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Warblers Poems - Poems about Warblers

Warblers Poems - Examples of all types of poems about warblers to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for warblers.
Premium Member Mind Of The Heart
... “feeling not thinking, soul with love linking ~ we attained God consciousness unblinking” Nestled deep within the feel and touch of home this heart of love goes on a holiday ......Read the rest...
Categories: warblers, analogy, courage, cute love,
Form: Sonnet
Lamb To The Slaughter
...Gentle tributary of a hill-born river suburban lake caressed acres of fertile land - paddy rich, growing fields Schools of fish raced at depths water-birds, herons, egrets, warblers, mynas, ......Read the rest...
Categories: warblers, environment,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member In the Realms of Love
...In the realms of love, hearts are entwined and set alight, Emotions roam day and night, Dreams turn into reality, And a note saying take care as it's easy to lose your sanity. In this encha......Read the rest...
Categories: warblers, bird, emotions, love,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Winter's Coming Kiss
...A-rush In a feather ruffling frenzy cooling the flamboyant sunrise muffling the warblers with waffling winds chilling the audience in an ice-like stare your shivery essence ricochets throug......Read the rest...
Categories: warblers, december,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Bird-of-Paradise
... Silent warblers perch as garden’s crooners With crest-petalled wings flapping as banners All day long they exude unfading light That no woeful glooms conceal their brightness. ......Read the rest...
Categories: warblers, flower,
Form: Quatrain

Premium Member a flitting bouquet
...a flitting bouquet plumage versus foliage warblers on display ......Read the rest...
Categories: warblers, bird,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Night's Many Colors
...Mysterious blue as midnight moonlight spills on meandering dreams. Once butterflies' ball is done merlot bliss lies past the sun! Red Mars reveries join nights of mulberry rose camou......Read the rest...
Categories: warblers, beauty, color, flower, moon,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member THE BIRDS
... In the mountains it’s our tradition to delay our morning walk so we can listen to the morning choir that begins promptly at six-o’clock. Yes, at six-o’clock every morning without uttering a wor......Read the rest...
Categories: warblers, bird,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Fine New Day
..."I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart) I am never without it..." E.E. Cummings Hello my dearest darling, it was our time to wake, The rustic rooster had already roused my re......Read the rest...
Categories: warblers, love,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Jesting Jack, Jinxed Jill
...Jack and Jill were brother and sister, whose environs were hilly and green; And they groomed horses and worked in gardens, oft 'til a moonlight scene. They did daily chores on a farm, in ......Read the rest...
Categories: warblers, children, fairy, fantasy, farm,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Where's The Pink-Footed Goose
...Where's the pink-footed goose that evil-minded Warde tried to catch? Didn't the bird follow his shrieking horde? He was parched on the white oak over the small lake, On Monday he was startled by t......Read the rest...
Categories: warblers, anxiety, bird, dark, freedom,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member I Dreamt
...I dreamt of blue birds and buzzing bumble bees. I roamed with the bison herds, prayed with mantis on our knees, and butterflies in the breeze. I greeted the cheery chickadees, dragonf......Read the rest...
Categories: warblers, animal, bird, dream, environment,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Warblers Warble
... Once dormant seeds bloom in white, red and pink tulips with perfumed primrose on a green quilt. Basking in warmer weather, warblers warble a sweet chorus, perched on branches with......Read the rest...
Categories: warblers, spring,
Form: Etheree
Premium Member Write your lyrics through a refrain
...In realms where emotions restrain. Joy is sometimes followed by pain. The heart is fragile like the brain. Write your lyrics through a refrain. If life repaid all of your tears, would you be r......Read the rest...
Categories: warblers, emotions,
Form: Kyrielle
... Waterways, red cliffs, ancient underwater caves, back to the Pangea age, continents fused as one. I stand in the stardust of a million-year-old memory, a flutter of songbirds, a bouquet......Read the rest...
Categories: warblers, appreciation, earth, history, inspiration,
Form: Free verse

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