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Woodchucks Poems - Poems about Woodchucks

Woodchucks Poems - Examples of all types of poems about woodchucks to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for woodchucks.

Premium Member Mulberry Tree
... Our mulberry tree, full and bent Gives berries so sweet, heaven-sent They grow big and fall Woodchucks have a ball Get drunk on the ones that ferment! ......Read the rest...
Categories: woodchucks, animal, drug, fruit, funny,
Form: Limerick
...Two rival hockey teams take the ice Gloves off at game time. bAm! PoW! SLICE! It was a cluster puck And that is putting it toothlessly nice. I learned woodchucks couldn’t chuck wood What would......Read the rest...
Categories: woodchucks, funny, humor,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Kara the Careful Amazon Woman
...Kara gingerly walks from treetop to treetop Careful not to step On squirrels, bluebirds or cardinals The other giant Amazon women scoff Roll their brown eyes at her inane silliness Eagerly sma......Read the rest...
Categories: woodchucks, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member And Still We Search
...I'll be turning 68 this spring and still looking for a health-wealthy home. This feels remarkably like a younger traveler's game, with less capital-acquisition baggage and toxic furniture and ......Read the rest...
Categories: woodchucks, earth, happiness, health, home,
Form: Political Verse
Surbuban Magic
...Placed strategically close to suburban hedgerows, elderly backyard mavens nourish generations of groundhogs. Daily the grass is seeded with 'Puffcorn Delites,' bought wholesale from Costco......Read the rest...
Categories: woodchucks, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Sursum Corda
...SURSUM CORDA (for Ruth and Clement Mc Cormack, Bridgton, Maine) “Come see us, we’ll talk about the job." you were convalescent, generous, and anxious to get your hands moving into the ......Read the rest...
Categories: woodchucks, cancer, fate, friendship, strength,
Form: Ballad
Shana Aubrey Harris - Part One
...born two days after ole Punxsutawney i.e. the Doctor Phil - of woodchucks Latin Name = Marmota Monax nest resembled Rastafarian hair weave, which creature rattled with ire and peeveishness, ......Read the rest...
Categories: woodchucks, beauty, blessing, butterfly, celebration,
Form: Ballade
Young Lady Shana Aubrey Harris Is Unique and a Special Precious Gift
...Shana Aubrey Harris born two days after ole Punxsutawney i.e. the Doctor Phil - of woodchucks Latin Name = Marmota Monax nest resembled a Rastafarian hair weave which creature ratt......Read the rest...
Categories: woodchucks, absence, beautiful, dad, daughter,
Form: Ballad
Garden Guests
...A post from the past.....just trying to put down all the ones I have written but deleted when I left the site for a while......this is almost too long, but I couldn't find which animal or insect to e......Read the rest...
Categories: woodchucks, animal, earth, education, kids,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Woodchuck Band
...I fell down a Gopher hole Slid up too a strange new land Popping out the Gopher hole I witnessed a woodchuck band Together they were singing About howling at the moon The wolves just sat thei......Read the rest...
Categories: woodchucks, humorous, journey,
Form: Rhyme
Winter Woodland
...Winter's icy streams funnel low Frosty beams on pine needles glow A menacing wind seeps through thatched window Below, fibrous carpet cloaked with satin plateau Snowy wood with furry dander......Read the rest...
Categories: woodchucks, nature
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member My Zoo From a To Z
...Alligators, Aardvarks; Arctic fox and hare. Also Armadillos and Asses will be there! Bobcats, Beavers, Boars; One Blue whale will do! Bovines and a Booby (maybe 2)! Caribou & Camels; *Cavies & ......Read the rest...
Categories: woodchucks,
Form: Abecedarian
Lost Friend
...They link hands and arms The row isn’t wide enough for three I’m stuck behind, being almost forgotten I’m like the woodchucks Except I’m loosing the battle of my friendship, That girl would neve......Read the rest...
Categories: woodchucks, friendship, lost lovefriend,
Form: I do not know?
Game Time
...Smells of cheese curds, the shouts for beer. The man looks everywhere, and a kid shouts over here. This must be a sacred moment, as I stop to buy a doughnut I look around and see the pitcher on hi......Read the rest...
Categories: woodchucks, sports
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry