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A loose brick; I must kick' - Joe Maverick's Blog

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Do not be perturbed by the apparition you see before you!!

I am a freelance author, from a widely educated background and have been writing for 35 years i am greatly pleased that a poem of mine titled air balloon ride at the fair was chosen in 2014 along with the great fire of Chicago to be in the common core standards for grade eight language and arts as study matterial with the venn diagram method Of appraisal.'

I am interested in feedback from the public; they are the reason for my writing.  Some of

my poems are short & succinct & others tell a story.


I would like to see the literary flame burn bright in any day & age & believe that it can feed the

spirit & bring enlightenment.


I have updated the years on my writing time; have I been here 15 years already..? I shall just mention my book which is being published this year in the Christmas Season titled 'from poetry to prophesy' I wish all readers, enlighenment generally Whether or not they read it.' All blessings , Joe Maverick Poetry soup.


Proceeds are going to aid the work of the Lord through an Elim Church Charity which will Support actions in to raise awarenes of Child abuse, inc any ritual damage to them and support of field officers, missions to this end.' Wherever it is possible to reach them'

A loose brick; I must kick'

Blog Posted:8/25/2024 1:18:00 PM
And after I had decided I had deluded myself..I Dreamt and in my dream I was 'shown a wall' and I was told the wall represented Canada.' Then I was instructed to kick that wall..But I said Lord I have Studied and the wall of Canada is too strong.' And my footware is not good enough.' Yet I was told my Footware was good enough indeed.' And I must Look at the very centre.' For the Lord had placed a Weak mortar bed around one brick.! That brick is trudeau the Lord informed me..I want you to put Attention on Canada to kick that brick out and then The wall down, for the wall is also a division in the Land..Then you can concern youself with your own Country..Yet for now' Canada is your focus.) Amen amen amen.!! Prayers and obedience poetry Is the Lords domain.) I had this dream in september 2023? After writing On The iniquitiousness of their leader..? then I studied the Set up there and decided 'as God does not err' I must Have imagined He had prompted me 'the deau duh huh' write and a few more Then i noticed (sponteanous outbursts against the system' and then came The dream.) I only decided I must put it up now.! What can man do to me.? Yet God owns all spirits.'

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Date: 8/27/2024 3:05:00 PM
GAAA! I am perturbed by the apparition (that used to be) before me!!
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Joe Maverick
Date: 8/28/2024 12:08:00 PM
Be not perturbed Tom, by anything on earth Neither by death or life. For our Lord Reigns.!

My Past Blog Posts

A loose brick; I must kick'
Date Posted: 8/25/2024 1:18:00 PM
A levtiy leauge
Date Posted: 8/18/2024 1:05:00 PM
London tonight
Date Posted: 7/31/2024 3:15:00 PM
July the 27th London
Date Posted: 7/27/2024 2:16:00 AM
Life site news
Date Posted: 6/21/2024 7:32:00 AM
Andrew Bridgen needs your support
Date Posted: 6/8/2024 1:15:00 AM
Julian Assange will challenge
Date Posted: 5/20/2024 11:26:00 PM
28th April 2024 senate enquiry
Date Posted: 4/4/2024 12:00:00 PM
P P D peoples peace day on 2nd April.. Aa yearly occurance.!
Date Posted: 3/9/2024 8:10:00 AM
Date Posted: 2/8/2024 4:13:00 PM
Canberra 2024 reckess renewables
Date Posted: 1/31/2024 1:17:00 PM
# Togther in Bath
Date Posted: 1/22/2024 12:00:00 AM
From poetry to prophesy
Date Posted: 12/28/2023 11:08:00 AM
Just words
Date Posted: 10/23/2023 9:17:00 PM
M P's debate 20 10 2023 U K
Date Posted: 10/19/2023 5:59:00 AM
Peace in our time'
Date Posted: 10/17/2023 11:30:00 PM
The Light Newspaper Australia
Date Posted: 9/20/2023 10:28:00 PM
Beyond depraved yet who will save?
Date Posted: 9/6/2023 9:27:00 PM
Hello soupers
Date Posted: 8/30/2023 9:19:00 PM
I am requesting prayer
Date Posted: 7/31/2023 9:36:00 PM
Date Posted: 6/27/2023 9:26:00 PM
Calling out to Hilo-poet
Date Posted: 6/23/2023 11:01:00 AM
Club grubbery
Date Posted: 5/21/2023 4:08:00 AM
Could peace be allowed?
Date Posted: 4/8/2023 6:26:00 AM
P P D or Peoples peace day
Date Posted: 3/19/2023 12:25:00 AM

My Recent Poems

Date PostedPoemTitleFormCategories
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8/12/2024 A way forward' Free verseappreciation,assonance,
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7/10/2024 July 2024 Britian dreams Free verseeducation,endurance,
7/10/2024 Balanced existence Rhymeappreciation,
7/7/2024 Encouragement Didacticappreciation,bible,
7/7/2024 Prayerful Rhymeanti bullying,appreciatio
7/6/2024 Husband and Hubbard Rhymeeducation,irony,
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7/3/2024 We will-shake his stage' Rhymeeducation,endurance,
7/1/2024 Died Suddenly Narrativeeducation,endurance,
6/29/2024 More or less? Rhymeappreciation,
6/27/2024 A letter to Julian Narrativefreedom,
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6/25/2024 Aussie battler Assange' Haikucharacter,freedom,
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6/13/2024 Dynamic Dr in Derry's dirty dock' Rhymecharacter,courage,educati
6/11/2024 Crystal clear Rhymeappreciation,courage,educ
6/10/2024 Ergo, such is so' Rhymeanalogy,education,
6/9/2024 Blueprint of fingerprints and plans? Rhymeeducation,
6/6/2024 Getting to the point Rhymeallegory,character,educat
6/3/2024 A letter to Tony Free verseeducation,
5/31/2024 The Geneva campaign Rhymeappreciation,freedom,
5/29/2024 Netting some zero's Rhymeassonance,feelings,freedo
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5/28/2024 Raw war and un-law' Rhymeeducation,
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5/22/2024 Treason is being issued' Rhymeeducation,
5/19/2024 A town and farm yarn Rhymeappreciation,education,
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5/14/2024 W h o ? Haikuassonance,
5/12/2024 con sequ ences of the satanic Rhymeeducation,
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5/5/2024 Big brother watch org uk Rhymeeducation,
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4/24/2024 Monika Smit Rhymecommunity,conflict,endura
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4/6/2024 Crime and victim day and night Rhymeeducation,endurance,homew

My Photos



Fav Poems

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things