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Read Poems by Matthew Anish

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Below are poems written by poet Matthew Anish. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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Tale of a Messiah

He made them believe
He was the real messiah
The mystic leader 
who would take them to Zion
His followers threw themselves 
into icy pools of water 
Rended their clothes 
in a frenzy of belief 
When he came out of the Sultan's home 
wearing a fez 
Only a few belivers stayed on 
his wavelength 
How long must we wait for 
the true messiah to reveal himself?

Copyright © Matthew Anish | Year Posted 2013


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Date: 7/31/2017 1:28:00 AM

I also have 2 witnesses one I texted miles away and he looked up and saw, also a man I sort of dragged out of his vehicle to show.' 'he said he was taught to believe there was no God and Ihave the photos.' And I emailed photos off as well.'
Date: 7/31/2017 1:24:00 AM

Just coming back to this one Matt I feel I must say 'something on this' no 'man' knows the time or hour Jesus also says I will not leave you as orphans John ch 14v18 acts ch 2v17-19 if you look on the internet under 'fire Ange'l south Carolina you will find what is described as a metrelogical phenomena the sun must be 58 degrees in the sky the thing is I only found the fire Angel after witnessing a line of clouds on fire at nearly 5 noon I went home & did a cloud in flames search & there He was
Date: 2/7/2017 9:15:00 PM

not too much to say matthew, but i do like your poems and you as well. be well. daniel schack
Date: 10/29/2016 11:04:00 AM

Some days, it appears as though He might soon reveal Himself, Matthew? We seem to be living in a world of war, false prophets, and natural catastrophes. When and what will be the deciding moment? Definitely something to ponder.:( Keep well and please be happy! Mikki
Date: 3/12/2016 11:37:00 AM

Hi, Matt, I miss reading your poems, I just moved to Houston, it's going to take another two weeks to unpack and organize everything the way I want and like. LOL... My room is going to be the same theme. :) except I'm moving the zebra theme out into the living room. Anyways, just stopping in to say hi and read your latest poem. Hugs. LINDA
Date: 9/26/2014 7:27:00 AM

I don't think it will be very long..Great work..Sara
Date: 9/10/2014 12:39:00 PM

an absorbing write that makes me wonder of how we shall know the truth when revelation comes... great to see you on my page, matthew.. thanks and huggs
Date: 6/11/2014 3:05:00 PM

This is something to think about. I think that no one will know, until it's time. so we have to stay on the right track. Thanks for sharing. ... Lucilla
Date: 1/14/2014 11:31:00 AM

Matt, a true question... How long must we wait... great poem... Linda
Date: 1/10/2014 4:58:00 PM

I believe that it could be soon but no one except the Father knows the day and hour..Enjoyed reading your faith based work..Thanks for the visit to my page..Sara
Date: 9/7/2013 11:23:00 PM

Enjoyed reading this one today Matthew; Hope you are well, I see you have been busy..'
Date: 6/21/2013 1:32:00 AM

Many false prophets will make themselves known before the real ones show up. Cults and such always held a small amount of fascination for me... just what drives people to follow such ridiculous notions? Cool story!
Date: 5/25/2013 7:34:00 AM

Dear Matthew - Brilliant! The tomfoolery of Jonestown (well maybe not so evil). love, Kathy
Date: 3/27/2013 1:48:00 PM

Great write, Matthew! I do believe, those who want to will be led to Zion by Jesus Christ, the only Messiah. God himself, through His Holy Spirit, will tell everyone of us who listen to Him, who the Messiah is, when He comes to reign over us and prepare us for the Kingdom of His Father. Amen. Blessings, Hanitra
Date: 3/26/2013 11:50:00 PM

makes me curious to know who this one was! What's a fez? by the way, I don't like golf . I think it is a big bore but if I were ever single again, I think it would be a sport worth taking up. haha


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry