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Theme Poems - Poems about Theme

Theme Poems - Examples of all types of poems about theme to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for theme.
Premium Member querulous
( A university-life vignette) It’s Saturday morning. Lisa, Leong and I were in the common area, lazing about. “This is what happened to us (Lisa and I) last night.” I said, beginning to explain last night's...Read the rest...
Categories: theme, abuse, anxiety, funeral, humor,
Form: Free verse
The lid on panic - theme of emotional distress -
I'm dropped in the ocean awaiting a breath New fallen snow covering surely imminent death Fallen from grace by being lost in despair Afraid to scream for fear what else lies there Gritting my teeth to keep from...Read the rest...
Categories: theme, anxiety,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member A Theme Song For The Malcontent
A jukebox ending the silence masks the dialogue in your mind; That beat’s a saving grace, with a chorus left on repeat; Guitars that are louder than hell are fresh air that open those lungs; Finally you exhale, the sound explodes...Read the rest...
Categories: theme, emotions, feelings, music,
Form: Free verse
A Theme of Love
I listened through the distortion a tone unrecognized Queit and gentle sounds soothing pitches harmonized before the night an evening exchange happy to see you so glad you came have a good time sip and mingle some of folks would make you wish you were single let the...Read the rest...
Categories: theme, celebration, culture, dance, engagement,
Form: Acrostic
Whispers of Thrills
The rusted Ferris wheel, a skeletal hand, Points to a sky it can no longer command. Once, laughter echoed, joy on the breeze, Now silence reigns, whispered by the trees. The carousel horses, their paint chipped and worn, Dream of...Read the rest...
Categories: theme, fun, memory, sad,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member The Green Scene
Grass is green, they say it's true But green ain't just a simple hue Green's the colour, green's the life Green's the struggle, green's the strife Some folks green with envy's sting While others green up everything We green our planet,...Read the rest...
Categories: theme, earth, earth day, environment,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Second Theme
The sun is fading slowly, drinks are on the tray Midsummer days are still, with skies of blue and white The evening strawberries decline in cups of clay Petunias heady smell spreads out tonight It starts with...Read the rest...
Categories: theme, i miss you, memory,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Building Tension Theme Contest
1. Building Tension Did you ever stand on stage, behind the big curtain. Standing there peeking out from behind the curtain, watching the audience looking at the stage. Your knees are shaking, your mouth is going dry. Your thoughts are racing, will...Read the rest...
Categories: theme, anxiety, courage, happy, heart,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member John's Visit: Ephemera theme
Edit on line 7 There he was – my first boyfriend ever - leaning against the sports car of a friend who drove him over to my town to see me before I left for college even though we...Read the rest...
Categories: theme, boyfriend,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Now or Never - Any Theme
You are mine. Taste the wine. Hungry lips. Just take small sips. Chance one last dance. Moments enhance. Feels like romance. Could be forever. A last endeavor. Its now or never. Like two passing ships. Our lunar eclipse. ...Read the rest...
Categories: theme, romance,
Form: Rhyme
Rocky Balboa: Adrian's Theme Tribute
Categories: theme, appreciation, imagination, introspection, music,
Form: Prose Poetry
A New Theme Song
"a new theme song" always in the darkest of moments there remains life breathing and beating with fallen angels holding on carrying grace silently with unseen tears and alone doing what they do best showing their painted face every emotion...Read the rest...
Categories: theme, angel, endurance, happiness, light,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member How About a Flying Pig Theme
Dorothea always had a theme going On the inside and the outside of her house This quarter her theme was Candyland She had spent gobs of money on it We knew because we could hear the argument Her husband was...Read the rest...
Categories: theme, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Theme Fireworks Poet
The vision of colors Words that intensify with every varying assortment When it comes to spectacular, it’s the amazement in what is to come, and what was transcribed Beauty in every letter in what they provide Suppose with...Read the rest...
Categories: theme, america, appreciation, beauty, birthday,
Form: Rhyme
Tarro and Bissia
They want to invent a game that uses four teams drones, manuel wheel barrows boulders . teams who work from one end a lengthy area (feild or Lot) with objectives and rules. drones to delver (simulations) the project hasn't...Read the rest...
Categories: theme, business, character, inspiration, song,
Form: Ballad

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