -
And upwardly soared!
Whereupon, in murderous haste,
Awkwardly fled
When laboriously stealing away
Back inside the stubbled fields...
Thus causing me to slowly straighten;
Whilst, with a singular heartfelt pang,
Liken a moorland mist slowly rolling
That indivisibly conceals...
Drew shut the sullen curtains, which, 
Heavily embroidered with indeterminate 
Dejectedly hang...
Each draped aside of the cold 

Copyright © John Fleming | Year Posted 2017

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August Rains

The steadily falling cold August rains
Continue to pour upon Cheshires lanes;
Over flattening fields of soddened wheat,
Soaking the grass, splashing the feet.

Stands the Combine in the shed;
The unripened apples hanging rosy red.
Stands the caped heron all alone -
His glinting eye as cold as stone.

And in amongst the many puddles
We step around like our troubles:
So lurch ahead with our retreat
Like drunken fools in the street.

And through this months darkly frowns
The cleansing downpours wash the towns;
Scrubs the spire from ingrained time -
Absolves the guilt from the crime!

Copyright © John Fleming | Year Posted 2014

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The Tower Rebuilt

I shall resolve to leave this
Place now...
And steadfastly search out,
Nestling between ridge and bluff
Amidst the folds of a foreign 
Several acres of unkempt ground
Fallow and rough;
Upon which stands...
Crumbled stone walls
With an exposed slate roof in
Some state of disrepair,
And a rounded brough
Complete with smooth, 
Well trodden steps
Twisting around a narrow stair.

An Inglenook, therein,
Will I construct,
With deep reveals to cheer me
In my idling days,
And wide spanning arch
To sit before and stay the onset
Of this old age...
And all its creeping ills;
While in all the subtle crafts
In which I was taught 
to be so ably Skilled:
Rebuild this castle
Inside the wistful echos
Of these deeply-spilling 
And far resounding hills.

Then, with mind well set,
complete with muscles willing
And perspirations honest sweat,
I shall toil upon this task;
For a little more precious time,
Coupled with fortitude and 
In truth, is all one my humbly
And by my will...
And by my command -
Raise up these fallen blocks
Once more
Upon this goodly land.

For could it happen that
Every night,
Before I gladly retire,
I glimpse a trace of those whose 
Haunt the hot flames of my steady 
Disregarding manifested nightly 
That, in their lonely spectral 
Creep across old squeaking boards...
Lain at right angles
Over the creaking joists
Hidden under ingrained, 
Dusty, oaken floors.

And placing down my thick and 
Red leather-bound book
I reach across for thread, 
Sharp needle and hook;
When picking up the threadbare  
Blue-velvet rags...
I stitch in the bright silvery stars
We once eagerly reached for,
But did not quite grasp,
In our younger days as lustier 
Perhaps pausing in mid-motion,
With a rueful look,
To pensively consider of that
Weary road 
One lone stray drummer,
Still steadily drumming -
Steadfastly took.

Consider! Accession is but a 
Trifle -
The anointed destiny of all 
Royal Kings... 
And all earthly prizes pale asides 
Whatever riches accumulated
Wisdom gradually brings:
Born of labor,
Re-doubled effort,
Born of non-compromise...
And fated,
Gently resigned, nodding sighs.

Rising now on upright stiffening
Listening to the dark hours 
Belated howls
Rise over the laments
Of the Lime-torched rafters 
Swelling moans;
And, plodding slowly upwards
Of my bell-less tower -
Seek out welcome sleep 
Within my shaking, wind swept

Slung low under the eastern 
Of a sharp crested Moon...
The radiant Dog-Star
Floods its rainbow colours through
Narrowed slits
Of the high turreted room.
Port-side lies my yawing bed
Rigged-out in white linen sheets;
Amidships my mattress spread -
Two firm pillows serve as cabin 
To plunge about my weary head!

Storm rages down...
And storm blows below -
Redoubtable little boat 
Swung back and fro!
Tossed and tipped from trough 
To pitch:
Resolute timbers - Lashed afloat 
This angry ditch!
Caught in the deep channel 
Of my chaotic bind...
To seek safe haven I do 
Endeavour to find:
A safe harbour on some newly
Formed virgin shore;
Along whose gentle currents  
My sturdy tiller swings...
And now steers for -
Upon the white spumes 
Of a steady bore.

Far, far, far above,
Past where Andromeda yields,
And Hercules, who upon the head
Of Draco kneels;
And far, far, far beyond 
Interstellar dust - 
Adorned the blazing Constellations 
I walk between the milky-ways
Of sunlit nights and shinning
Eternal days...
Which relentlessly spiral
Aboard boundless rays.

For, it seems, that a man can 
voyage over the unfathomable 
To chase his elusive dreams
Among the crowded stars;
Where, cutting the black voids
With heavens lights:
Hissing crystal tails of vaporous 
Comets -
Condense within the blazing trails
Of burning meteorites!

Indeed! Men may sail on celestial
Seas -
As they traverse the showering 
Exploding forth in grandest 
In golden realms of the Gods 
Hurled smites!
Seek their solace upon Eternities 
Unending oceans -
Their fortunes blown by solar winds:
Mortal souls searching in perpetuity 
Until the dawning revelry then 

Answering the call to old Gabriels 
As dappling sunlight creeps across
My undaunted little tower,
I open my eyes to the new born
Morn -
When summoned to the beckoning
Descending from my fortified
Reinforced with new found zeal,
I reflect upon this newly provoked
Insight -
As the happy chapel bell begins
To joyously peel!

So awaken, Herald! 
And usher in ennobled thoughts,
For enlightenment sought,
Inside where aspirations deem
To dwell.
Just as the planted seeds,
Of much great nourished deeds,
Do so germinate - all naysayers to 
As all lofty creeds, 
Must at some point,
Readily concede, in time,
To the bleak tolling 
Of the cruel fates final knell!

Therefore, put yourself to the 
Immediate task,
Against all obstacles however 
Mean or extreme,
Whilst upon the faithful handle 
Firmly grasp
Of worn tools whose blades are
Worthy and keen.
When bending your strong back 
To take the strain,
Denying any quarter or appeals 
To moderate refrain,
Over adversity you justifiably 
Your laudable goals, 
Thus, to surely attain.

Hear me then!
Build tall your Broughs,
Withstanding fancies flight,
Disregarding all those
Who may well try:  
Seek to disparage, ridicule and
Suffer not scoffers, knaves 
And braying fools 
But raise up your proud
Wherever you should most joyfully
For in among the ruins where
Failure steals:
So prevails triumph -
To forever chase his grim presence 
From your low-rubbled fields!

My gratitude to my good friend Mr George Dee Vuy for inspiring me to conceive these
last three verses with the beautiful word..."Ennobled"!! 
Many thanks, George!

Copyright © John Fleming | Year Posted 2015

Details | John Fleming Poem

Crimson Moon

O beguiling crimson Moon
Fiercely blazing for want of thee;
Descending beneath faltering clouds;
Leering wantonly;
And She:
Her coy distractions and brazen
Laid bare and stripped rude...
Like the naked lightening tree.

Stealing forth his confoundments
Dealt by bloody, craven fingers
Which do betray and disavow
The sacred pledges 
Made unto the black veils
Of night-time down...
When, drifting carnally upwards 
Against your sleeping form -
Stooping to kiss upon that fiery brow...
Thus forged an incestuous alliance
Beneath the distant stars
Of a broken plough.

Copyright © John Fleming | Year Posted 2015

Details | John Fleming Poem

The Turning

The year has finally yawned and turned       
Upon a half-revealed shoulder.
A vibrancy, intrinsic to a reemerging 
Enforcement of the strengthening light, 
In its deliberate and unconcerned      
Way, heightening, with increasing vigour,        
Each new days new made morn.                 
From out of the kitchen window I spot a 
Cautious speckled-breasted Thrush busily 
Occupying itself with the practicalities of
My soaked-through and unkempt lawn;                              
Hopefully a chance of an unearthed grub 
Or careless worm.                               
What was once submerged in a slumbering
Of seasonal disrepair                        
Now begins to gently stir ...when, of 
course, favourable conditions thus allows.                      
The first scrambling moil of enchanting
White Snowdrops sprouting, mostly 
Unnoticed, through the dark leaf molds 
Blackened surrounds.                         
For one who looks: all the subtle     
Indicators in shy abundance everywhere.     

Soon the sparse and tentative spills         
Of bulbous Crocus, faint Primrose, 
Vigorous Forget-me-nots. A crowding of                   
Lavishly painted Daffodils;                     
They appear, uninvited, on our neatly
Tendered roundabouts and embankments, 
Invading unruly verges alongside       
Narrow roads flanked by the emptied 
Whitethorn hedges; a safe haven in the
Returning Springtime allowing all manner 
Of varied flora and fauna to thrive.                                      
This gradual awakening. Firstly in the
Valleys; creeping ever upwards; unto 
Steep Vales and distant hills:-               
Here a thawing of the stiffened and 
Spiky grasses;                               
Encouragement for an intermingling 
Entanglement of Sorrel, Tormentil and
Butterwort to propagate between
Yellow-spotted lichen rock.         
Further onward yet, steadily climbing --
Then the sweeping moorland displaying
Her quilted and patchworked masses        
Of purple Heather;
A windswept moors desolate beauty,
Its perfect isolation, surpasses                                   
All I have ever known...almost as if   
Grinding time haltingly pauses and begs 
To dally like slow and patient shadows
Falling over the fingerless face of a 
Sun-dials chimeless clock.                   

Yes, the year has now reluctantly awoken.      
Only yesterday, out of the unattended 
Confines of the marbled fields, I heard 
The introductory contentions of the 
"Golden-Beaked Herald";  thence 
Proceeding to enthusiastically warble, 
With much determined pomp and brazen
Above those tilted slabs when perched
Upon the barest branch of the graveyards
Old Cherry tree;                                
It were as if he was compelled to show,
Feathered throat widely open,                   
His complete unruffled soul before the 
Indifference of the whole ignorant World!      
That ageless song...nearly, I wager, as
Ancient as those retreating, elusive notes 
From the pipes of immortal Pan.                                                     
Whilst, summoned from within that 
Ouzel's sonorous melody, which sweetly
Over a crisp, hammering stillness, it 
Seemed to be, in that short duration,
He desperately hurled                                          
His fullest repertoire...for the 
Consideration of one unworthy man.

Copyright © John Fleming | Year Posted 2018

Details | John Fleming Poem

An Eulogy of Sorts, That, Hopefully, Lends Itself To Daver

Do not vainly look in those remote
That, once, were acquainted with a 
Small part of me;                          
Here I roamed beneath congestion's
Of tumultuous cloud;                        
Happy in idle dalliance; still the
Clouds gather together listlessly          
Above the mauve quilts of purple
Lit by that strange half-light that
Thinly spills                              
Through the gloaming of twilight's 
For those that stayed...
They have long since lowered my  
Emptied body down.                                                     

And ponder not, my friends, wherest
I might be?                                  
And think not that I lie mouldering 
And irretrievably dead                                   
For my dimmed eyes have been 
Re-opened...and thus I wander 
Unchecked and free;                        
Though no more to haunt narrowed 
Seclusion of those twisted and 
Meandering lanes,                     
Where, accompanied by untidy verges 
Rich with gaudy coloured Cornflowers... 
Didst contentedly dawdle alongside 
Dusted fields of ripening grains.                                     
For death, in all truth, is just a 
Gentle passing through when 
Everything else is finally done and 

And do not listen out for me                
In jostling woods when scrambling up
Gentle slopes of shallow vales;             
Rather, deep inside retreating 
Catch the ever sounding notes of 
Sweetest liquidity!                         
Soon a sharp tinkling of dropping 
And yellowing leaves;                       
And, revealed in all their 
Stripped bare - gaunt trunks of
Ancient trees!                              
But the shrunken trees shall so 
As my shrunken soul so too prevails.        

And think, if only briefly, of what
Were the living bones                       
As you arise to early dawns newly
Fashioned vibrance and hue;                                       
But those tired bones have long
Since atoned!                                                              
Or, perhaps, when you retire at the 
End of each finished day                                  
You could enrich my memory in some 
Fond, albeit unimportant, enduring,
And a gradual slow-smiling sort of 
For what  is left is nothing but mere 
As if a finely carpeted sprinkling of 
Glistening, summer dew.                  

But that immortal residual has 
Now become part of the living 
Currents eternal stream;                             
No longer held within thin bloods
Coursing grey veins;                                      
At odd times, I would hope, 
A sudden flashing recollection, a
Diminished image of a blithe spirit 
That  compels upon does 
A momentarily sparkling glimmer 
Ignited by the brighest glint of a 
Fleeting gleam!                                   
Then let them say only this of me,                 
That, indeed, for him, this is a 
Most fitting eulogy.                      
For I should wish of all there ever least this much so

Rest in peace, Daver. 
Your respectful friend 
Through words. john

Copyright © John Fleming | Year Posted 2017

Details | John Fleming Poem

An Eternity I

Stood upright, between two roads,
On a thin metal rail,
A solitary, brown coloured bottle 
Of beer,                                     
Sporting a red and whitle label,                      
Emptied and callously abandoned...
Just like the tin can of cider
Plonked down beside you on your 
Little polished mahogony table.                     
An unremarkable glass bottle,
As if a piece of submitted 
Street avant-garde left on display,                                             
Purposely discarded by some 
Unknown person or persons here;              
Whilst, with the whole passing 
Seated in driving ignorance before 
All existence dashing endlessly
When  frantically tumbling and 
Inside the madly spinning,           
Half-rounded Hemisphere.                    

Somewhere, after enduring a short 
Commercial break...
Every advert dryly commented upon -
Each being accorded an equally
Dismissive and condescending stare,              
One in particular informing it's 
Disinterested audience
Of the frightful perils 
On developing pancreatic cancer,                  
A warm couch, motionless, 
Suddenly stirs and starts upwards 
Like a cornered panther                           
Snarling before the hunters gun!                 
Your sullen visage momentarily
When briefly enraptured by dazzling
Of the shimmering Aegean:-
And you, swimming alone, in your
Perfectly constructed little rocky 
Where brightly coloured shoals of
Exotic fishes teem; 
Then that reinstated glare,                    
Fiercely conveyed with all the
Of a blazing Grecian sun,                              
That perpetually resides 
In all its burning arrogance there!            

For I envision a single angry tear,
Pertaining to a faint hint of dark
Hesitating against a brushed 
As if a last remaining,
Desperately-clinging, raindrop
Being pushed acrosss the oily 
Of my panoramic windscreen...                            
A tear that contains, perhaps,
The whole of the worlds filtered
The pitiless look in those wild, 
Turbulent eyes
Awash with the currents surging ebb;
Low utterances of broken trusts,
Unrequited love and misplaced 
All precursors to oft repeated vocal 
Spawned from some unjustified,
Obscure, nagging doubt;                                   
Recalling my own dismal resignation's 
When knowing better 
Than to try and hopelessly intervene!                    
Same old recriminations and wearisome           
Now being muttered, I should'nt wonder,
Barely audibly throughout...                                                                                            
Will herald the onset of newly 
Assembled confusion... 
As you struggle wretchedly 
In preparation for another troubling

Overhead, lunar dignitaries, arisen  
From behind confinement of their cells 
Celestial bars...                                            
But irrevocably anchored to the
Impossible deeps;                                                 
Here, patiently awaiting, in all their 
Accursed immortality, 
The defeated Titans and great usurped 
Cronus soundly sleep;                                                                                                       
And a gathering together when offering 
Obedient prayers:-                                                      
Cloistered abominations of awakened
Stars -                                                                       
Whose exultation's shine brightly in
Dutiful obeyance -                
In worshipful praise of his most 
Hallowed regime!                                      
They whomst unashamedly dare to 
Brazenly gaze 
Upon portrayal of flushed irreverence;
Now attempting, albeit she greivously 
Like a cast-out Angel,
To stagger up the step's defiant 
Which, in supportive awkwardness, 
Stoically resists the steadying 
Proffered from thickly carpeted 
But I have long since fled.
For soon I will join the thining lines 
Of departing cars 
That invade upon the unearthly realm
Of flittering Bat and barred Nightjars.        

Please read part two.

Copyright © John Fleming | Year Posted 2017

Details | John Fleming Poem

The Bard of Gort

Springing free from glistening 
The summers heat leaps for 
Whilst drifting obscurely far
A distant lark now hangs in 

Floats down his sweet trill,
Accompanied by joyous and
Uplifting revelry,
Over the black crows nasal 
Whose draped shadow,
contemplating devilry,
Flaps and furtively falls 
Into ripening bean fields 
Planted in neatly sowed rows:
Nourished in darkest till,
Enriched by pedantic verse of
Gaelic odes.

Do now these gentle Slopes 
Pause to yield
Where secretive song,
Bursting forth, is much concealed 
inside the plain of Aidhne;
For here the great rock of the 
Whereby so implored upon,
Revealed its grey stones...
To rebuild ancient and deserted 
Thoor Ballylee.

Sweeping briskly past a tors 
Grassy island busy in bloom,
Eagerly cramming under four
Crouched arches,
Skim the borrowed waters of 
Thee immortal Cloone;
Dappling currents
Dawdling around squat stanchions -
Staunchly carrying the quiet bridge 
Over the old concourse:
Momentarily loitering -
Wantonly begging to coyly swoon...

Now, joyfully sporting in gushing 
Gleefully courting elusive and
Glimmering enchantments:
Mirrored reflections enticed to
Enter -
To be forever trapped within a 
Burbling rivers sacred rhyme and

Higher and higher the spiraling
Stairs of de Burgo
When through airy woodland 
The towering shadow sought;
And higher and higher the spirit 
Of an ageing poet...
His crowding thoughts
Roaming freely amidst these
Fabled legends of Gort.

Harken then to the feathered 
Herald -
Tis Gods design that calls on 
For few men know of what he 
He sings of the forgotten paths 
Forever lost within Innisfree.

Copyright © John Fleming | Year Posted 2016


Book: Shattered Sighs