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Woken Poems - Poems about Woken

Woken Poems - Examples of all types of poems about woken to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for woken.

Woken World
I trusted ...Read the rest...
Categories: woken, hurt, love, trust, truth,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Woken Up From Sleep
woken up from sleep baby now wailing non-stop... mom not pleased with dad. Date written: 05/14/2020...Read the rest...
Categories: woken, baby, cry, family, humor,
Form: Senryu

She's a Woken Dream
i can feel my pills are swallowing me even as i try to stay awake to be with you though you are words as i am words each on each other's phone screen welcome to the modern age where your photos are so much younger then my older me but hopes like jumping ropes and playing jaxs or laughing at translations not quiet exact make...Read the rest...
Categories: woken, muse,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Woke Or Woken
Woke or woken? I am a middle-class player So some politicians say Not in so many words But in their interesting way You’ve heard it, haven’t you? The ravings of some pure, enlightened and woke capital-city greeny So our deputy ruler said At...Read the rest...
Categories: woken, society, visionary,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Morning Is Woken
Morning is woken by sparrow’s chirps Happily eating their breakfast Brightening a new gray day Exciting fun they have Their refuge a bush Jumping around Arrival Welcome Here Heidi Sands 10/30/19...Read the rest...
Categories: woken, appreciation, beauty, fun, morning,
Form: Nonet

I Got Woken Up
I started praying following others. Suddenly I heard a screaming Outside at that time, I got woken up and walked out, But nobody of them followed me! Now they are called religious And I am to them an atheist....Read the rest...
Categories: woken, community, feelings, humanity, ,
Form: Free verse
Broken But Woken
if i had known she was this dangerous i would have taken caution but all i did was to come with a sincere notion having no form of deceit yet all i could get was a...Read the rest...
Categories: woken, abuse, character, conflict, death,
Form: Rhyme Royal
Partly Woken Sun Snooping Through Cloudy Blind
Partly woken sun, Snooping through cloudy blind.. Clouded maritus and clouded marita, Magic negative, positive making love; Silent drops of carnalis, Enthralling birds, Singing songs of love, Blossom petals are wet, Liberating fervent savor, Go and amuse worldly life; Stimulating papilios, Spreading wings and dance; Beetles...Read the rest...
Categories: woken, autumn, nature, summer,
Form: Prose Poetry
Woken Dream
Last nights dream beats all Early pinch on arm, no pain Again, ouch, amazed...Read the rest...
Categories: woken, dream, happy, love,
Form: Haiku
A Woken Heart
Such things remain unseen They lie deep in my heart So deep You cannot find, find what I mean Such things, have no colour They lie behind a darkened door This is what sorrow is...Read the rest...
Categories: woken, imagination, love, uplifting, visionary,
Form: Ballad

Book: Reflection on the Important Things