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Woke Or Woken

Woke or woken? I am a middle-class player So some politicians say Not in so many words But in their interesting way You’ve heard it, haven’t you? The ravings of some pure, enlightened and woke capital-city greeny So our deputy ruler said At least I am not brain dead I thought Caught between reality and their world Woke I guess to their untruths Where disbelief governs And smothers all others Including me, and you Their coven accepts no members without money Millions give way to billions We wage earners know our place And live our lives resigned to a space That contradicts our daily life I must be off my face Such words are madness are they not, woke greenie? Just a middle-class thinker Who hankers for a world Of democracy where we workers run the joint And share the wealth we create With love, not hate It is too late perhaps But what would I know? A pure, enlightened and woke capital-city greeny I wear your insults as a badge of pride There is nowhere to hide, politicians and the billionaires We care, they do not Get rid of the lot

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 12/31/2019 4:12:00 AM
thought provoking writing; I enjoyed greatly
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Passant Avatar
John Passant
Date: 12/31/2019 4:23:00 AM
Thanks Mahtab Bangalee. Much appreciated.

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