Where Did My Freedoms Go
Where Did My Freedoms Go?
By Linda Hays-Gibbs
Where did my freedom go?
It was here not long ago.
I was sure for all those that fought and died,
Someone had surely lied.
I cannot say what I truly feel?
I cannot tell you that you are a heel?
I cannot shout out loud in open forum?
I cannot tell you how backward we've all become?
I cannot say I feel so discriminated!
I cannot shout how the laws against my freedoms have escalated?
I cannot say my freedoms are deflated?
I cannot debate, berate or dictate?
But why? Is this a Communist state? When did the government get to legislate, my conversation, because it doesn't fit into their legislation?
That I never voted for that? I never even saw?
Whatever happened to my freedom? To my freedoms all?
Did we do away with the Constitution? I guess, When it doesn't meet their resolutions?
Who are these people to take away our rights?
Not Democrats in a Democracy? Surely! Not? Not Republicans in a free Republic? But what have I got?
Stealthily I see these are our enemies, sneaking underneath our doors!
These are our enemies so that we need listening to under the floors?
What does it take? To realize it We need to open our eyes for our sake and take a good look and SEE Open our eyes and ears clean out the sleepiness and earwax, rattle our brains not relax or
We shall be saying "Heil Hitler" or some such stupid rhetoric and bent to their will forced to obey and have no say!
Where did my freedoms go, don't you know?Wake up America find your freedoms once more before they have fled for good and a dictator has shut the door and you can find them no more!
So When they shout shut up!
Stand up!
Copyright © Linda Hays-Gibbs | Year Posted 2015
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