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“Good night, everyone!” One by one, they retreat to their rooms, Drifting into dreams, Resting for the day ahead. But I remain. In the dim glow of the living room, Laptop perched on a blue table, Wi-Fi connected, headphones on, Soft LoFi hums through Spotify— My only company. VS Code flickers to life. Electricity is nocturnal here, A fleeting guest that only stays at night. I must seize this moment. An hour passes— Then darkness. The fan stops, screens fade, Devices gasp for charge. I crack the window open, And the sound of crickets creeps in. Midnight. The world is asleep. Everyone—except two. A coder and his machine, Locked in silent dialogue, Building something that matters. I wish my laptop could talk, Wish it had a voice, But it only obeys, Processing instructions, Devoid of emotions. It cannot fill the silence, Cannot break the solitude. I exhale, My own breath, startling me. I make a sound— Just to be sure, I still can. Maybe I’m not lonely. Maybe I’m just alone. A lone wolf, Building his own pack.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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Date: 2/9/2025 5:05:00 AM
Thanks for sharing this... exposing your thoughts through your unique poetic style. Welcome to Poetry Soup. I welcome you with the love of the Lord, expressed by John 3:16 of the Bible, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Be blessed.
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