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SECOND CHAPTER Of My Story (Mountains Call Me) - Partition Of India - Huge Impact on History - Malabika Ray Choudhury's Blog

About Malabika Ray Choudhury
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Reading and Creative Writing are my passions from a very young age. After spending many years of teaching as my profession, finally I am devoting myself to my passions - Poetry, Singing, and Art. I also write short stories, long stories, memoirs, cooking diary...and work on translations of poems from my home-language, Bengali, a regional language in India. 

 My early years were spent in India, and some later years in the Middle East - finally settled in Toronto, Canada. Writing comes first, but I also learn, practise and enjoy music and art. I am an avid reader from my early childhood - read both classic and modern writers - from Iliad, Odyssey and Shakespeare to P.G. Wodehouse, to Elena Ferrante and Kazuo Ishiguro. The book which is always on my desk is Gitanjali, the collection of spiritual songs by Rabindranath Tagore, the Nobel-laureate Poet of India.

Poetry is an expression of thoughts, feelings and reflections. Some of my unique life-experiences get expressed in my poems and short stories. I attempt to express my reflections and thoughts with creativity and depth - poetic flow and elegance are my goals. At present I am working on a memoir which covers my family's history and my life in three different countries with rich and varied cultures. 

I write equally in two languages -  in English, and in Bengali, which is a regional language in the eastern part of India. I have translated a few famous Bengali poems, mainly by Rabindranath Tagore and Jibanananda Das, in English. My book of translation is available on amazon, being published in August, 2023. In the beginning of 2023, I also wrote a short novel in Bengali, called "Pahar Amay Dake" - it would be "Mountains are calling me" in English. This book has been published in Kolkata, India, by Karukatha Publishers, on my birthday in 2023.  

I create videos with my own poems and poems by famous writers, and also create audio-books from English and Bengali literature... created my own channel on You Tube, and uploaded a few songs, rendered by myself. 

Channel URL for You Tube

I work on a few forms of rare art - eggshell decorations, copper-tooling and batik are some of them. 

Here are the links to my translations of Rabindranath Tagore's Poems: (Finally Saved - Part 1) (Fianlly Saved - Part 2) (Fianally Saved - Part 3) (Freed From My Shacles) (Deception - Part 1) (Deception - Part 2)

(Banalata Sen)
(Invention Of Shoes - Part 1)
(Invention Of Shoes - Part 2)
(Sleeping Beauty)
(An Ordinary Girl)
Below is a link to my YOU TUBE Channel. You may subscribe to this channel, where I post recitation of my poems, poems from Rabindranath Tagore, and also songs (rendered by myself) composed by Tagore. Please click on my picture at the bottom of the video - you will find my channel. Channel URL is at the bottom of this post. 


Channel URL for You Tube


handle: @raymalabika

 This link will take you to my channel on YOU TUBE



SECOND CHAPTER Of My Story (Mountains Call Me) - Partition Of India - Huge Impact on History

Blog Posted:1/7/2024 4:17:00 PM
Dear Soupers, 
In November, I posted the first chapter of a story I wrote in Bengali (my home-language) and translated it in English. The work is in progress - I have completed translating eight chapters, there are ten more chapters to go. The Bengali version has been published in India. 
Today I am posting the second chapter. Some of my poet-friends read the first chapter - in case, you are interested, and did not, the link is here. 
Here is the SECOND CHAPTER of the story - the title is "Mountains Call Me". Thank you for reading, Dear Friends! 

Chapter 2 - My Birthplace, Banigram


Almost dusk, the sun is setting in the horizon - the sky flaming vermillion-red, a few birds, probably eagles - are still visible in the sky far away. The train is running far away from Kolkata. Can’t believe, we, a group of twelve, are leaving Kolkata for the mountains in the North! We had a lot of chat throughout the morning, a bit tired now, eyes drooping heavy, and memories from the past are crowding in my mind. Many years have passed, I never had time to sit quietly, and ponder about my own life! Today, not sure why, many memories are stepping forward with small steps from the innermost corner of my heart. 


In East Bengal, which is now Bangladesh, I was born in a small village called Banigram of Mymensingh district. My parents had two sons, and three daughters when I was born. Yet my parents were delighted and ready to welcome another child.  My father, Hemendra Mohan Choudhury, was working as the manager of United Bank in the city of Mymensingh. At that time.. I am talking about the time before the Partition of India in 1947...there were very few people with a university degree of BA, and BL. Practising Law was a dream for many. But what I heard from my mother, although my father had the degree, he didn’t like the profession - he found too much manipulation and politics in a court-room. So he opted for a job with the bank, which was situated at the heart of the city. Our family started living upstairs in the same building. Till then, India was under British rule. 



We had many acres of land in Banigram of Mymensingh District - my father’s two elder brothers - Surendra Mohan, and Mohendra Mohan - used to look after that property. We had a huge house on one acre of land, where our family lived peacefully with many extended relatives. There were ponds full of fish, there were orchards full of mangoes and jackfruits; they grew vegetables in their own land, there were paddy-fields, and there were betel-nut trees in rows. Women used to stay in the inner quarters, but our mothers and aunts managed to sell, via women in their village, those betel-nuts, and buy their favourite nick-nacks with that earning. That was their belonging and their privilege, men did not interfere with that transaction - they did not ask for a share or account of that money. 


For looking after and harvesting the paddy-fields, my family hired a few men of subordinates, living in the same area in small huts with their families. Hindus and Muslims lived beside each other in that village, although the all-powerful landlords were all Hindus. There goes a saying - instructed by zamindars, tigers and cows drank water from the same river. That may not be true, but I know - if anyone walked past the door of Surendra mohan Choudhury, my father’s eldest brother, they were supposed to take off their shoes. Walking with shoes on in front of Surendra Choudhury, the landlord?! Never!


Surendra Mohan Choudhury, on the other hand, did not hesitate to give shelter to his people, if they were in distress. Once there was a big riot between Hindus and Muslims. The British Government had a hard time controlling and coping with it…people from surrounding villages were shivering with terror. Surendra Mohan Choudhury offered shelter to many villagers in his own land, and saved residents of five villages from terrible consequences. Later the villagers composed a song honouring him as their saviour and hero. The British Government appreciated his courage and bravery, and awarded him a rifle. The magazine “Prabashi” released a picture of him. 


My mother, Probasini, got married when she was only thirteen, and my father was eighteen. My mother was born in a wealthy landlord family of Masua. My mother’s father, my grandfather, Kunjamohan Aich Bhowmick, had an elephant as a pet. And my grandmother was such a voracious reader that she had a library of her own. My mother was their eldest daughter, but she was not considered pretty in those days. She had beautiful eyes, and wonderful features, but she was not exactly petite, which was regarded as the norm of beauty. She was tall, and her skin-colour was dark. So she was not considered as attractive as a bride to be chosen. My father lost his parents when he was barely seven…so my mother’s wealthy parents found him as the groom for their daughter, and supported their son-in-law to get a degree from the university. 


My mother was the eldest among her siblings, but after she got married, she was sent to live with her husband’s family in a village far away, and from then on, had very little contact with her own parents. That was the normal custom for women in those days, they almost forgot the family they were born into -  one reason was the distance, the other was the expectations from the society. After they got married, women were regarded as part of their husband’s family…it didn't matter if they came from a rich, or a poor family…women used to accept their new family and their status as their fate. 


Although my mother was not in touch with her parents, she inherited many artistic skills from her paternal family - no one could stop their daughter to carry those inherent talents nurtured with love. My mother’s culinary skills were incomparable - whoever had tasted her food once, had to come back again. Her desserts were sumptuous and famous - especially her sweets were a must for wedding presentations. My mother was an artist, she designed and sculpted her own moulds for sweets, literally, on stone or cement. Every year on the auspicious day of worshiping Goddess Lakshmi, neighbours and everyone around, used to wait to see her paintings on the floor, done skillfully and artistically with a paste of rice-flour and spices.


Her grandchildren stole pickles from her storage innumerable times. And, she had such a variety of pickles - probably of ten kinds; only of mangoes - green, ripe, hot, sweet, sour - all kinds possible. Other than mangoes, she used tamarind, and a variety of berries for making pickles…My mother used to hide those mouth-watering condiments in her puja-room…but very soon, miraculously, they would all be gone.  Children used to rule the afternoons, they could not be stopped by restrictions . 


Let me tell you about my childhood…about my brothers and sisters. My three sisters, and two brothers were born in Banigram, the village in Mymensingh too. My siblings were all quite handsome, and mother was dark, but my father was fair. My eldest sister, Putul, had such a light skin that people used to call her “memsahib (white woman)”. And my eldest brother, Sisir? He was as handsome as a Hollywood movie star!  He was academically brilliant, and excellent in all kinds of sports as well. Brave, courageous, generous, kind, charming - he was the Dream Prince on horseback, who many girls used to swoon over. Even their parents sincerely wished Sisir married their daughters. 


Anyway, that story comes later. Let me tell you the story of my birth. I was not light-skinned like my brothers and sisters. In those days, children were born at home. People did not go to hospitals for child-birth. All my mother’s children were born at home, in our ancestral home. The midwife used to arrive, when they were called. Same was happening when I was born. My mother had five children born at home…all were healthy, her sister-in-laws took care of them after birth, the same would happen this time. 


But no, unfortunately the same did not happen. No one ever talked to me about my birth in detail, but I heard bits and pieces from my family-members. The midwife was shocked when she saw me after birth. This child didn’t look like a normal baby! They didn’t have electricity in their houses, but why were there dark spots all over the baby’s body? What are these spots...which did not go away even if cleaned! Midwife Myna had witnessed many births, never had experienced anything like this! She was so bewildered, she called the other women in the family - “can you come, Ladies, and have a look?” 


My mother was exhausted, still she got up in shock - “What happened, Moyna? Do I have a girl?”

“Yes, you have a girl”.

“Then what happened? What are you talking about?”


Mayna kept quiet. She didn’t want to burden my mother, right after delivery,  with more pain. 

She said “You need to take a rest. We are taking care of the baby”.

My father, from outside the room, wanted to know how his wife was doing, and how the baby was doing. Nobody uttered a word about the abnormality. My mother’s eldest sister-in-law wiped her tears, and said “Yes, everything is fine”. 


This is the story of my birth. My mother was sad, wept for a few days, perhaps for a few months. My father didn’t know how to comfort her, but I was healthy and normal in every other way - I was fed on mother’s milk, I moved my body like a normal baby. Everyone had this huge question about me - why did this happen to our baby-girl? Why was there such an abnormality in her skin? There was no answer, I was growing up like any other normal baby in my mother’s lap. 


No one has actually narrated the story of my birth to me, but I heard from my relatives, even from the women who lived in the village - in bits and pieces from their conversations. When I was too young, three or four, I definitely didn’t notice why some people stared at me with questioning eyes, but after growing up, at six or seven, I started noticing. By that time, my parents, my siblings got used to the abnormalities of my skin, but neighbours were not. So, quite often, me or my mother, had to face these questions: “ What are those spots on Lakshmi’s body? Does she have those scars from her birth?’


Oh I am sorry, forgot to mention - my family called me “Lakshmi” - the goddess of wealth in Hinduism. Who named me like that? What for? Actually it was my father’s eldest brother, who won a huge legal battle on the day I was born, named me saying “Oh, she is our Lakshmi”. I had another official name - as many Bengalis used to have two names, official and a pet-name. My official name is “Namita”. But most people knew me as “Lakshmi” - the official name was used in schools, colleges, and much later, at the workplace. At home, I was only Lakshmi - the goddess who brings wealth and happiness to families!





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Date: 2/18/2024 6:08:00 AM
thank you for sending me what appears to be a wonderful next chapter. I haven't yet read it in its entirety, but will do so over the next couple of days. Just wanted you to know.
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Ray Choudhury Avatar
Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 2/18/2024 6:27:00 AM
Take it slow, Sara - this storyline is very unfamiliar to you. It’s a different world - even the names are unique! That is why I am posting it in a slower pace - my plan is posting once a month. I am so glad sharing with talented and insightful writers like you - appreciate your support! Love ~ Mala
Date: 2/4/2024 11:01:00 AM
A time when practicing law was only a dream. Fascinating to read about the relationships between Hindu's and muslins then. The bride having to move faraway with her husband, traumatic and matter of fact. How skin color played upon family dynamic's and Namita, a colorful character with a condition. Society will no doubt demean her. Mala I cannot wait to delve into the next chapter. An intriguing and exotic yarn. A friend ~Anaya
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 2/18/2024 4:23:00 AM
OMG, Dear Anaya, you have read the story so thoroughly! My grandfather graduated with law, when it was only a dream for many! Relationships between Hindus and Muslims were sometimes tense, interesting and thought-provoking! Discrimination for skin-colour, little girls getting married, and moving away from families were common issues and occurrences. Thank you for reading - I feel over the moon finding you interested in the story. Today I posted Chapter 3. Hope it interests you. Love and Hugs, My Dear Dear Poetess.
Date: 1/19/2024 10:52:00 AM
Hello Malabika, I am about to read the first English translated chapter of "Mountains Call Me" and then I'll come back to read the second chapter. Have a nice day Mala!
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 2/18/2024 4:16:00 AM
Thank you, Dear Poetess. Your encouraging comments are so much appreciated! I feel blessed!
Date: 1/15/2024 5:07:00 PM
lovely autobiography. You're so versatile and inspirational. Thanks for sharing. Best wishes with your publication. I admire what you do, hugs, Sara
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 2/18/2024 4:15:00 AM
Thank you so much, Dear Sara. I am sorry I am late in replying your uplifting comment. Right now I am in my hometown in India - vacationing and writing as well. I admire you, Sara, as a person, and as a poet. You inspire me! Love ~ Mala
Date: 1/11/2024 8:28:00 PM
Beautifully narrated autobiography e tract of your childhood, Mala. You are a remarkable writer, wish you all the very best for your publication.
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 1/12/2024 5:29:00 AM
Dear Seeker, Thank you so much. Delighted to see your comment. Appreciate your inspiring words - this is an attempt at story-telling using memories of my childhood and family. But the main character is a real person, an amazingly brave woman who tells the story. Best wishes to you, I feel fortunate to receive your support.
Date: 1/7/2024 9:03:00 PM
This is so interesting and I enjoyed reading it. From pickles that made me crave to the ending that was sad, makes me want to read more . You really are an excellent storyteller. Is this a chapter from your published book? Its so good! Not always do i stay hooked till the end to find out whats next, but your storytelling skills did that. Love this! Thank you for sharing.
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 1/8/2024 6:17:00 AM
Dear Ink, So delighted to read your comment. Yes, this is the second chapter of the book I wrote in Bengali, and got published in India. Started translating, and posted the first chapter here in November will see the link. I am so glad you are reading it...this is actually a true story from my life, the main character is someone from my family. I chose her story, because she was a pillar of strength in spite of her condition from birth. She used to trek to the mountains - this story chronicles her journey to the Himalayas with a group. This book also contains the history of an uprooted family after partition of India. Ink, You are such a talented poet, and the kindest, sweetest friend! Your comment made me so happy I can't even express in words! Precious! Dear Poet-friend, truly appreciate your thoughtful comment. Love ~

My Past Blog Posts

Cook With Me (Chapter 4) - Healing Spices
Date Posted: 5/17/2024 4:07:00 PM
Cook With Me (Chapter 3) - Rice, The Staple For Many
Date Posted: 4/16/2024 1:43:00 PM
Cook With Me - Chapter 2 (Spices, Spices, Spices)
Date Posted: 4/1/2024 3:09:00 PM
Mountains Are Calling (Story) - Chapter 4 -Partition Of India - Huge Impact On History
Date Posted: 3/24/2024 2:12:00 PM
Cook With Me - Mala's Kitchen (Chapter 1)
Date Posted: 3/20/2024 1:05:00 PM
Mountains Are Calling - Chapter 3
Date Posted: 2/17/2024 9:47:00 PM
SECOND CHAPTER Of My Story (Mountains Call Me) - Partition Of India - Huge Impact on History
Date Posted: 1/7/2024 4:17:00 PM
Fine Poetry Video-Series
Date Posted: 11/28/2023 9:42:00 AM
Translated Story For You, From My Autobiographical Sketches (Chapter 1)
Date Posted: 11/21/2023 2:21:00 PM
Delighted To Share - Published A Collection
Date Posted: 9/7/2023 10:21:00 AM
Finally The Book Is Here!
Date Posted: 5/20/2023 5:29:00 AM
A Memorable Visit To India
Date Posted: 2/23/2023 4:56:00 PM
Love To Share
Date Posted: 9/3/2022 6:03:00 PM
Few Days Of My Destination March Break
Date Posted: 4/1/2022 6:19:00 AM
"Inspired By A Translation" Poetry Contest - Results Finalized
Date Posted: 12/12/2021 5:01:00 PM
Gentle Reminders about "Inspired By A Translation" Poetry Contest
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A Few Words About My Contest - Inspired By A Translation
Date Posted: 11/9/2021 6:22:00 AM
Translations - Empowering Women In Nineteenth Century India
Date Posted: 10/14/2021 3:32:00 PM
"MERSE - Beauty Of Fall" Contest Results Finalized
Date Posted: 9/24/2021 5:00:00 PM
MERSE Poetry Contest
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Results Finalized For Contest - A Tender Moment From Childhood
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My "Sunflower" Poetry Contest - A Few Words
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Translations From Nobel-Laureate Poet Of India
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How To Attach Pictures To Your Poems (some helpful instructions)
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My Contest - Moments Of Reflection (Haibun)
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My Recent Poems

Date PostedPoemTitleFormCategories
5/29/2024 Cheery Willow Ethereesummer,
5/28/2024 Cheery Rose Plant Ethereerose,summer,
5/25/2024 Reverie in Tranquility Free versedeath,life,
5/24/2024 Destination Never Reached Free versedeath,sad,
5/22/2024 Poetry Made Me Feel Whole Free verseinspiration,poetry,
5/17/2024 In My Heart Acrosticlove,
5/14/2024 If Only You Knew Romanticismloneliness,love,
5/14/2024 When Silence Speaks To Me Free versesilence,
5/4/2024 Love Sonnetlife,love,
5/2/2024 Dreams Soar Rhymedream,
4/22/2024 Painting Rhymeimagination,
4/20/2024 A Time To Reflect Free versejourney,life,
4/14/2024 Whisper Romanticismrain,
3/30/2024 Voyage Free verseinspirational,
3/24/2024 Ordeal Has Begun Limerickanti bullying,fun,
3/22/2024 Snow Personificationsnow,winter,
3/19/2024 My Warrior - Legend Narrativeinspirational,pride,
3/18/2024 Woven Worlds Otherworld,youth,
3/17/2024 Spring Sonata Free versemusic,spring,
1/22/2024 Spreading Wings Limericklove,valentines day,
1/7/2024 Not A Perpetual Dream Free verseinspirational,life,
12/26/2023 Pray For A Dawn Free verseinspirational,
12/26/2023 Only Good Wishes Rhymeuplifting,
12/23/2023 BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS - Shiny New Books Prosebooks,children,
12/21/2023 Opposing Poetry Free versepoetry,
12/19/2023 Serious Resolution Limericknew years day,
12/16/2023 Holiday Spirit Rhymecelebration,holiday,
12/12/2023 Birds Didn't Return Whatever Free versedestiny,
12/2/2023 Christmas Memories Free versechristmas,memory,
11/27/2023 Winter Sonata Free versesnow,winter,
11/27/2023 If It Wasn't For Poetry Free verseinspiration,poetry,
11/21/2023 Butterflies Dance To Moon Free versebutterfly,moon,
11/17/2023 Beauty Irresistible Tankaautumn,tree,
11/11/2023 Mother - POTD Free versededication,devotion,mothe
11/10/2023 Spooky Night Limerickoctober,
10/30/2023 Knotty Dodoitsulove,
10/26/2023 Autumn Glory Monokuautumn,tree,uplifting,
10/21/2023 Journal Dodoitsulife,memory,
10/17/2023 Born To Write Dodoitsuwriting,
10/17/2023 Hopeful Versehope,how i feel,
10/14/2023 Watching From a Cliff Free verseuplifting,
10/13/2023 Halloween Fun Rhymehalloween,scary,
10/10/2023 Rose Verserose,sad,
10/6/2023 House Free versehome,house,
9/30/2023 Andrea Bocelli Clerihewmusic,
9/29/2023 If Ethereeflower,life,
9/22/2023 Fluttering Free verselonging,lost love,
9/19/2023 Fall Splendour Rhymeautumn,
9/10/2023 Vermillion Twilight Alliterationsun,sunset,
9/1/2023 Would You Love Me Free verselove,poetry,
8/30/2023 Letter To My Children Free versechildren,life,
8/22/2023 Gown Personificationlove,wedding,
8/19/2023 Most Beautiful Flower Free verseflower,
8/17/2023 Snow Falls Incessant Tableau Versebird,winter,
8/16/2023 Yearn Free verselove,sunset,
8/14/2023 An Alluring Flower Free versedaughter,dream,flower,
8/10/2023 Princess of Malawa Coupleti am,
8/5/2023 Days Lost - A Prose Poetrycancer,life,
8/5/2023 Twenty-Five Days - A Prose Poetrycancer,life,
8/2/2023 Once-In-A-Lifetime Limerickfun,holiday,
8/1/2023 Quest Tankalife,
7/30/2023 Poetry Free versepoetry,
7/29/2023 Rain - Toronto Haikurain,
7/25/2023 Summer Bliss Sonnetnature,seasons,
7/21/2023 Melody Sonnetdream,music,
7/17/2023 Never Let Me Go - Kazuo Ishiguru Monokulonging,love,
7/16/2023 Fishing Boats On the Beach At Les Saintes - Van Gogh Monokusea,
7/15/2023 To the One I Lost Free verselost love,memory,
7/14/2023 Love Is Blind Personificationlove,rain,
7/13/2023 Meandering Stream Haikulost love,
7/7/2023 Dreamscape Ethereebeauty,july,seasons,
7/7/2023 Tales of Lost Love Monokulost love,
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7/1/2023 Essence of Dusk Haikuocean,sky,
6/28/2023 Summer Song Haikuflower,summer,
6/19/2023 The Sick Child - Art By Edvard Munch Ekphrasisgirl,heartbroken,
6/11/2023 Leaves Dream Otherautumn,dream,
6/9/2023 Beauty In Decay Free versedream,life,
5/30/2023 Loneliness Free versedepression,lost love,
5/27/2023 A Land of Poetry It Is Free verseculture,history,
5/27/2023 Harry Horsman Acrostictribute,
5/27/2023 Whispering a Sigh Free versefather,house,
5/25/2023 Dewdrops On Lotus Leaves Potw Cinquainlife,
5/16/2023 She Stood Alone Free versefate,heartbreak,pain,
5/13/2023 Song of My Heart Cinquainlife,
5/12/2023 Sunset Cinquainlove,sunset,
5/7/2023 Little Birdies Flew Away Free versecare,children,
5/5/2023 Empty Nest Sonnetmissing,
5/1/2023 If I Were Your Love Rhymelove,pain,
4/29/2023 I Let It Slip Away Free verselonging,lost love,
4/25/2023 Whisper Free versenature,rain,wind,
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4/20/2023 Violin Free versemusic,uplifting,
4/17/2023 Unfold Free verseseasons,universe,
4/15/2023 Stardust Monokudream,inspiration,
4/10/2023 Rain Verserain,
4/10/2023 Staircase Free versefather,home,
4/7/2023 I Only Live Free versedestiny,love,
4/4/2023 Singing Lass of the Valley Free versebird,fantasy,
3/28/2023 Poverty - Potw Free versepoverty,sympathy,

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Fav Poems

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Oh, Autumn Quintain (Sicilian)autumn,
A Zigzag In Autumn Free verseautumn,nature,
Night Light Free verseblue,light,loss,moon,nigh
Along Comes a Flood Coupletanalogy,desire,imagery,lo
To My Knees Lyricfaith,god,prayer,
Fantasy Is the Luster of Opalescence Free verseappreciation,art,fantasy,
To My Future Self Rhymefuture,
Dreamy Night Dizainmom,
Oh, Hello September Free verseseptember,
My Visit To Nirmal Hriday Rhymecaregiving,dedication,hap
Vagabond Dreams Quintain (English)appreciation,love,
Dappled Rainbow Hues Upon the Floor Dizainfamily,
Distinct Ballet Coupletbutterfly,poetry,upliftin
Ordinary Free verselove,magic,mystery,
That Tiny Spark of Hope Rhyme10th grade,11th grade,12t
Silence of a Poet Free versepoetry,
Niskriti Translated As Finally Saved Rhymegender,life,women,
Showdown At Soup Creek Rhymeamerica,humor,sun,
Women In My Family Acrosticblessing,children,faith,f
Flipped Hourglass Rhymelife,lost,time,
Summer Lace Rhymebeauty,day,love,morning,n
When Dewdrops Run Dry Tankaflower,love,
Finding My Muse Free versefantasy,imagery,inspirati
Sand, Sun-Kissed and Sandals Rhymelonging,romance,seasons,s
The Hint of Autumn Quaternaugust,autumn,color,roman
Everybody's Going Home Lyricloneliness,lonely,longing
Soul Embrace Free verseage,child,creation,fantas
In Memory Imagismgrief,
Spring Flowers Free versebeautiful,bird,birth,flow
Whose Muse Elusive Dew Rhymedestiny,life,lost love,mo
That Starry Night Ekphrasisart,depression,night,pass
Wings of Change Free verseappreciation,birth,celebr
Dream Party At Number 10 Free verseabuse,america,anger,anxie
Eagle Haikuappreciation,bird,sea,
Boyhood Free verseaddiction,boy,children,co
Rapture - Hiku Haikubeautiful,emotions,heart,
Forgiveness Free verseforgiveness,
Consciousness Fulcrum Free verseheart,life,work,
Take Me To Nirvana Rhymeheaven,
Let Us Leave Shadows and Live Ghazallife,
Flight To Midnight Verseangel,beauty,death,forgiv
Poem On Poetry Rhymepoetry,
Spring Whimsy Haikuspring,
A Poets Abode Sonnetart,beauty,passion,poetry
Phew Nursery Rhyme Limerickfun,
Autumn - Constanza Rhymeautumn,death,spiritual,
Ekphrasis On Snow At Argenteuil Ekphrasisappreciation,art,love,
With Life In Tune Rhymenature,
First Dance Footle Footlecrush,fantasy,teacher,
Mom's Night Before Christmas Rhymechristmas,mother,
If Ever I Don't Know Rhymeage,daughter,father daugh
A Moment In Time Quatrainbetrayal,heartbreak,
I Never Wonder Why I Love You Romanticismi love you,love,wife,
Cobwebs Senryuheart,
Writing Is My Prayer Roundelpoetry,writing,
Coming of Age Free verseage,health,
Women In My Family Free versefamily,women,

Fav Poets

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things