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Poems by Matthew Brackley

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Below are poems written by United Kingdom poet Matthew Brackley. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Matthew Brackley.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
11/23/2023 I am wounded 190 Ballad
10/07/2019 Tomorrows' Moon 262 Ballad
10/07/2019 Beautiful Blue World 239 Ballad
12/31/2015 Christmas Came On a Frosty Day 700 Ballad
11/19/2014 Words 710 Ballad
11/19/2014 My Spirit Keeper 861 Ballad
11/19/2014 The Storms of Africa 893 Ballad
11/19/2014 An Autumn King 683 Ballad
11/19/2014 The Emerald Tree 1287 Ballad
02/18/2013 A Beautiful Sky,So Red 1519 Ballad
02/18/2013 Upon the Sea of Moonlight 1265 Ballad
02/18/2013 She Held a Handful of Stars 987 Ballad
12/25/2011 Heartstone Christmas 829 Ballad
10/09/2011 She Held Handful of Stars 736 Ballad
10/09/2011 Yellow Moon Sea 621 Ballad
10/09/2011 My Colour Cosmic Colour Sea 687 Ballad
06/29/2011 A Beautiful Sky,So Red 827 Ballad
02/02/2010 Upon the Waters' Moon 1093 Ballad
02/02/2010 Stardust 735 Ballad
02/02/2010 A Liquid Pool of Night 656 Light Verse
02/02/2010 The Willow Tree 666 Ballad
02/02/2010 A River of Stars 715 Ballad
12/15/2009 A Christmas At Heartstone 713 I do not know?
09/24/2009 Heartstone Awakening Part2 860 Ballad
09/24/2009 Heartstone Awakeing Part 1 694 Ballad
09/24/2009 In To Her Eyes 771 Ballad
09/24/2009 Summers' Child 784 Ballad
09/24/2009 A Girl For a Man 754 Ballad
06/21/2009 What Magic Couldn'T Find 705 Ballad
06/21/2009 Amethyst 623 Ballad
06/21/2009 The Place of the Rising Moon 645 Ballad
06/21/2009 A Small Dream 673 Ballad
06/21/2009 Where Together, We Stood 764 Ballad
06/21/2009 I Felt It Everyday 726 I do not know?
06/21/2009 Aquila and I 661 Ballad
06/19/2009 The Bridge of the Morning Star 1035 Ballad
06/19/2009 The Colours of My Heart 625 Ballad
06/19/2009 Ride With Me 1060 Ballad
06/19/2009 Sunset Meadow 713 Ballad
06/19/2009 What Was Made In the Stars 634 Ballad
06/19/2009 The Lost Jewel 570 Ballad
06/19/2009 That Evil Can Seep 688 Ballad
06/19/2009 The Stain of the Night 600 Ballad
06/19/2009 To the West 613 I do not know?
06/12/2009 In My Heart It Lay 657 Ballad
06/12/2009 Moon Shadow 1098 Ballad
06/12/2009 Across the Night 736 Ballad
06/12/2009 The Tower of Light 640 Ballad
06/07/2009 To See a Star 677 Ballad
06/07/2009 The Dark Blue World 607 Ballad
06/07/2009 At the Waters' Edge 661 Ballad
05/21/2009 The End of the Beginning 620 Ballad
05/21/2009 A Journey Has Begun 734 Ballad
05/21/2009 The Beginning of the End 561 Ballad
05/21/2009 The Gift of a Horse 808 Ballad
05/21/2009 Upon the Sea of Moonlight 834 Ballad
05/21/2009 When Wood Is Not As It Seems 708 Ballad
05/21/2009 Chance Meetings 604 Ballad
05/21/2009 A Sea of Dreams 616 Ballad
05/21/2009 In Our Room 640 Ballad
05/21/2009 I Stopped By the River 628 Ballad
05/06/2009 My Pretty Hummingbird 647 Ballad
05/06/2009 This Garden of Flowers 476 Ballad
05/06/2009 Blue Butterflies 607 Ballad
05/06/2009 My Colour Cosmic Sea 473 Ballad
05/06/2009 Fields of Flowers 519 Ballad
05/04/2009 Melody River 542 I do not know?
05/04/2009 Shady Tree 834 Ballad
05/04/2009 This Fair Queen 431 Ballad
05/03/2009 Faeries, Forests and Firelight 519 Ballad
05/03/2009 Of Tapestries Not Yet Made 465 Ballad
05/03/2009 The Great Forest Tapestry 624 Ballad
05/03/2009 The Joining 385 Ballad
04/03/2009 The Flight of An Arrow 1138 Ballad
04/03/2009 Under the Dying Cloud 447 Ballad
04/03/2009 The Fallen Men 371 Ballad
04/03/2009 The Giving Tree 553 Ballad
04/03/2009 The Stream of Sighs Part Ii 495 Ballad
04/03/2009 The Longbow 477 Ballad
04/03/2009 Forests and Stars 445 Ballad
04/03/2009 The Boy 390 Ballad
04/03/2009 The Longbow Index 404 I do not know?
03/21/2009 Dreams and Light 379 Ballad
03/21/2009 Beautiful Light 503 Ballad
03/21/2009 Last Light 439 Ballad
03/21/2009 Lovelight 424 Ballad
03/21/2009 Truth and Light 450 Ballad
03/21/2009 The Windlight 406 Ballad
03/20/2009 Amongst Life's Scatterings 431 Ballad
03/19/2009 A Beautiful Star Rose 530 I do not know?
03/19/2009 The Angels' Hand 779 I do not know?
03/19/2009 The Jewel of Tears 484 I do not know?
03/19/2009 It Was Felt In the Stars 449 I do not know?
03/19/2009 Of Angels 446 I do not know?
03/19/2009 Angels Calling 528 I do not know?
03/19/2009 A Beautiful Star Fell 507 Ballad
02/23/2009 Tapestry 546 Ballad
02/23/2009 Down By the Sea 590 Ballad
02/23/2009 The Journey of a Ship 444 Ballad
02/23/2009 The Painter 415 Ballad

Book: Reflection on the Important Things