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Whale Poems - Poems about Whale

Whale Poems - Examples of all types of poems about whale to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for whale.
Premium Member One Matthew McGregory Hale
One Matthew McGregory Hale Was thought to resemble a whale. I don't mean so large, Nor shaped like a barge, But spouting out words like a gale....Read the rest...
Categories: whale, analogy, animal, funny, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member The Whale and the Clipper
A blue whale spied a Yankee clipper. First, he used his tail to flip her. He gulped her whole, and feeling chipper, he closed his mouth with a zipper....Read the rest...
Categories: whale, animal, silly,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Belly of the Whale
It isn’t what I wanted and yet, here I am Reluctant but obedient to the greater plan Did my share of running, tried so hard to break free But there is no escape… it’s all in the prophecy. See...Read the rest...
Categories: whale, bible,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Down the Whale-Road's Stream
Tides Billow The boats quake Her sailors scream Davy Jones' Locker Opened its grisly maws Who can hope for salvation? When the devils of the whale-road Cast down wretched tendrils of demise, Damning poor souls to their watery grave 'Lord!' They cry, 'Have mercy!' 'Deliver us' 'From this thunderstorm!' As...Read the rest...
Categories: whale, ocean, sea, storm, voyage,
Form: Etheree
First Encounter
Fierce winds blow across the Atlantic tide, Colder she gets the rougher she'll ride, In matt'r minutes a chill to the bone, Few dare sail her northern zone, Far north the whaling be done, Colder in account for the miss'n...Read the rest...
Categories: whale, boat, fishing, imagery, ocean,
Form: Rhyme

Demon from the abyss, clothed in angelic white
Mesmerising every soul, as a milk-white opal Opening its crooked jaw, showing the void within Birthed from fire and lust, in the bitter waters Yet, by its breath, it filters pale light from darkness Demon...Read the rest...
Categories: whale, animal, dark, evil, horror,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Having A Whale Of A Time
___________________________________________________________ As I sat ... ...Read the rest...
Categories: whale, appreciation, fish, Lullaby,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member A Real Boy
I walked beneath the ribcage of a giant whale; Encapsulated in the briney entrails of an empty long-dead being. Its grimace echoed in these halls of boned wall, Of which calcite chambers temper; Sturdy glass upon the shores. Licked by...Read the rest...
Categories: whale, age, courage, innocence, ocean,
Form: Free verse
Little Miss Moby
Sing a ballad of the sea, Men ponder at whales' brains, "What do you believe?" Whale watching is a hobby, Grey nomads splash their cash, Digital selfies on charter boats, Until appears Little Miss Moby, Under boats she breathes, Smashed the lot,...Read the rest...
Categories: whale, humor, ocean, sea,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member In the Belly of the Whale
darkness, like Jonah held in the belly of the whale, the end of a world; closed-in time in dark spaces - gives one, a hell of a time to think in the belly of the whale grew a...Read the rest...
Categories: whale, birth, child, dark, light,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member whale words
long days and nights upon this blue my best attempts to speak with you and still my studies can’t construe the basics of your tongue but oh...Read the rest...
Categories: whale, adventure, analogy, language, ocean,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Sandcastle
Seagull swim in sky Ocean drowns tan sandcastle Beached black whale dying...Read the rest...
Categories: whale, angst, beach, bird,
Form: Haiku
a Song In Dreamtime
Sing us a song oh giant of the deep, an ancient refrain to hear in our sleep, let no man silence you and your kin, if contemplated would be a sin. Across the oceans of our world, we hear your...Read the rest...
Categories: whale, analogy, animal, beautiful, deep,
Form: Rhyme
I Saw a Whale Today
You said that I should see a whale - a giant from the southern seas swimming song-lines up the coast, and so I came on board your boat to wait and look. You told me humpbacks follow ancient ocean-routes beyond their...Read the rest...
Categories: whale, animal, ocean, sea,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Sight to See
The water from the blow hole spewed. It’s hard to believe what then ensued. With his powerful tail and massive speed, The great humpback whale’s breaching was awesome to see. ...Read the rest...
Categories: whale, animal, beautiful, imagery, inspirational,
Form: Rhyme

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry