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Poems by Sarban Bhattacharya

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Below are poems written by United Kingdom poet Sarban Bhattacharya. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Sarban Bhattacharya.

Read Poems by Sarban Bhattacharya

Best Sarban Bhattacharya Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
09/29/2021 Noise and Silence 404 Ballad
09/27/2021 A Tale of Darkness 335 Ballad
09/27/2021 A Calamitous Day 346 Ballad
09/27/2021 Nature's Rage 384 Ballad
09/21/2021 Mortality 455 Ballad
07/24/2021 Rites and Relics 573 Ballad
03/30/2021 The Forgotten Love of Edward S Brown 216 Free verse
03/27/2021 Never 276 Free verse
02/27/2021 Separation 440 Sonnet
02/13/2021 Lines Written On the Eve of Valentine's Day 348 Sonnet
06/09/2020 To the Lands Unknown 301 Tail-rhyme
06/09/2020 Call For Kindness 363 Rhyme
06/09/2020 Summer's Heat 329 Sonnet
06/07/2020 Who's There Peek-A-Boo 344 Pantoum
02/25/2020 Free Verse On Love 628 Free verse
02/14/2020 An Evil Day 433 Narrative
01/26/2020 Retribution 832 Rhyme
01/25/2020 The Dying Rose 511 Villanelle
11/11/2019 A Stream 550 Free verse
11/10/2019 The Miseries of the Mind 380 Free verse
11/10/2019 Autumn Glides Away 427 Sonnet
11/06/2019 Preparation For the Climax Sexyku 415 Haiku
11/05/2019 Halloween Night 310 Rhyme
11/04/2019 October Beckons 940 Pantoum
11/04/2019 The Crescent Desire 284 Free verse
04/12/2019 The Flavour of Spring 342 Diminished Hexaverse
02/07/2018 Love Unrequited 514 Sonnet
06/13/2017 The Wintry Langour 1523 Haiku
05/18/2017 Written On My Birthday 720 Sonnet
05/13/2017 The Weeping Willow Tree 592 Quatrain
05/07/2017 Alone 786 Ottava rima
04/05/2017 Sonnet 12 484 Sonnet
04/03/2017 Sonnet 10 418 Sonnet
04/03/2017 Angels and Lyres 655 Classicism
02/01/2017 The White Rose 1426 Pastoral
01/12/2017 Love Amidst Darkness 633 Verse
12/15/2016 Again It Twists 859 Alliteration
12/12/2016 Sonnet 5 531 Sonnet
11/21/2016 The Philanderer 639 Alliteration
11/20/2016 The Contretemps 465 Prose Poetry
11/19/2016 Tongue Twister Time 948 Alliteration
11/19/2016 A Funny War 841 Alliteration
11/18/2016 The Restaurant Trouble 666 Alliteration
10/30/2016 Droplets of Time 479 Carpe Diem
10/22/2016 A Voyage of Mind On the Wings of Wild Wind 703 Lyric
10/18/2016 October Senility 802 Haiku
10/03/2016 Desolate Union 482 Free verse
10/01/2016 Layman's Wishes 719 Didactic
09/28/2016 Pleasant Pain 759 Free verse
09/25/2016 Sonnet 4 651 Sonnet
09/24/2016 Cloak of Cold 749 Haiku
09/20/2016 Fiery Arbour 727 Haiku
09/19/2016 A Silly Mistake 1267 Limerick
09/18/2016 Harry Becomes a Thief 616 Limerick
09/18/2016 The Magnanimity of God 779 Limerick
09/14/2016 A Billet Doux of a Man From 15th Century 698 Prose Poetry
09/13/2016 The Inception of Love 822 Sonnet
09/11/2016 The Song of a Sea Minstrel 687 Haiku
09/08/2016 Winter Haiku 3 684 Haiku
09/08/2016 Winter Haiku 2 682 Haiku
09/08/2016 Winter Haiku 1 633 Haiku
09/06/2016 Limerick 1 879 Limerick
09/06/2016 Way To Perdition 606 Free verse
09/06/2016 Way of Love 700 Free verse
09/06/2016 Nothing More Spectacular Than You 717 Nonet
09/06/2016 Pleasure In Agony 694 Nonet
09/06/2016 Love Retrieved 631 Sonnet
09/06/2016 Haiku 4 722 Haiku
09/06/2016 Haiku 3 753 Haiku
09/06/2016 Haiku 2 698 Haiku
09/06/2016 Haiku 1 796 Haiku
09/05/2016 Life Regained With Thee 1023 Sonnet

Book: Reflection on the Important Things