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One Teeny Tiny Problem

Dutch cruller, rich and sweet, Belgium chocolates, nothing like them. Scottish kale, made into tasty broth. New England crab, pride of the Atlantic, Cuba’s sweet and sour daiquiri. America’s tastiest eggnog, made instantly sour by the sight of one small dead titter mouse. One teeny tiny mistake, but I may never drink eggnog again.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 9/26/2018 10:16:00 PM
Ooh, that would sour the eggnog. Oh well, there's still plenty of great beverages out there...have some hot chocolate with a dash of cinnamon.
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Krutsinger Avatar
Caren Krutsinger
Date: 9/27/2018 2:39:00 AM
I am running toward my chocolate closet right now, as that sounds amazingly wonderful.
Date: 9/26/2018 12:05:00 PM
Sometimes it doesn't take much! ;D
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Mcferran Avatar
Rhona Mcferran
Date: 9/27/2018 8:59:00 PM
Now that you mention it- I know exactly what you mean... (I tried hypnotherapy once years ago).
Krutsinger Avatar
Caren Krutsinger
Date: 9/26/2018 1:20:00 PM
I am a licensed hypnotherapist. To convince people to lose weight, we lead them through a meditation where they have to think of the foulest most horrible items they would ever find in their food and encourage them to picture dirty diapers, etc. in their favorite foods that they cannot say no to.
Date: 9/26/2018 10:22:00 AM
Caren, I do agree that is indeed a problem!! I was wondering where this was going, great write xxoo
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Krutsinger Avatar
Caren Krutsinger
Date: 9/26/2018 11:16:00 AM
Thank you Mike. When it turned on me, I said "YUCK!" but my muse has her own determined assertive sense of humor, and I have learned she cannot be swayed.

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