Contest Description
Poems should be in English. Poems translated from other languages are not eligible, unless you wrote both the original poem and the translation.
A Note to Poetry Contestants
You are welcome to enter this contest, whether or not you won a prize in one of my previous contests.
Same poem, Different form
Write a poem in free verse, then choose 1 other poetry form from Soup’s list and write the same poem in this form. The free verse poem does not have to be new, if it fits one of the following themes, however, the second poem, in your choice of form, must be new. I've found that in doing this, it forces the poet to widdle their words down to the bare necessities or expand on their free verse and encourage deeper thinking or more poetic communication. The poems have to be recognizable as the same poem, just in different form. I challenge you to try a form you've never written in before, although this is NOT a requirement for the contest.
No minimum or Maximum length for the free verse poem- . Maximum lines in chosen form will depend on which form you choose. Follow the form rules for length, if given.
See my example, if you will. * [Vulnerable]*
Choose one subject from the following themes to inspire your writing. However you choose to let it inspire you will be fine.
4. Indifference
6. Indulgence
I'll “judge” based on how well the poems remain similar in subject and content, staying true to the form you choose, if you've followed the directions, and personal opinion on your writing and ability to touch your reader in some way. (The number of winning placements will depend on the number of participants, approx. 1/3 of the total will place.)
I am a novice writer, not in any way am I an expert, so if you enter my Contest you are giving yourself over to be judged based on my opinion only, although I promise to be fair and read each entry thoroughly! I Hope you'll enjoy this challenge! If you decide to enter, thank you, and God bless!
**!!You will only enter once, or one submission, but it will contain both poems…enter ‘free verse’ as the form on your submission page.!!**
Write both poems on the same page, separated by a few spaces, the title(optional), form,and theme:
1.Title of poem(optional): free verse: theme
2.Title of poem(optional): form of your choice: theme