By Linda Hays-Gibbs
I saw you slowly walk away
My heart exploding in my throat
I couldn't think of what to say
huddled deep inside my
comfort coat of denial,it
Wasn't my verdict or trial
I don't understand any of this
Or your goodbye kiss
We rescue the dogs
And throw our babies in the trash
We can't see through fogs
And say nothing ever lasts
We peel the fat off the pig
and curse the lean meat
We've gotten so big
We can't see our feet
We throw away enough
to feed the starving
But we grumble over the
fat turkey we 're carving
Nothing is ever enough
Then we are bored
And start killing stuff
What idiots are born in
A society like this
We can only wish
We can only wish
Copyright © Linda Hays-Gibbs | Year Posted 2015
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