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Best Poems Written by Linda Hays-Gibbs

Below are the all-time best Linda Hays-Gibbs poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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My Daughter's Smile

My Daughter's Smile
By Linda Hays-Gibbs 

There is a light, a light so sweet, comes from a smile beaming out from deep-within a soul, of infinite warmth, a burning coal alight with dawn, a tune to the rhythm of God's song. 
My lovely daughter with warmth and laughter beamed with this magical ray both day and night it was fantastical, it was radical for all that met her were so glad they did for when graced with her smile you felt better for a long, long while. It made you kind, just to feel it's warmth, like you too could find her joy within. Her smile was a witness so infinite that we all wanted it.
But life brought disappointments to grace her door, as life is cruel as we all know but achievements too with higher aims of dedication but somehow crushed her radiation and brought her low for this light did go.
We all missed it's warmth, it infinite bliss like just missing a morning kiss. We asked her please, tell us what is wrong, tell us, if we can help bring back your song Bring back your eternal glow the one we yearn for, the bliss we know.
It made us all feel so wonderful just to be near you and we have no clue of what to do! Oh sweet darling nothing in life compared to it!  I know for I spent my life just to nurture it So if you aren't happy let's change your circumstance, Change your house, change your dance, change your job change your ways, we sob, but please oh please bring back that warmth, that fire from inside that made all  life worthwhile we confide
Since you were a very young child I've basked in the warmth of your smile!
God gave you that light and something has defiled Something had taken that pure purpose and love! Thrown water on your fire and oh my sweet we all see it, we all care I know God is with you I know you're still there but sweet girl you've lost your pearl of great price and this will not suffice 
Stand back a little and find the match nothing is worth the loss of your batch of magic Take heed oh please hear me We all got to have it! We all need to bask in the warmth of that beauty, that smile. For you brought God's love to our hearts with it's glow 
So we all want to help,  to know, to search high and low for your infinite sweetness again to beam across the room and bring a multitude of people to God with just your smile for that is what you could do my sweet sweet beautiful child! So Find your JOY, find your place but whatever you do find your face alight with your grin for only then will you win
This race of life is hard and mean it strips the heart like a machine We have to fight for somethings so pure that just one drop can heal and cure Your smile is like this It holds such bliss it's a lovely kiss Don't let it die don't let it leave it's much more important than you believe!
God wants us happy He wants us ecstatic He wants us all filled with your enigmatic magic but only you of all I knew had it since a child had it all the while until just recently & I tell you distinctly No home will help, no Bible verses kept, no good deeds they're all inept. I know it was while we slept a thief crept in and made the theft and we all have wept. 
Come my sweet, find your center Find your joy let it reenter You are so blessed to have that gift that with your smile our burdens lift. Bring back that glow from deep inside, a place so sweet we all confide, we need to see your smile of glee your smile of mystery, that love you gave to yourself and me and everyone that could see, that joy that flooded from your eyes when you lips upturned we all confide  our hearts sang your joyful tune
&we all realize our lives were much brighter with your smiles, your laughter So we beg, we plead how can we rebirth& nurture this seed, this priceless pearl and make you believe again in all goodness in all you see for your smile was coming from God's infinity Don't you know some things are key
Like that smile of essence of yours Bea!

Copyright © Linda Hays-Gibbs | Year Posted 2015

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Funny Man

Funny Man!
By Linda Hays-Gibbs
Oh funny man you touch the hardest heart
With messages to crumble and start
A snickering or flickering to spark 
A laugh a full belly rumbler
A genius of illogical and logical matter
Without him the whole world is astronomically sadder
Oh let our grief someday subside 
That we in heaven will find 
A bench upfront to see his latest comedic job ( I pray)
The jester (Robin Williams) at heaven's court for God

Copyright © Linda Hays-Gibbs | Year Posted 2015

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Nowhere To Run

"Nowhere to Run"
By Linda Hays-Gibbs
They run to us for help
They are out of their depth
Lost jobs, lost homes, lost safety and no food to eat
Nowhere to hide, all is nasty and bloody feet 
From miles of walking to you
Now, Don't know What to do
Friends are enemies Unkind faces are all he sees
Broken all ties
cause of all the lies
Only thing left to lose 
Are your lives
Protect your babies your old and infirm
Oh God, we've nowhere to turn
Is there anywhere a Christian haven
Some place of peace would be heaven
Who started it all
We just don't care
When it started to fall
We did all we could dare 
Now we must
Get away from here
But where to go 
Tell me is there no
Compassion or kindness left to find
Or has it all been left behind 
Pope says that love is the answer
I need the question
Just please be my brother 
I will be your best one
If you save my children
I will be your closest kindred son

Copyright © Linda Hays-Gibbs | Year Posted 2015

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I Cry Abba

Oh God I cry Abba! Abba!
Have mercy on me I beseech thee,
on such as I!
lest I die
I cry Abba! Abba!
I'm blind 
Oh let me glimpse, let me see 
your majesty 
just a speck for I am a mote in the dust of your time for your love is so sublime
I cry Abba! Abba!
Just one touch
But it is too much to hold how could I be so bold
But I cry Abba! Abba!
I love you! I praise you! King of the Universe! 
I glorify you with all that I am 
may I be worthy let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight 
    let me not depart
Let me dwell in your light
Let me glorify thy might as 
Cry Abba! Abba!

Copyright © Linda Hays-Gibbs | Year Posted 2015

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By Linda Hays-Gibbs
A horrible deathly disease has spread 
With terrible swiftness and silent dread
Our people with frantic astonishment seek
Why does our government seem so weak
Not only do they  expose our children to it
They won't give us a Czar that even knew it 
A man with no medical expertise
While our borders are open wide to disease
I'm afraid we have no guardians here
Only weak kneed idiots 
It seems so clear
We need someone to lead us against ISIS too
Cause nobody knows what to do
But now it's Ebola that sends us screaming
Somebody wake me I hope I'm dreaming

Copyright © Linda Hays-Gibbs | Year Posted 2015

Details | Linda Hays-Gibbs Poem

Where Did My Freedoms Go

Where Did My Freedoms Go?

By Linda Hays-Gibbs

Where did my freedom go?
It was here not long ago.
I was sure for all those that fought and died,
Someone had surely lied.
I cannot say what I truly feel?
I cannot tell you that you are a heel?
I cannot shout out loud in open forum?
I cannot tell you how backward we've all become?
I cannot say I feel so discriminated!
I cannot shout how the laws against my freedoms have escalated?
I cannot say my freedoms are deflated?
I cannot debate, berate or dictate?
But why? Is this a Communist state? When did the government get to legislate, my conversation, because it doesn't fit into their legislation?
That I never voted for that? I never even saw?
Whatever happened to my freedom? To my freedoms all? 
Did we do away with the Constitution? I guess, When it doesn't meet their resolutions?
Who are these people to take away our rights?
Not Democrats in a Democracy? Surely! Not? Not Republicans in a free Republic? But what have I got?
Stealthily I see these are our enemies, sneaking underneath our doors!
These are our enemies so that we need listening to under the floors?
What does it take? To realize it We need to open our eyes for our sake and take a good look and SEE Open our eyes and ears clean out the sleepiness and earwax, rattle our brains not relax or
We shall be saying "Heil Hitler" or some such stupid rhetoric and bent to their will forced to obey and have no say! 
Where did my freedoms go, don't you know?Wake up America find your freedoms once more before they have fled for good and a dictator has shut the door and you can find them no more! 
So When they shout shut up!
Stand up!

Copyright © Linda Hays-Gibbs | Year Posted 2015

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Kick a Dirt Clod

Kick a Dirt Clod
By Linda Hays-Gibbs

The day was sunny and hot as people 
 and ran around excitedly
I knew the very fly, that rot, 
that buzzed around 
my head delightedly
I kept my mouth tightly closed though, 
in silent confused awe
I didn't really think it would happen, 
no not at all 
So all my best kept words were still 
tightly sealed 
In a giant pickle jar under a hill, that my 
thoughts had filled, so lazily 
I limped off behind the juniper tree 
to find my voice... 
But I knew right then I didn't 
really have much of a choice
And as my tears finally silently slid 
I knew I was no longer a silly kid
And all my prayers would go no higher, 
but not 
Because I didn't call him a liar
And the fear in my gut just would not stray
As I saw God kick a dirt clod and turn away

Copyright © Linda Hays-Gibbs | Year Posted 2015

Details | Linda Hays-Gibbs Poem

Angel's Wings

Angels Wings
By Linda Hays-Gibbs

I just had the most horrible 
feeling something is wrong
It woke me up with my heart 
drumming a drumbeat song
loudly in my ears
I pray all good will 
And God take my fears
whatever men may say
I shall pray and pray and pray 

Angel's wings beat over me
I knew though I could not see
And love like heat and peace 
flowed through
Into my pores and I knew
A Guardian, a messenger, a faithful friend
God's will to fulfill till the very end
A harbinger of justice like a dove
Sent to guide and care from above
His only reward His Master's love

My heart filled with peace and faith too
And I knew

Copyright © Linda Hays-Gibbs | Year Posted 2015

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By Linda Hays-Gibbs
I saw you slowly walk away
My heart exploding in my throat
I couldn't think of what to say
huddled deep inside my 
comfort coat of denial,it
Wasn't my verdict or trial

I don't understand any of this
Or your goodbye kiss 

We rescue the dogs 
And throw our babies in the trash
We can't see through fogs
And say nothing ever lasts 
We peel the fat off the pig 
and curse the lean meat
We've gotten so big
We can't see our feet
We throw away enough 
to feed the starving
But we grumble over the 
fat turkey we 're carving

Nothing is ever enough
Then we are bored 
And start killing stuff
What idiots are born in
A society like this
We can only wish
We can only wish

Copyright © Linda Hays-Gibbs | Year Posted 2015

Details | Linda Hays-Gibbs Poem

It Slithered

It Slithered
By Linda Hays-Gibbs

Darkness caressed it. I heard it before 
I saw a piece of it, a bit?
Black & shinny
But so, so cold
It froze the air 
my thoughts said it Exquisitely tiny but
It was unafraid, bold
To come so near Suddenly
Panicking in fear
My heart tearing up my chest
I ripped open my vest
To breathe to swallow 
As I heard it's cackles
Raising hackles
On my arms such were it's sucking slithering charms 
Turning to dash away
I tripped,
Had to face it
Eye to eye...
It grinned an unholy lopsided way with one red bulbous retina a still darker patina than I thought possible and grew cool, stronger I soon felt the pull,
I couldn't breathe 
Staring into my face I can taste Hell's darkest secrets
My leg muscles race
But I'm still, so still no breathing or heartbeats
I'm dead!
Right there on the floor!
Gone dissolved, no more,
In my terrified head
Heavy as lead instead
I knew 
as it slid from side to side with a sulfuric stench, 
I retched
& gagged, resolved in my comatose fed brain what Was mirrored, sucking clinched to my eye when I flenched as it pinched my nose 
I continuing to lie 
It sucked, fed
Wiggled, munched, withered, crunched then slithered down to my toes 
I knew without a doubt I was sucked dry for it was in truth a Devil's eye feeding withering searching in cold pursuit through the eire night of Halloween olde for sight of anyone's ashamed& unclaimed unholy weary soul

Copyright © Linda Hays-Gibbs | Year Posted 2015


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry