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Tongue Tied Poems - Poems about Tongue Tied

Tongue Tied Poems - Examples of all types of poems about tongue tied to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for tongue tied.
Premium Member Tongue Tied
For the winter carnival bundled up, frozen breath adds to anticipation; Steaming cappuccino filling my cup, the vertex of this warm celebration; Eliminate the need to be grown-up, tonight enjoy a childhood fixation; Indulge yourself in a ferris wheel ride, an event...Read the rest...
Categories: tongue tied, celebration, emotions, feelings, winter,
Form: Ottava rima
Premium Member Tongue Tied
It must be terrible… to be tied up in knots, what if it clots... how could one complain? Such a terrible shame, I can't help you loosen it... not even a little bit, maybe, just cut the cord? and let that...Read the rest...
Categories: tongue tied, extended metaphor, feelings, introspection,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Tongue-Tied Dispatches
In the realm of self-interest, a curious soul, Could not adhere stamps, sans wit owning a role. His tongue, like a rover in arid terrain, Lingered on whimsy, a scoffing refrain. Precision eluded, in blindfolded dance, Tongue...Read the rest...
Categories: tongue tied, fun, word play,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Tongue Tied
Whenever my speech simply stalls meet one of my biggest downfalls; They have been built high by curveballs; Forgive my walls, forgive my walls; It’s so hard for me to confide, I know that there’s nothing to...Read the rest...
Categories: tongue tied, emotions, feelings,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Love From a Tongue Tied Lover
You lie besides me deep in sleep. Moonlight beams light up your face. I stare at the dark contours of your face, your lips slightly apart, breathing softly in sleep. I whisper in your ear, softly, kindly, sweetly: I love...Read the rest...
Categories: tongue tied, love,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Tongue Tied By Spring's Splendid Scene
Sultry scents saturate spring's splendid scene, forsythia mists, flavored freshness careen. Lover's lilac blooms boom youthful as green. Lattice lace drapery veils Anne the Queen. Hyacinth's honey sweetness sifts so serene. Sky's cyan ceiling is swept and polished clean. Wire fence...Read the rest...
Categories: tongue tied, beautiful, creation, earth, flower,
Form: Monorhyme
Blank Greetings Card
I have things I want to say, But lined up in my mind Are a hopeless football team of words, Who’ve arrived all anyhow, the fools, Hung over, bootlaces undone, With no real idea or notion of the rules Confusing...Read the rest...
Categories: tongue tied, birthday, christmas, easter, friendship,
Form: Free verse
Tongue Tied With a Tiki
Tongue Tied with A Tiki What I did was to take off my tiny tiki, And what is left on body was my bikini, Told by tone, A party thrown On an island where men are a Meany. Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: tongue tied, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Tongue Tied
So I wanted to say Something nice To brighten your day But my tongue Got tied from Your beauty And all I could say was hello...Read the rest...
Categories: tongue tied, america,
Form: Free verse
Tongue-Tied Mumbling
tongue-tied mumbling of an anxious mind unable to think clearly unable to speak freely nervousness overtook the mind creating varying degrees of inconsistent interpretations that clouded my better judgment causing many indecisive decisions to be made creating...Read the rest...
Categories: tongue tied, feelings,
Form: Lyric
Tongue Tied
Tongue Tied Knots and twists, Coils upon coils. What a mess you make of me! How do you do this magical force To make me feel so strange Yet excited: a nauseous excitement: Reveling in utter bliss. I want to bask in your...Read the rest...
Categories: tongue tied, anxiety, cute love, devotion,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Tongue Tied Forms
Haiku do to you! Senryu come over today? Wear Kimo and Lay?...Read the rest...
Categories: tongue tied, introspection,
Form: Haiku
Tongue Tied
Ping,Pong,Pang; Zing,Zong,Zane, Sink, Shank, Shock, Out Of Mi Mind, Crazy, but Out Witted, By A Double turned, trim Peeling thought, I can't make sense, Totally Lost among that, Bing,bong,Bang; Thang, cause another Straight shooter, gave it away, but Only shoots mi disasters, play ground, Cling, clang,...Read the rest...
Categories: tongue tied, adventure, funny, imagination,
Form: Rhyme
Tongue Tied
Written eloquence exceeds capability of voiced utterance....Read the rest...
Categories: tongue tied, on writing and words,
Form: Haiku
Tongue Tied
I've been working on working this out, finding ways now just to open my mouth, to repair and relay all the words I couldn’t say to you and make you see that it’s not easy. Before, I'd ground these teeth...Read the rest...
Categories: tongue tied, angst, growing up, lost
Form: Dramatic Verse

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