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Young Lady Poems - Poems about Young Lady

Young Lady Poems - Examples of all types of poems about young lady to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for young lady.
Premium Member Young lady Paige
There's a young lady named paige. Who kept her bird in a cage. That bird was missing. The cat sat grinning. She said "Dad, I need your gauge."...Read the rest...
Categories: young lady, hyperbole,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Portrait of An Up-And-Coming Young Lady
Many are her faces Wry, sly, a twinkle in her eye Gregarious, oft-times hilarious ...Read the rest...
Categories: young lady, hyperbole, inspiration, smart, woman,
Form: Rhyme

Misery of a Young Lady
She answered without hesitation... Her pride is beneath her feet.... She humble herself and conquered her fears... Her scar makes her strong.. The wicked soul of a man is her ringtone... A long night forgotten.. The...Read the rest...
Categories: young lady, 10th grade, betrayal, heartbroken,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

A Daughter of Iran
A Daughter of Iran. Her talent is a God's gift She paints with her toes Her paintings are peaceful Fateme Hamami has no foes Some of the world rulers Peace cannot paint They prefer war portraits Which make people faint. If politicians could paint Using...Read the rest...
Categories: young lady, art,
Form: Quatern
May I Talk To Him
I want to talk to him Who comes in my dream and looks so handsome, Yet I don't know his name and where is his clime But I have a crush on him! May I talk to him? Mom, may I talk...Read the rest...
Categories: young lady, feelings,
Form: Lyric

A Young Lady Left a Place
Long ago and far away — when and where I dare not say — a young lady left a place at a brisk and steady pace. She had seen and been through much. And although she'd stayed in touch with the...Read the rest...
Categories: young lady, growth, longing, meaningful, philosophy,
Form: Lyric
The Young Lady
There was a young lady, That could not even to afford shoes; She had eight children' And thought "what should I do?" The young lady had problems-to just speak of 3' Addiction, Mental Health, anti-social personality. To do what was right,...Read the rest...
Categories: young lady, faith,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Young Lady From Leeds
A selfish young lady from Leeds Made fun of all who did good deeds and then she got sick pain two miles thick where a do-gooder met all her needs...Read the rest...
Categories: young lady, 10th grade, 4th grade,
Form: Limerick
Sad Young Lady
My lil lady is sorrowful thinking of what she's done She calls me whimpering wanting to come home The psychiatric hospital full of its treatments Still can never understand the deep darkness I too been there and sometimes find...Read the rest...
Categories: young lady, abuse, addiction, depression, feelings,
Form: Rhyme
Young Lady Shana Aubrey Harris Is Unique and a Special Precious Gift
Shana Aubrey Harris born two days after ole Punxsutawney i.e. the Doctor Phil - of woodchucks Latin Name = Marmota Monax nest resembled a Rastafarian hair...Read the rest...
Categories: young lady, absence, beautiful, dad, daughter,
Form: Ballad
Know This Young Lady-This Is Me
KNOW THIS YOUNG LADY-THIS IS ME A night to remember and the possibility of you being the newest friend to enter my time and space, And to me meeting you was love at first sight. Small minded men’s...Read the rest...
Categories: young lady, beauty, inspirational, meaningful, universe,
Form: ABC
Young Lady
Things don't always seem right, like the pain in your heart As it has always been just a fight right from the very start Seeming so fake with none of my own feelings seeming real My whole life...Read the rest...
Categories: young lady, emotions, faith, feelings, self,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member There Was a Young Lady From Peel
A voluptuous young lady from Peel Her huge breasts she would try to conceal So she wore baggy tops When she went to the shops But folks stared and asked are they real?...Read the rest...
Categories: young lady, body, humorous,
Form: Limerick
An Ode To a Young Lady
As a youth of fourteen, I saw you first, With silky hair waving, waving along the cheecks, You nodded, talked, moving hands, trod, I could not hear, but lovely lips played. Fancy I more, and more lose sense, What charm,...Read the rest...
Categories: young lady, love, me,
Form: Ode
Young Lady Young Lady
Young lady, young lady, curvaceous, outgoing, sassy lady, with her bright red flamenco dress, full of life, full of character, wearing my "manton" to ward off the chill of the night, has decided to wear goyesca style tonight, ready for a grand...Read the rest...
Categories: young lady, history,
Form: Blank verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry