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Teeny Poems - Poems about Teeny

Teeny Poems - Examples of all types of poems about teeny to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for teeny.

Premium Member itsy bitsy teeny weeny itty bitty and mr leany
Itsy-bitsy and itty-bitty were going to the fair. Teeny-weeny and Mr. Leany said “we’ll meet you there.” Had a strong drink that none of them could handle. We had to lead them home by horse, carriage and candle....Read the rest...
Categories: teeny, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Rhyme
The Teeny Weeny Arachnid
The teeny weeny arachnid crawled up my dingy wall. Little did he know this would turn into a brawl. Then I grabbed a shoe held it high above my head. And the teeny weeny arachnid is now officially dead. *Nearly two years ago,...Read the rest...
Categories: teeny, 1st grade, animal, childhood,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Teeny Weeny
It seems Scott was just a bit silly The North Pole is ever so chilly He’s gone for a burton And you can be certain He died with a very small Willy...Read the rest...
Categories: teeny, adventure, humorous,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Land of Teeny-Brites
In the land of Teeny-Brites, skies are never dark at night and castles high with moats afloat, are filled with itty-bitty boats. Skies of pink and turquoise blue, reflecting upon waters, true are filled with cotton candy clouds, that would make any...Read the rest...
Categories: teeny, children, fairy, myth, places,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Teeny Bopper Gangsta Pop Lyrics
Oom, bumba bumba bumba Oom, bumba boo Shoot the police and Shooby dooby doo. Oom, bumba bumba bumba Oom, wumba woo Shoot out on 42nd Doo wacka doo....Read the rest...
Categories: teeny, city, funny, humor, music,
Form: Lyric

Premium Member One Teeny Tiny Problem
Dutch cruller, rich and sweet, Belgium chocolates, nothing like them. Scottish kale, made into tasty broth. New England crab, pride of the Atlantic, Cuba’s sweet and sour daiquiri. America’s tastiest eggnog, made instantly sour by the sight of one small...Read the rest...
Categories: teeny, funny,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Teeny Tiny Heart
She had a teeny tiny heart It's like she had no heart at all Impossible to be broken The heart she had was way too small He thought if he could water it Perhaps like a seed it would grow He...Read the rest...
Categories: teeny, love,
Form: Quatrain
Teeny Weeny Little Star
Teeny Weeny Little Star Now I know what you are Why you live so high Up above in the sky Why you shine in the night Like a Diamond bright Will come to see you soon After I've been to ...Read the rest...
Categories: teeny, childhood, education, children, imagination,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things