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Rain Thunder Poems

These Rain Thunder poems are examples of Thunder poems about Rain. These are the best examples of Thunder Rain poems written by international poets.

I see, I watch, and I observe
I see, I watch, and I observe,
It's a hazy night.
The clouds have clouded the moon,
The moon vanishing, as if it were noon.

Though it's not a...

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Categories: thunder, appreciation, hope, inspiration, mental

Premium Member violent downpour
violent downpour
of disorderly toads blab
squishy lullaby

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Categories: thunder, animal, song,

Premium Member A BUOYANT FEEL
The wind cold and cutting, 
The rain razor sharp,
A lonely Willow tree drips sadly on a
Bench in the park,
The sky dances with flashing lightening,
My heart...

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Categories: thunder, fear,

The summer rain
It is in the hottest month of April,                 ...

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Categories: thunder, 10th grade, 8th grade,

Lightning Thunder
Lightning flashes
Thunder crashes
Lightning zooms
Thunder booms
Lightning zips
Thunder rips
Lightning zaps
Thunder claps
Lightning flares
Thunder blares
Lightning shocks
Thunder rocks
Lightning gleams
Thunder screams
Lightning glows
Thunder blows
Lightning lightens
Thunder frightens


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Categories: thunder, rain,

Premium Member Another Haiku

  Thunder rumbled sky
Pitter-patter of raindrops
       A fire crackles...

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Categories: thunder, beauty, dream, emotions, imagery,

The Slumbering Storm
Dark clouds gather slow 
A rumble in the distance sleeps 
Lightning's fiery kiss...

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Categories: thunder, nature, rain,

I crash and boom
People fear me 
I lash and loom
None come near me

I rock and roll
Children I scare
You can't control
My anger flare

Lightning's my bro
Rain's my...

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Categories: thunder, rain, sound,

Premium Member Thunder
"Be still my heart!" 
The thunder, the splatter, 
all the drenching liquid matter -- 

then the storm passes, 
and out come beautiful lasses,  

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© Joe Dimino  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: thunder, inspirational love, love, nature,

Premium Member The Thunder
The wildflowers begin to bend
Amid the fields' western end,
And in the distance, drumming
Telling you that I was coming 

Darker and darker drew the sky
The thirsty...

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Categories: thunder, nature, rain, sky, sound,

Premium Member Thunder
I will roar,
I am not a bore.
My loud sound may put you on the floor,
or hiding behind a door.
They tell children I am angels bowling,

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Categories: thunder, angel, child, fun, rain,

Premium Member Thunder
The thunder sounds from far away,
wild wind runs before it carrying whispers 
of the coming storm.

Clouds are dark and gray
like cloistered nuns escaping hell,
and bursting...

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Categories: thunder, nature,

Premium Member A Face Like Thunder POTD
I was a planetary climatologist, who studied climate variability and change,
Like sweet variability of stunning, green tulips, in lavish garden rearranged.

Studying the said effects on...

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Categories: thunder, fantasy, flower, imagery, nature,

Premium Member The Thunder Storm In November
One day we had rain
Then freezing rain
The following day 
A thunder storm came
The thunder was loud
Followed by lightening bright

It lasted all morning
Through the afternoon
With crackles...

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Categories: thunder, water,

For They Speak With Thunder
I stand barefoot eyes open sometimes closed but as I stare into the grey abyss that deluges rain and its oh divine potent power. It...

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Categories: thunder, appreciation, faith, horror, literature,

Book: Shattered Sighs