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Translators Poems - Poems about Translators

Translators Poems - Examples of all types of poems about translators to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for translators.
Premium Member UnSung InAuguration
...How does it feel to you when presidents proclaim anthro-supremacy exclusively made in one universal God's straight WesternWhite monotheistic over-Capitalized and stealth-marketed kleptocrat......Read the rest...
Categories: translators, culture, earth, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
...ADDENDA READING ALOUD Reading a poem silently ( as  compared to aloud)is the difference between staring at sheet music and playing the music on an instrument.Recitatio......Read the rest...
Categories: translators, philosophy, poetry,
Form: Didactic

Tower Of Babel
...Those chairmen are in the tower of babel again Painting and repainting the future of our land with crooked hands Laughing at things as the world pass us by. Those chairmen are in the tower of ......Read the rest...
Categories: translators, africa, black african american,
Form: Blank verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

I am sorry, Joanna, on behalf of the Nominative case
...These days, actors and singers serve my catapult mayhem, sometimes they are catalyst too! I sing in between their lines of songs their churned up recorded whims, hums, and candid cataracts! And......Read the rest...
Categories: translators, graduation,
Form: Free verse
Diplomatic Dancing
...I danced with an Alien At the Diplomat’s Summer Ball Though I’m not sure Dancing Correctly described it at all. A dancing partner with six feet And thirty six naked toes? Trying to be graceful ......Read the rest...
Categories: translators, fantasy, humor, science fiction,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member I'M a Christian, You'Re a Christian
...I’m a Christian; you’re a Christian; fine with me you don’t think so, You’re a child of God that loves you, “…Out of Jail…,” “Advance to Go,” No one says, “We’ve got no limits!” Boundaries? Of cour......Read the rest...
Categories: translators, faith, fun, life, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Therapeutic Justice
...Lori Gottlieb describes mental health mediators and dream translators prescribing more cost-effective therapeutic questions: Who am I? What do I want? What's in my natural health/spiritual we......Read the rest...
Categories: translators, community, culture, health, peace,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Come Pose With Me
...Composers compose Translators transpose Opponents oppose R.I.P. in repose... Lovers propose Doubters suppose Bikinis expose Writers juxtapose... So many wo......Read the rest...
Categories: translators, humor, language, word play,
Form: Monorhyme
I Hear Music Ancient Music
...I The Reeds rest in water by faith You may recall Baby Moses' name Or you may forget the Prince of Egypt And his name, "Up from Reeds" THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS Also sings to and in the Weeds Th......Read the rest...
Categories: translators, allegory, international, metaphor, music,
Form: Ekphrasis
Premium Member To Boldly Go
... Shatner's Star Trek: a true break-out show Well, except for the red shirts, you know? With their food replicators, Universal translators, To infinitives, they'd boldly go. ————— f......Read the rest...
Categories: translators, space,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Divinely Inspired By Psalm 23
...Exemplifying jubilant triumphant life-building partnership Sealed with remarkable intimate relationship Around blissful freedom-bound fellowship Upheld by care of loving leadership Des......Read the rest...
Categories: translators, appreciation, blessing, christian, faith,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Slow Gin and Astral Conversations
... "Slow Gin and Astral Conversations" A maze me? I’m the architect of my own destiny he beguiled her incessantly from the depths of his bottled up Carceri she ......Read the rest...
Categories: translators, dark, muse, symbolism,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Casting All 'My' Gods Aside
...Casting All 'My' Gods Aside! Let us cast Gods aside if false praise buys salvation, our actions make Grace less germane (bring us blessing), and pride (I am ‘saved’) mean......Read the rest...
Categories: translators, creation, faith,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Doctors of Industrious Divinity
...Dear Bishop Michael Cote, Doctor of Divinity through pre-historic untold ages through reborn renaissance stages through industriously energetic praises through enlightenment phases through empow......Read the rest...
Categories: translators, christian, green, health, nature,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Love of Earth History
...Love of history commences a health and pathology journey toward totalitarian terror and unitarian awareness, fragmented numbness of prey and integral consciousness of co-empathically benign pre......Read the rest...
Categories: translators, health, history, humanity, passion,
Form: Political Verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry