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Tech Poems - Poems about Tech

Tech Poems - Examples of all types of poems about tech to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for tech.
High Tech Courtship
Before, love letter Now, through chat box or texting So high tech courtship....Read the rest...
Categories: creation, perspective, relationship, technology,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Hi-Tech Bi-Peds
3 Rhymed By 3 Unrhymed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ unearth rough pages ...Read the rest...
Categories: tech, change, computer, future, imagery,
Form: Senryu

Premium Member Critterature: The Next High-Tech Generation
Imagine, if you possibly can, The primate called orangutan. A great many people admire his cuteness; They don't even seem to mind his hirsuteness. His arms are too long so his shirts never fit right, And his legs are so...Read the rest...
Categories: tech, animal, humor,
Form: Light Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Bellevue Tech
Well, those new vampire droids, are prototypes as of yet. Though it's reaching that point, says the Dean at, Bellevue Tech....Read the rest...
Categories: tech, analogy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member High Tech Lynching
"HIGH TECH LYNCHING" April 6, 2023, a dark and sad day in Tennessee history Black men striped of their first amendment right to tell their story The Declaration of Independence, states that "all men are created equal" But the...Read the rest...
Categories: tech, anger, betrayal, bullying, change,
Form: Rhyme

Phil the Tech Enthusiast
There once was a tech enthusiast, Name of Phil, and in him an obsession did persist. It was with his laptop that he couldn't part And so he took it, truly, everywhere...Read the rest...
Categories: africa, computer, technology,
Form: Rhyme
Tech Talk
I dig a spur of the moment into the feral flanks of a rocking horse. I belong to the stars and the wide-open anywhere. My heart belongs to Molly Maguire a colleen from the low bog country. No wait, this...Read the rest...
Categories: tech, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Tech Era
Energy Disregard gas Disregard wind farms Disregard solar panels Disregard electricity Forget wifi Forget electronics Forget iPones Forget laptops If only we could find a way to saddle the children vitality we’d be comfortable forever. Written: August 27, 2022...Read the rest...
Categories: tech, analogy, appreciation, children,
Form: Free verse
Want What
Want What Incoming objects form who knows where Back scatter over the horizon inverse synthetic aperture radar Picking them up far away not from here What are they where are they from Who is inside what do they want...Read the rest...
Categories: tech, destiny, inspiration, journey, sky,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Tech Age
Long ago and far away With toys children would play Fast forward to today They stare at I-phones all the day...Read the rest...
Categories: tech, nursery rhyme,
Form: Rhyme
Platforms of the Estranged
Words_ in my garden@ the edge of thorns. Population cultivation of shrapneled bones. My thoughts, mine, alone. My as she helixed the change of elixired kool aid and iced earth, Ayahuasca tea to drink under the crystal...Read the rest...
Categories: tech, analogy, confusion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Big Tech View On the First Amendment
If to our views, you don't align; You'll forfeit your right to post and opine. When with your ideas, we do agree; We grant you the right to speak free. Should your thinking be different we find, You must shut...Read the rest...
Categories: tech, abuse, bullying, corruption, language,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Hi-Tech Corruption
Their operations were smooth, enameled and HUED in pure colors. ...Read the rest...
Categories: tech, anxiety, business, corruption, family,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Living and Dying At Tech Terrace Park
Living & Dying at Tech Terrace Park David J Walker If I were a kite I would try to Fly over Tech Terrace Park in June It was the place where the Young girls from the campus Laid...Read the rest...
Categories: tech, memory, youth,
Form: Rhyme
Programing a Vcr and Other Terrors
Programing a VCR and other terrors In the old days I used to dread the chore of programing my VCR just never got the hang of doing that the VCR sat there taunting me begging me to do it to her but I just...Read the rest...
Categories: tech, age, america, angst, anxiety,
Form: Free verse

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